2770 Ergebnisse
Information asymmetry and information sharing
In: Government information quarterly: an international journal of policies, resources, services and practices, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 827-839
ISSN: 0740-624X
Information asymmetry and information sharing
In: Government information quarterly: an international journal of policies, resources, services, and practices, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 827-839
ISSN: 0740-624X
Employee Mistreatment and Information Asymmetry
In: Unsal, O. (2021). Employee mistreatment and information asymmetry. International Journal of Managerial Finance.
Information Asymmetry and Insurance in Africa
In: Journal of African Business, 22(3), pp. 394-410.
Working paper
ESG Ratings and information asymmetry
Working paper
Information asymmetry and debt sustainability
Bulow and Rogoff (1989) proved that, in a competitive financial market, the threat of credit exclusion alone cannot sustain repayment of sovereign debt, as the defaulting government can still enter cash-in-advance insurance contracts. Phan (2016) extended the analysis to the case where the government has some private information about the underlying distribution of future economic shocks. He proved that, in a strategic environment where a sovereign trades with several competing foreign investors, there exists a perfect Bayesian equilibrium with signaling where a high type government repays some positive level of debt while the low type government prefers to default. The objective of this paper is to push forward the analysis in Phan (2016) in several directions. We first make a thorough analysis of the properties of the stationary value function and provide a rigorous proof of existence of a positive self-enforcing and not-too-tight debt limit in the model of Phan (2016). We then show that the repayment incentives at the endogenous debt limit are the same for both types of government. Finally, we refine the equilibrium concept in Phan (2016) by requiring investors' beliefs to be consistent with the government's strategies along the equilibrium path (as in Phan (2016)) but also out-of-equilibrium paths. We show that our refined equilibrium exists only if investors' belief about the government's future income is not too optimistic. ; Bulow and Rogoff (1989) provaram que, em um mercado financeiro competitivo, apenas a ameaça de exclusão de crédito não consegue sustentar dívida, pois o governo inadimplente ainda pode entrar em contratos de seguro "cash in advance". Phan (2016) estende a análise para o caso onde o governo possui alguma informação privada quanto à distribuição futura de dotações. Ele prova que, em um ambiente estratégico onde um soberano troca com vários investidores estrangeiros em competição, existe um equilíbrio Bayesiano perfeito onde repagamento de dívida é sustentado. O objetivo deste artigo é ...
Who gains from information asymmetry?
This article considers an asymmetric contest with incomplete information. There are two types of players: informed and uninformed. Each player has a different ability to translate effort into performance in terms of the contest success function. While one player's type is known to both players, the other is private information and known only to the player himself. We compare the Bayesian Nash equilibrium outcome of a one-sided private information contest to the Nash equilibrium with no private information, in which both players know the type of the other player. We show conditions under which uncertainty increases the investment of the uninformed player and the rent dissipation of the contest, while decreasing the expected net payoff of the informed player. In addition, we consider conditions under which the informed player - before knowing his own type - prefers that the uninformed player knows his type. Moreover, we show conditions for the existence/non-existence of equilibrium in a two-stage contest in which the informed player declares his type (or does not declare) in the first stage and in the second stage the two players play according to the information available to them.
Information Asymmetry in International Joint Ventures
In: The Indian economic journal, Band 54, Heft 2, S. 7-20
ISSN: 2631-617X
Information Asymmetry, Financialisation and Financial Access
In: International Finance.21(3), pp. 297-315 (2018). DOI: 10.1111/infi.12136 (July, 2018).
Working paper
Information Asymmetry and Gift Tax in Ghana
Working paper
Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Patent Pledge Records
In: Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Patent Pledge Records, in Patent Pledges: Global Perspectives on the Private Ordering Frontier of Patent Law, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited (Jorge Contreras & Meredith Jacob eds., Forthcoming)