The article demonstrates how Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) geographic headings for the Southern Levant mirror the political investment of Congress and the American public in Middle East politics over the last thirty years. The headings' evolution as well as Library of Congress rules governing their creation is charted in detail. These LCSH headings contrast markedly with those established in other national libraries (BnF, DNB) and independent value vocabularies (TGN, GeoNames), and global opinion regarding the legal status of the occupied territories. I sketch the historical context of their formation and offer suggestions as to how libraries can "decolonize" their metadata in service of Sanford Berman's "access and equity."
A contract providing for an exchange of services falls within the concept of public procurement even where the remuneration provided for is limited to the partial reimbursement of the costs incurred in providing the agreed service. A two-stage evaluation of the tenders only during the award phase of the contract is admissible under an open procedure. If the evidence provided by the economic operator is considered sufficient in terms of corrective measures, the economic operator shall not be excluded from the procurement procedure. ; Un contrat prévoyant un échange de prestations relève de la notion de marché public même lorsque la rémunération prévue est limitée au remboursement partiel des frais encourus pour fournir le service convenu. Une évaluation en deux temps des offres au cours de la seule phase d'attribution du marché est admissible dans le cadre d'une procédure ouverte . Si en matière de mesures correctrices, les preuves fournies par l'opérateur économique sont jugées suffisantes, celui-ci n'est pas exclu de la procédure de passation de marché.
Summary The article is derived from research aimed at understanding the design of educational practices in civic training. The study's approach was descriptive and understandable, as it was intended to describe the features of three significant experiences to understand its senses and meanings. The theoretical perspective of analysis was socio-constructionism. The methodological design was a case study and, as data collection techniques, in-depth interviews were applied to teaching staff leading the experiences; semi-structured to the managerial staff, coordinator, teachers, mothers and fathers of the student, and focus groups on the student. The data were processed using Content Analysis. The findings made it possible to understand that experiences mobilise interdisciplinary work, that the political training of students is the main concern of teaching staff, and confirmed training processes that shift from civic education with a focus on civilisation towards civic training that promotes participation and decision-making. However, there is a need to strengthen teacher networks to exchange experiences and knowledge that enrich discussion and debate in citizen training, in order to form research seedbeds aimed at educating students. ; Resumen El artículo se deriva de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue comprender la configuración de prácticas educativas en formación ciudadana. El enfoque del estudio fue descriptivo-comprensivo, ya que se pretendía describir los rasgos de tres experiencias significativas para comprender sus sentidos y significados. La perspectiva teórica de análisis fue el socioconstruccionismo. El diseño metodológico fue estudio de caso y, como técnicas de recolección de datos, se aplicaron entrevistas a profundidad al personal docente líder de las experiencias; semiestructuradas al personal rector, coordinador, al profesorado y a las madres y los padres del estudiantado, y grupos focales al estudiantado. Los datos se procesaron mediante el Análisis de Contenido. Los hallazgos permitieron ...
Abstract: In this paper we analyze the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on export flows among a panel of 27 countries throughout the 1994/01-2014/12 period. In order to do this, we apply a panel vector autoregressive model approach. By dividing the panel into two subgroups that involve manufacturing-exporting and commodity-exporting economies, we observe a different effect of exchange rate uncertainty on exports. This has a negative impact in manufacturing-exporting countries, but does not affect commodity exporting countries. This result appears to be explained by countries' economics characteristics, involving the flexibility or rigidities of the export adjustment arising exchange rate uncertainty.
under the leadership of Professor André Lucas The study aims to determine the feasibility of a mechanism for remunerating authors and holders of related rights for the non-commercial exchange of their works on the internet. ; sous la direction du professeur André Lucas L'étude a pour objet de déterminer la faisabilité d'un dispositif permettant de rémunérer les auteurs et titulaires de droits voisins en contrepartie de l'échange non marchand de leurs oeuvres sur internet.
This search paper is based on a few concepts of green or environmental communication in order to identify, at all, reprehensible facts relating to the pollution of transboundary waters of the Rusizi River shared by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Burundi. Green communication aims to exchange and inform about a variety of specific environmental events that are significant enough to be noticed and remarkable to attract attention (Th. Libaert, 2017). This study focuses on socio-cultural and economic, geopolitical and ecological aspects of the transboundary waters of Rivière Rusizi (and Lake Kivu). The latter, in return for and in the light of sustainable development, hydropower production and the conservation of cross-border ecosystems, must be rationally managed in such a way as to enable present generations to meet their needs without preventing future generations from meeting their own needs. The approach used in this investigation comes from the city of Bukavu (DRC) and not from neighbouring countries. The theoretical and conceptual aspects of the study address customary environmental management concepts, including the concepts of biodegradability and eco-citizenship, the need for eco-gestures, etc. The green communication is also frightened as a pre-text for the rational management of transboundary waters in Rusizi. Obvious effects of erosion in the city of Bukavu, amplified by a deficient household waste management policy, result in considerable pollution that diverges from transboundary waters and the hydroelectric productivity of two dams erected on this river, which is also an outlet of Lake Kivu. The pollution of Lake Kivu does not affect only Lake Kivu and its outflow, as they flow into the Atlantic, through Lake Tanganyika, the Lukuga and Lualaba rivers and the Congo.Thus, the natural factors threatening the environment and ecosystems in this specific case would be aggravated by other anthropogenic factors identified in this study and threaten natural resources and ecosystems shared ...
