The article demonstrates how Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) geographic headings for the Southern Levant mirror the political investment of Congress and the American public in Middle East politics over the last thirty years. The headings' evolution as well as Library of Congress rules governing their creation is charted in detail. These LCSH headings contrast markedly with those established in other national libraries (BnF, DNB) and independent value vocabularies (TGN, GeoNames), and global opinion regarding the legal status of the occupied territories. I sketch the historical context of their formation and offer suggestions as to how libraries can "decolonize" their metadata in service of Sanford Berman's "access and equity."
In the United States and Latin America, a series of changes and debates on drug policy are taking place, calling into question the approaches that have dominated this area characterised by prohibitionism and criminalisation of consumption and concentrating on the reduction of supply and the militarisation of the means used to combat it. In this context, we briefly review some instances of this recent defeat, taking into account US domestic policy and Latin American demands for change in the context of inter-American ties. Department of North America. Institute for International Relations ; En Estados Unidos y América Latina están teniendo lugar una serie de cambios y debates relativos a la política de drogas que ponen en cuestión aquellos enfoques que han dominado esta área caracterizados por el prohibicionismo y criminalización del consumo y concentrados en la reducción de la oferta y la militarización de los medios utilizados en su lucha. En este marco, repasamos de forma breve algunas instancias de este reciente derrotero tomando con referencia la política doméstica norteamericana y las demandas latinoamericanas de cambio en el contexto de los vínculos interamericanos. Departamento de América del Norte. Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
The first part of this article deals with the French renewable energy development policy, with particular emphasis on the biomass, and describes the measures (calls for tender from the Energy Regulation Commission and the 'heat fund') aimed at stepping up demand for biomass. The article then goes on to investigate the development of wood supply in French forests and briefly reviews the various measures implemented since the Grenelle environmental agreement (grouped management provisions for forests, tax incentives, etc.). ; Cet article aborde dans un premier temps la politique française du développement des énergies renouvelables, particulièrement la place de la biomasse, et présente les mesures (appels d'offre de la commission de Régulation de l'Énergie et du fonds chaleur) visant à renforcer la demande pour la biomasse. L'article traite ensuite du développement de l'offre de bois dans le contexte de la forêt française et passe brièvement en revue les diverses mesures prises depuis le Grenelle de l'environnement (modalités de gestion forestière groupées, mesures fiscales…).
This comparative diagnosis of eleven Inrigation Management and Management Companies (SAGI), is the result of work carried out in the context of the Roles and place of the planning companies in the development of irrigation in West Africa, which is rooted in the governance of irrigated systems of COSTEA, the Scientific and Technical Committee for Agricultural Water, financed by the AFD and led by AFEID. This project comes at a time when the Sahelian states are experiencing a relaunch of investment in irrigation, but the existing models are being questioned. The aim of this work is to share an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a type of organisation through which public irrigation policies are put in place in the area, the 'Société d'Aménagement'. ; Ce diagnostic comparé de onze Sociétés d'Aménagement et de Gestion d'Irrigation (SAGI), est le résultat d'un travail conduit dans le cadre du chantier Rôles et place des sociétés d'aménagement dans le développement de l'irrigation en Afrique de l'Ouest, qui s'ancre dans l'axe Gouvernance des Systèmes Irriguées du COSTEA, Comité Scientifique et Technique Eau Agricole, financé par l'AFD et animé par l'AFEID. Ce chantier intervient au moment où les états sahéliens connaissent une relance des investissements dans l'irrigation mais où les modèles existants sont questionnés. Ce travail vise à partager une analyse des forces et faiblesses d'un type d'organisation au travers de laquelle les politiques publiques de l'irrigation sont mises en place dans le territoire, la'Société d'Aménagement'.
International audience The first part of this article deals with the French renewable energy development policy, with particular emphasis on the biomass, and describes the measures (calls for tender from the Energy Regulation Commission and the 'heat fund') aimed at stepping up demand for biomass. The article then goes on to investigate the development of wood supply in French forests and briefly reviews the various measures implemented since the Grenelle environmental agreement (grouped management provisions for forests, tax incentives, etc.). ; Cet article aborde dans un premier temps la politique française du développement des énergies renouvelables, particulièrement la place de la biomasse, et présente les mesures (appels d'offre de la commission de Régulation de l'Énergie et du fonds chaleur) visant à renforcer la demande pour la biomasse. L'article traite ensuite du développement de l'offre de bois dans le contexte de la forêt française et passe brièvement en revue les diverses mesures prises depuis le Grenelle de l'environnement (modalités de gestion forestière groupées, mesures fiscales…).
