Information Technology
In: Computer Science, Technology and Applications
Intro -- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVE FEDERAL ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT -- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVE FEDERAL ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: CRITICAL FACTORS UNDERLYING SUCCESSFUL MAJOR ACQUISITIONS -- WHY GAO DID THIS STUDY -- WHAT GAO FOUND -- ABBREVIATIONS -- BACKGROUND -- IT Acquisition Best Practices Have been Identified by Industry and Government and Promoted by Legislation -- Prior GAO Work Has Identified IT Acquisition Management Weaknesses, Cost Increases, and Schedule Delays on Troubled Investments -- OMB Has Several Initiatives under Way to Improve the Oversight and Management of IT Investments -- SEVEN IT INVESTMENTS WERE REPORTED AS BEING SUCCESSFULLY ACQUIRED -- Commerce Decennial Response Integration System -- Defense Global Combat Support System-Joint Increment 7 -- Energy Manufacturing Operations Management Project -- Homeland Security Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative -- Transportation Integrated Terminal Weather System -- Treasury Customer Account Data Engine 2 -- Veterans Affairs Occupational Health Record-keeping System -- NINE FACTORS WERE COMMONLY IDENTIFIED AS CRITICAL TO THE SUCCESS OF MAJOR IT INVESTMENTS -- Program Officials Were Actively Engaged with Stakeholders -- Program Staff Had the Necessary Knowledge and Skills -- Senior Department and Agency Executives Supported the Program -- End Users and Stakeholders Were Involved in the Development of Requirements -- End Users Participated in Testing of System Functionality Prior to Formal End User Acceptance Testing -- Government and Contractor Staff Were Consistent and Stable -- Program Staff Prioritized Requirements -- Program Officials Maintained Regular Communication with the Prime Contractor -- Programs Received Sufficient Funding -- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS -- AGENCY COMMENTS AND OUR EVALUATION