Note on the characteristics of the profiles of dioxins and furans emitted in the combustion gases of domestic waste incineration plants ; Note sur les caractéristiques des profils de dioxines et furannes émis dans les gaz de combustion d'usines d'incinération d'ordures ménagères
Different mechanisms, grouped together and known as the Novo Synthesis, lead in the cooling phase of an incineration process to the reformation of polychloro- di-benzo (p) dioxins (PCDDs) and polychloro- di-benzo furannes (PCDFs), present in the emission gases. As part of the harmonisation of European legislation, the legislator introduced an upper limit value of 0,1 ng I-TEQ/m³ for the incineration sector. This value also creates the necessary efforts to purify gaseous discharges, high technical requirements for sampling and analysis, and for ensuring the quality of the result obtained. The very good reproducibility of the so-called 'incineration profiles' obtained for gaseous discharges from a household waste incineration plant offers a good opportunity to verify the plausibility of the result obtained and is therefore an important aspect of the quality assurance of the measure. ; International audience Several mechanisms, well known with the collective term « de novo-synthesis », are leading to the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo (p) dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in the flue gas downstream from combustion processes. Due to the harmonization of the EC legislation the limit value of 0.1 ng I-TEQ/m3 has to be met for the clean gas of hazardous waste incinerators and is likely coming up as a limit for municipal waste incinerators as well. This demands a lot of requirements not only referring to the flue gas cleaning devices but also to the sampling techniques, the analysis of PCDD/F and at least the overall quality assurance of the obtained results. The high reproducibility of the so called « combustion profiles » in the flue gas from municipal waste incinerators supplies an important contribution as a part aspect of the quality assurance. ; Different mechanisms, grouped together and known as the Novo Synthesis, lead in the cooling phase of an incineration process to the reformation of polychloro- di-benzo (p) dioxins (PCDDs) and polychloro- di-benzo furannes (PCDFs), present in ...