The euro crisis shed lights on the nature of alternative adjustment mechanisms in a monetary union characterized by a large heterogeneity. Exchange rate adjustments being impossible, it remains very few efficient alternative mechanisms. At the level of the whole eurozone the euro is close to its equilibrium parity. But the euro is strongly overvalued for Southern European countries, France included, and largely undervalued for Northern European countries, especially Germany. This paper gives a new evaluation of these exchange rate misalignments inside the eurozone, using a FEER approach, and examines the evolution of competitiveness. In a second step, we use a two-country SFC model of a monetary union with endogenous interest rates and Eurobonds issuance. Three main results are found. Firstly, facing a competitiveness loss in southern countries due to exchange rates misalignments, increasing intra-European financing by banks of northern countries or other institutions could contribute to reduce the debt burden and induce a partial recovery but public debt would increase. Secondly, the implementation of Eurobonds as a tool to partially mutualize European sovereign debt would have a rather similar positive impact, but with a public debt limited to 70 percent of GDP. Finally, Eurobonds could also be used to finance large European projects which could impulse a stronger recovery in the entire zone with stabilized current account imbalances. However, the creation of a European institution in charge of the issuance of the Eurobonds would face strong political obstacles.
France is currently embarking on the path of personalized advertising on television. The idea is to give traditional media access to a financing model that is very common online and is considered much more lucrative than traditional "contextual" advertising. It requires a precise knowledge of the recipients' interests: it is a complete and individualized profile that is sold to the advertiser. At the same time, however, a number of decisions handed down by personal data protection authorities on the basis of the GDPR raise doubts as to whether this business model can continue. Although it is not expressly prohibited by European texts, it is caught in the vice by successive decisions rendered on the lawful basis of processing. It seems difficult to continue to base personalized advertising on the "consent" of Internet users or viewers. "Legitimate interest" also seems to be a dead end. What about "necessity for the performance of the contract"? The answer is complex and uncertain. Thus, in small steps, without much ado, we risk ending up with a de facto ban on a business model that is now titanic. Perhaps it would have been preferable to reach this result at the end of a frontal political and social debate, rather than as a result of a pile of apparently technical decisions.
Over the past decade, African agriculture sectors have been the object of numerous initiatives advancing a 'new' Green Revolution for the continent. The low productivity of African small-holders is attributed to the low use of modern, improved agricultural inputs. In short, African countries are expected to catch up with the Green Revolution in other parts of the world. This paper is a contribution to the debate on the new African Green Revolution. We analyse the Rwandan Crop Intensification Program (CIP) as a case-study of the application of the African Green Revolution model. The paper is based on research at the macro, meso and micro level. We argue that the CIP fails to draw lessons from previous Green Revolution experiences in terms of its effects on social differentiation, on ecological sustainability, and on knowledge exchange and creation. ; Pendant les dernières dix années, les secteurs agricoles des pays Africains ont connu un nombre important d'initiatives pour la promotion d'une 'nouvelle' Révolution Verte pour le continent. A cause de la faible productivité de leurs activités agricoles, en fait, il est demandé aux petits producteurs africains de rattraper leur désavantage par rapport aux pays de la Révolution Verte. Cet article est une contribution au débat sur la nouvelle Révolution Verte en Afrique. L'article analyse le Programme d'Intensification des Cultures rwandais (Crop Intensification Program, CIP) en tant qu'étude de cas de l'application du modèle de la Révolution Verte. La discussion présentée dans cet article dérive d'un effort de recherche à trois niveaux : macro, meso et micro. L'analyse révèle que le CIP ne prend pas en considérations les résultats des expériences précédentes de Révolution Verte, en particulier pour ce qui concerne des questions de différentiation sociale, de durabilité environnementale et de création et diffusion des connaissances.
