Over the last 15 years, most of the World Bank studies have focused on development of standards governance indicators which do not take into consideration the realities of developing countries such as Tunisia. Many countries have adopted these indicators to measure their governance quality. Yet none, to our knowledge, has attempted to define its local governance indicators. The purpose of this study is to show the need for developing a local governance indicator. The following variables have been selected: contract intensive money, foreign direct investment, scientific and technical articles produced and budgetary policy of the State to elaborate a local governance indicator. Our results indicate that governance variables affect economic growth. According to our results, improving the financial sector, scientific research and State spending policy can enhance economic growth.
Contents -- Foreword: Eleanor B. Sheldon -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1. Kenneth C. Land and Seymour Spilerman: Introduction -- 2. Kenneth C. Land: Social Indicator Models: An Overview -- Replication Models -- 3. Arthur Stinchcombe and James C. Wendt: Theoretical Domains and Measurement in Social Indicator Analysis -- 4. James A. Davis: The Log Linear Analysis of Survey Replications -- 5. Otis Dudley Duncan: Measuring Social Change via Replication of Surveys -- 6. Beverly Duncan and Mark Evers: Measuring Change in Attitudes Toward Woman's Work
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An increase in population has led to the growth of traffic in India. To ease the traffic situation in the country and make travel convenient for the people, the government has introduced the metro rail in many cities. It is a cheap mode of travel, which helps in reducing the energy consumption, is eco friendly, and is the reason behind the prevention of accidents. The modern design of metro coaches, the stylish appearance of metro stations, and superior comfort facilities are some of the reasons why metro is becoming popular in India. Ashwini Waghmare | Masarrat Khan | Maliha Tabassum | Vishaka Nagarkar | Prof. Tasneem Hasan | Imran Ahmed "Nagpur Metro Indicator" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30305.pdf Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/computer-science/other/30305/nagpur-metro-indicator/ashwini-waghmare
In: IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.7, Issue 2, Page No pp.771-776, April 2020
2007 ; 1. Introduction -- 2. Household population and background characteristics of respondents -- 3. Fertility and reproductive health -- 4. Malaria -- Appendix A. Sample design and implementation -- Appendix .B. Estimates of sampling errors -- Appendix C. Data quality tables -- Appendix D. Persons involved in the 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey -- Appendix E. Questionnaires ; Ministry of Health, Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA), ORC Macro. ; "November 2007." ; "The 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey (AMIS 2006-07) was implemented by Consultoria de ServicÌœos e Pesquisas--COSEP, Consultoria, Lda. and Consultoria de Gestão e AdministracÌœão em SauÌ?de--ConsauÌ?de, Lda. from November 2006 to April 2007. All activities were coordinated closely with the Angola Ministry of Health and the National Malaria Control Program. Funding for the AMIS 2006-07 was provided by USAID/Angola, the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the UNDP-managed Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Macro International Inc. provided technical assistance through the MEASURE DHS project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). MEASURE DHS provides support for the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide." - t.p. verso ; "The 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey (AMIS) was conducted under the auspices of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) within the Ministry of Health (MOH). It was implemented by two private organizations, the Consultoria de ServicÌœos e Pesquisas-COSEP, Consultoria, Lda. and the Consultoria de Gestão e AdministracÌœão em SauÌ?de-ConsauÌ?de, Lda. This is the first survey of its kind in Angola, and the realization of a standardized household survey constitutes an important landmark in the reinclusion of the country into the international community. COSEP, Lda. and ConsauÌ?de, Lda. would like to acknowledge the organizations and individuals who contributed greatly to the successful completion of the 2006-07 AMIS. First of all, our thanks go to the Government of Angola for its commitment to mounting the country's first malaria survey; to the Angola Instituto Nacional de EstadiÌ?stica, for its support of the survey even though it was embarked on important national surveys at the time; to the MOH and NMCP for their contributions towards highlighting survey needs and also for graciously donating Coartem® medicine to treat affected individuals; and to the National Laboratory, for its involvement in the training and microscopic analysis of blood samples. The agencies are particularly grateful to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) for financial and technical support for the survey, to the Malaria Branch of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) for inputs to the survey design, and to Macro International for substantial technical assistance offered throughout the survey. Thanks also are due to the United Nations Development Programme and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) for supplementary funding and support at critical times." - p. vii ; Published also in Portuguese as: InqueÌ?rito de indicadores dea maÌ?laria : Angola 2006-07. ; Also available via the World Wide Web. ; Funding: "This publication was made possible through support provided by USAID under the terms of Contract No.; contract number: GPO-C-00-03-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID."--t.p. verso.; Includes bibliographical references (p. 39). ; Consultoria de ServicÌœos e Pesquisas--COSEP Lda., Consultoria de Gestão e AdministracÌœão em SauÌ?de--ConsauÌ?de Lda. [Angola], and Macro International Inc. 2007. Angola Malaria Indicator Survey 2006-07. Calverton, Maryland: COSEP Lda., ConsauÌ?de Lda., and Macro International Inc. ; "This publication was made possible through support provided by USAID under the terms of Contract No. GPO-C-00-03-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID."--t.p. verso.
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