the purpose of this article is to identify how the political and technical governance of French projects can lead to efficiency or, on the contrary, blockages for billettic solutions implemented in urban transport. What overall can be drawn from the projects for multimodal billettic solutions implemented in France over the last 10 years? The first part shows that, while there is no shortage of multimodal card initiatives, in most cases they only partially take into account customer expectations. The second part examines the context of project management and in particular its decision-making and historical policy framework in relation to developments in territorial governance. The political decision-making framework, the competences implemented by the various institutional actors, very much influence the ambition of the project and its ability to meet the mobility needs of travellers. Finally, the third part proposes two modes of operational governance of multimodal ticketing projects in which most of the projects are found. Depending on the management mode and the level of integration of decision-making, many blocking points can be lifted in the interest of users, particularly in terms of distribution and customer relationship management. ; L'objectif de cet article est d'identifier comment les gouvernances politiques et techniques des projets français peuvent être sources d'efficacité ou au contraire de blocages pour les solutions billettiques mises en œuvre dans les transports urbains. Quel constat global peut-on tirer des projets de solution billettique multimodale mis en œuvre ces 10 dernières années en France ? La première partie montre que si les initiatives en matière de cartes multimodales ne manquent pas, celles-ci, le plus souvent, ne prennent que partiellement en compte les attentes clients. La deuxième partie examine le contexte de la gestion des projets et notamment son cadre politique en matière de prise de décision et historique par rapport à l'évolution de la gouvernance du territoire. Le cadre ...
Recent studies in the anthropology of Islam have called for a new understanding of the relationship between global forms of Islam and local priorities, new ideologies and everyday religious experience. This article addresses these concerns in the context of Uyghur society in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China where communities are increasingly engaging with transnational currents of Islamic ideology, and increasingly under pressure from the state that conflates religiosity with anti-state activity and extremist terrorism. The article focuses on Islamic media, in particular at the ways in which rural Uyghur women experience and reproduce globalized forms of Islamic media. It aims to understand how the most marginalized sectors of society are engaging with these changing religious ideologies and practices. The theoretical frame draws on notions of the 'soundscape', which explore the ways in which sound, practices of listening and perceptions of sound, may be central to making sense of the world around us.
Focusing on the two fundamental dimensions underlying stereotype content (warmth/competence), the major aim of the present research was to test implicit stereotyping toward persons with disability. We hypothesized that persons with disability are associated with less warmth than persons without disability and with less competence, especially when a competence-relevant context is activated (work context). Three experimental studies were conducted using two different priming paradigms: conceptual priming (Study 1) and evaluative priming (Studies 2 and 3). In Study 3, context (work vs. control) was introduced as an additional factor. Our results showed that persons with disability were systematically associated with less warmth than persons without disability, and with less competence when priming a work context. These results provide a more comprehensive understanding of discriminatory behaviors toward people with disability, despite legislation promoting equal rights.
United Kingdom and Ireland membership of EU has provided the context for several dimensions in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Concerns have been raised that the Withdrawal from the EU could lead to hard border between Ireland and orthern Ireland, thus jeopardising the Good Friday Agreement. The paper analyses, on the one hand, the direct and indirect influence of the European Union in the orthern Ireland peace process with the aim of exploring the areas that could potentially been compromised by Brexit. On the other hand, the article reviews the prominent position that Northern Ireland has occupied in the Brexit negotiations and the obstacles faced by the UK in order to get the Agreement approved by the UK Parliament. The conclusions point to some already visible effects of the process. La común pertenencia del Reino Unido y de Irlanda a la UE ha servido de contexto para numerosas dimensiones del proceso de paz en Irlanda del Norte. La retirada de la UE ha suscitado preocupación acerca de la posible implantación de una frontera rígida entre Irlanda e Irlanda del Norte y los riesgos que entrañaría para el Acuerdo del Viernes Santo. El trabajo analiza, por un lado, la influencia directa e indirecta de la UE en el proceso de paz de Irlanda del Norte con el fin de ofrecer una visión de los ámbitos que se podrían ver afectados por el Brexit. Por otro lado, el artículo sintetiza la importancia que la situación de Irlanda del Norte ha revestido en las negociaciones del Brexit y las dificultades experimentadas por el Reino Unido para obtener la aprobación parlamentaria. Las conclusiones, finalmente, apuntan algunos efectos visibles del proceso.