[ES] This article describes the CYTMAR I and II field campaigns carried out in spring and summer 1997 in order to study the physical, biological and chemical processes and flows in the Ebro Delta area, both in the estuarine section of the river and in the freshwater plume formed near the mouth. Here the study has focused on the estuarine area, presenting some preliminary results and analysing the seasonal differences observed. This work is part of the FANS project (contract No. MAS3-CT95-0037) of the European Union's MAST-III programme and of the MAR96-1856 project of the CYTMAR programme of the Interministerial Commission on Science and Technology (CICYT). The contribution of all those who participated in the field campaigns is also appreciated. Finally, it is worth noting the collaboration of the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation, which provided the river flow data and CEDEX's Centre for Ports and Coastal Studies (CEPYC), which provided some of the equipment used in the campaigns. Sierra Pedrico, JP.; González Del Rio Rams, J.; Flos Bassols, J.; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, A.; Movellán Mendoza, E.; Knee, M.; Mösso Aranda, C. (2001). Measurement of physical, biological and chemical parameters in the estuarine section of the river Ebro. Water engineering. 8 (4): 459-468. Ibáñez, C. (1993). Hydrological dynamics and ecological functioning of the estuarine section of the river Ebro. Doctoral thesis, University of Barcelona, 196 pp. Velasco, M.J. (1998). Description of hydro-biogeochemical processes in the Ebro Delta. Graduation tesine. Universitat Politècía de Catalunya, 133p. ; 459 468 8 4 ; [ES] This article describes the CYTMAR I and II field campaigns carried out in spring and summer 1997 in order to study the physical, biological and chemical processes and flows in the Ebro Delta area, both in the estuarine section of the river and in the freshwater plume formed near the mouth. Here the study has focused on the estuarine area, presenting some preliminary results and analysing ...
This article shows that no social situation of transgression has "natural" ownership, even if it concerns elites, it can be perceived as a "problem", as a "affair" or as a "scandal". Each of these social qualifications is the result of the combination of four variables: the degree of breach of a standard; whether or not there are victims and damage; the degree of responsibility attributed to authors; the social response awaited. The empirical analysis of a press file concerning a case of stock exchange fraud involving political actors highlights three phenomena. First of all, in the media space there are at the same time co-existence of the various possible qualifications of the same event. Secondly, the overall evolution of speeches over a period of six years shows the decrease in arguments denouncing a political scandal in favour of technical and economic arguments. Finally, changes in the content of each newspaper reflect the changes in their analyses according to their editorial line. ; This article shows that no social situation of deviance has natural "properties", even when it concerns elites. It can be considered as a "problem", an "affair" or a "scandal". Each of those social qualifications is the result of four complementary variables: the degree of violation to the norm, the existence or not of victims and damage, the degree of attributed responsibility to the defendants, and the foreseen social reactions.The empirical analysis of a press kit dealing with a case of insider trading fraud including political actors highlights three phenomena. First, different possible qualifications co-exist in the media on the same event. In addition, the global evolution of discourses on the course of six months illustrates the decrease in arguments denouncing a political scandal and the increase of economic and technical arguments. Finally, the evolution of the content of each newspaper clarifies their analytical changes according to their editorial lines. ; This article shows that no social situation of ...
It has been demonstrated that the adoption of international accounting standards has led to different impacts on information submitted by Argentinian companies. This process that, in our environment, materialised since 2012 with the presentation of companies' interim and annual financial statements, has already taken place in more than a hundred countries in the world, with different implications. It has been found that the decision taken by countries to move towards the implementation of IFRS/IFRS and the adoption process carried out by companies have had different consequences. In Argentina, according to research, the impact has occurred on medular accounting items (Utilities — Property, Plant and Equipment, Exchange Goods — Inventories, Biological Assets, Intangible Assets, Sales Income, Sales Costs, etc.). The process of adopting IFRS in Argentina reveals the importance of better information for users and reflection on the need to generate presentation models in accordance with the characteristics of companies, giving preference to user decision-making. Centre for International Accounting Studies (CECIN) ; Se ha demostrado que la adopción de los estándares internacionales de contabilidad ha producido distintos impactos en la información presentada por empresas argentinas. Este proceso que en nuestro medio se vio materializado a partir de 2012 con la presentación de los estados financieros intermedios y anuales de empresas, ya ha tenido lugar en más de un centenar de países en el mundo, con distintas implicancias. Se ha comprobado que la decisión tomada por los países de recorrer el camino hacia la implementación de NIIF/IFRS así como el proceso de adopción realizado por las empresas ha tenido distintas consecuencias. En Argentina el impacto, según investigaciones realizadas, ha ocurrido en elementos contables medulares (Bienes de uso – Propiedades, planta y equipo, Bienes de cambio - Inventarios, Activos biológicos, Activos Intangibles, Ingresos por ventas, Costos de ventas, etc.). El proceso de adopción de ...
