Von der Industrial Ecology Science zum Industrial Ecology Management
In: Industrial Ecology Management, S. 43-56
2789 Ergebnisse
In: Industrial Ecology Management, S. 43-56
In: Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, Band 6, Heft 2
In: Industrial Ecology, S. 9-18
In: IEEE technology and society magazine: publication of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 18-26
ISSN: 0278-0097
The societal issues relevant to the subject of industrial ecology call for the participation of broadly educated engineers who can integrate their technology with the social, political, environmental, and economic aspects of its applications. This increase in the responsibility of traditional engineering to include the end-use, obsolescence, and disposition of technical products signals a new era for engineering education.
"Technology today is undergoing a rapid, unprecedented, and accelerating period of transformation. The implications of climate change, underpinned by geopolitics, for scientists and engineers are profound, as they and their societies attempt to harness these new technologies to address critical global environmental challenges, often without a full understanding of the long-term consequences. This textbook is designed to fill the gaps at a time of rapid changes in technology and the global environmental to develop sustainability situations. Written by world-renowned experts, this book comprehensively covers the broad spectrum of topics in sustainability science - industrial ecology, economic geology, environmental change, recycling and reuse, and sustainability - and brings readers up to date on the state-of-the-art. A feature of the book is the inclusion of worked examples in the text. Industrial ecology utilizes life cycle assessment (LCA), material flow analysis (MFA), matrix analytics, in-use stock derivation, and other mathematical and analytic tools; appropriate chapters include worked examples to illustrate their use, to develop reader-familiarity with the tools."
In: Studies on the social dimensions of industrial ecology
In: International journal of sustainability in higher education, Band 4, Heft 3
ISSN: 1758-6739
In: Industrial Ecology, S. 304-315
In: Industrial Ecology, S. 348-359
In: Industrial Ecology Management, S. 17-30
How can the Earth become fully industrialised without overwhelming natural systems? This is a book for those who wish to participate more effectively in today's attempts to implement appropriate strategies. The reader will more deeply understand: • recycling - after learning what happens to lead and cadmium in consumer products; • solar energy - after exploring a future based on biomass energy; • chemicals in agriculture - after being introduced to ecotoxicology and the global nitrogen cycle; • industrial innovation - after reading eye-witness accounts of new design principles and management practices on the shop floor; • international cooperation - after confronting conflicting perspectives of authors from several countries. The goal is to empower the citizen activist, the scholar looking for new challenges, the business leader determined to move beyond slogans in achieving the greening of industry, and the educated person everywhere who finds these issues too important to be left to others