4270 4276 196 9 ; S ; [EN] The influence of different application-oriented factors on the electrochemical activity and stability of TbBaCo3ZnO7+delta when used as a solid oxide fuel cell cathode has been studied. Calcination at temperatures above 900 degrees C (e.g. 1000 degrees C) leads to a significant increase in the electrode polarization resistance. The effect of the sintering temperature of the TbBaCo3ZnO7+delta cathode seems to be more important than the effect produced by the Tb substitution as observed when compared with 900 degrees C-sintered YBaCo3ZnO7+delta; and ErBaCo3ZnO7+delta electrode performances. The presence of CO2 in the air flow leads to an increase of roughly 10% in the polarization resistance for the whole studied temperature range (500-850 degrees C) while this effect is reversible. Analysis of the impedance spectroscopy measurements shows that the exchange rate constant (k(G) from Gerischer element) is significantly affected by CO2 at temperatures below 700 degrees C, while the diffusion coefficient related parameter is slightly influenced at low temperatures. Electrode degrades with a low constant rate of 1 m Omega cm(2) h(-1) after 60h. This cathode material exhibits high CO2 tolerance, as shown by temperature programmed treatment under a continuous gas flow of air with 5% CO2, and a relatively low thermal expansion coefficient. Financial support by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant UPV-2007-06), the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (Project ENE2008-06302), the EU through FP7 NASA-OTM Project (NMP3-SL-2009-228701), and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres through the Helmholtz Alliance MEM-BRAIN (Initiative and Networking Fund) is kindly acknowledged. The revision of this paper was funded by the Politecnica de Valencia. The authors wish to thank S. Jimenez for material preparation. Vert Belenguer, VB.; Serra Alfaro, JM. (2011). Study of CO2 stability and electrochemical oxygen activation of mixed conductors with low thermal expansion coefficient ...
Peer reviewed ; The scientific debate on how to make visible the linkages between the standard System of National Accounts (SNA) and its ongoing satellite System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA) is a challenge which is still pending. In previous publications we measured selected ecosystem accounting variables associated with Mediterranean forests and woodlands at market prices and simulated exchange prices in terms of ordinary net value added (NVA), ecosystem services (ES), environmental asset (EA), changes in environmental asset (CEA) and environmental income (EI) based on the experimental Agroforestry Accounting System (AAS). In this study, we applied 'own refined SNA' (rSNA) and SEEA-EEA (rSEEA-EEA) and a simplified AAS (sAAS) to measure the aforementioned environmental variables at basic and social prices for 15 economic activities considered in 1,408 thousand hectares of the predominantly mixed Holm oak open woodlands (HOW) in Andalusia-Spain. We incorporate the government institutional sector and environmental income in the rSNA and rSEEA-EEA. The government is perceived as the collective owner of public economic activities. Our objectives are to measure and discuss consistencies in total environmental incomes accruing from the results of the ecosystem accounting frameworks applied to HOW. The discrepancies in government institutional sector ecosystem services between rSEEA-EEA and sAAS are due to the omission in the former ecosystem accounting approach of the public farmer voluntary opportunity cost and government manufactured costs incurred in the supply of public final products enjoyed free by the consumers. The most relevant findings of this study are, firstly, that the EI of individual products for the period valued at social prices corresponds with the sustainable economic ecosystem services (except for private amenity), and according to the HOW scheduled modeling of future resource management, the EI also shows physical sustainability of individual ...
This report presents the findings of a survey conducted by the Erasmus+ KA3 project EVOLVE ( on the awareness and use of Virtual Exchange (VE) in Higher Education across Europe, primarily on the basis of data from universities belonging to the Coimbra Group and SGroup university networks.VE is an educational practice based on sustained, technology-enabled communication and interaction between individuals or groups of learners from geographically separated and/or different cultural backgrounds. This type of online collaborative learning, which can be either in the form of class-to-class exchanges supported by university teachers or in the form of group exchanges facilitated by external exchange providers, is promoted by the EU as a tool for inclusion and to offer more young people an international experience. It also links up with institutional strategies and policies of 'internationalisation at home' and internationalising the curriculum. Finally, it is regarded as a tool to enhance students' employability in terms of transversal skills which employers seek, including foreign language proficiency and intercultural competence, and digital and collaboration skills.Our study found that VE is not yet widely known as educational practice by key stakeholders in implementation, such as educators, educational supporters, internationalisation officers and policy officers and managers. Policy officers and managers show a slightly higher degree of awareness, but this may partly be due to the fact that they associate VE with virtual mobility or online learning more generally.VE is not yet used on a large scale by respondents in our sample. The main disciplines where it is implemented and understood are in Education; Arts and Humanities (especially languages); and Social sciences, journalism and information. Implementation, however, is not restricted to these areas and covers most other disciplines distinguished by our study.Support, when it is provided, is normally in the form of technical and ...