bibliometry is one of the most rapidly evolving topics within the doctoral services of the Paris-Saclay University (UPSaclay), driven by the strategic steering needs of an institution in the process of being set up, but also by the questions it raises in the overall research context. UPSaclay, a public experimental establishment which brings together under the same scientific signature almost 300 laboratories. ; La bibliométrie est l'un des sujets qui a évolué le plus rapidement au sein des services de documentation de l'université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), sous l'effet des besoins de pilotage stratégique d'un établissement en cours de constitution, mais aussi des questionnements qu'elle suscite dans le contexte global de la recherche. L'UPSaclay, établissement public expérimental regroupant sous une même signature scientifique près de 300 laboratoires iss …
The article analyses the latest developments, transformations and prospects for the Lower region — including Romania and Bulgaria — in the geopolitical, historical and cultural context of the new Europe, since the past, including the changes that have taken place since 1989 and to the present day, with the resulting difficulties with regard to the forthcoming integration into the world of Western values: the NATO Atlantic Alliance and, above all, the European Union. This has an impact on developments, historical and cultural heritage and the assessment of these changes, as well as on the characteristics of the new political and economic system and on the backwardness of reforms. Despite the uncertainties surrounding the region's scenario, the analysis also suggests some optimistic prospects. ; Peer reviewed ; The article analyses the latest developments, transformations and prospects for the Lower region — including Romania and Bulgaria — in the geopolitical, historical and cultural context of the new Europe, since the past, including the changes that have taken place since 1989 and to the present day, with the resulting difficulties with regard to the forthcoming integration into the world of Western values: the NATO Atlantic Alliance and, above all, the European Union. This has an impact on developments, historical and cultural heritage and the assessment of these changes, as well as on the characteristics of the new political and economic system and on the backwardness of reforms. Despite the uncertainties surrounding the region's scenario, the analysis also suggests some optimistic prospects. ; El artículo analiza la evolución, las transformaciones más recientes y las perspectivas de la región bajodanubiana -que incluye a Rumania y a Bulgaria- en el marco geopolítico, histórico y cultural de la nueva Europa, desde el pasado, incluyendo los cambios acaecidos desde 1989 y hasta la actualidad, con las consecuentes dificultades que se presentan de cara a la próxima integración en el mundo de valores ...
I. Introduction — II. The institutional environment — 1. Communitarisation of health policy — 2. The European context — III. Management and internal organisation of the hospital — 1. Legal relations between the hospital and doctors — 2. Restructuring and clustering of hospitals — IV. The financing of the Hospital — 1. The financial reorganisation of sickness and invalidity insurance — 2. The sanitation plan imposed on public hospitals — 3. The new way of financing hospitals — V. Hospital staff — 1. Exercise of the professions — 2. The legal situation of hospital staff — VI. Public health and hospital activity: varia — 1. The "mutual societies process" and the new law of 6 August 1990-2. The Health Round Tables — 3. Structuring medical and nursing activities within the hospital — VII. Conclusion ; I. Introduction - II. L'environnement institutionnel - 1. La communautarisation de la politique de la santé - 2. Le contexte européen - III. La gestion et l'organisation interne de l'hôpital - 1. Les rapports juridiques entre l'hôpital et les médecins - 2. Les restructurations et regroupements d'hôpitaux - IV. Le financement de l'Hôpital - 1. L'assainissement financier de l'assurance maladie-invalidité - 2. Le plan d'assainissement imposé aux hôpitaux publics - 3. Le nouveau mode de financement des hôpitaux - V. Le personnel de l'hôpital - 1. L'exercice des professions - 2. La situation juridique du personnel hospitalier - VI. La santé publique et l'activité hospitalière : varia - 1. Le "processus des mutuelles" et la nouvelle loi du 6 août 1990 - 2. Les tables rondes de la santé - 3. La structuration des activités médicales et infirmières au sein de l'hôpital - VII. Conclusion
Summary This article, by bringing intellectual history closer together, analyses the emergence of the intellectual figure in France with the 'Affaire' or the Dreyfus case to understand the positions of Jean-Paul Sartre, who protrudes in the history of 20th century intellectuals and was key in France from post-war until the late 1960s. It then analyses the nuances of Noam Chomsky's engagement as a researcher, who became a critic of US policy. Finally, the historical context in Latin America in the second half of the 20th century was analysed, making it possible to understand why the political ideas of Sartre and Chomsky had so much influence in Latin America. ; Resumen En este artículo, por medio de un acercamiento de la historia intelectual, se analiza el surgimiento de la figura intelectual en Francia con el "Affaire" o caso Dreyfus para entender las posturas de Jean-Paul Sartre, quien sobresale en la historia de los intelectuales del siglo XX y fue clave en Francia desde la posguerra hasta finales de los años sesenta. Luego se analizan los matices del compromiso de Noam Chomsky como investigador, quien se convirtió en un crítico de la política de Estados Unidos. Finalmente, se analiza el contexto histórico en América Latina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, lo que permitirá comprender por qué las ideas políticas de Sartre y Chomsky han tenido tanta influencia en América Latina.
416 423 452 ; S ; [EN] The electric vehicle (EV) is gradually being introduced in cities. The impact of this introduction is less due, among other reasons, to the lack of charging infrastructure necessary to satisfy the demand. In today¿s cities there is no adequate infrastructure and it is necessary to have action plans that allow an easy deployment of a network of EV charging points in current cities. These action plans should try to place the EV charging stations in the most appropriate places for optimizing their use. According to this, this paper presents an agent-oriented approach that analyses the different configurations of possible locations of charging stations for the electric vehicles in a specific city. The proposed multi-agent system takes into account data from a variety of sources such as social networks activity and mobility information in order to estimate the best configurations. The proposed approach employs a genetic algorithm (GA) that tries to optimize the possible configurations of the charging infrastructure. Additionally, a new crossover method for the GA is proposed considering this context. This work was partially supported by MINECO/FEDER RTI2018-095390-B-C31 and MODINVECI project of the Spanish government. Vicent Botti and Jaume Jordan are funded by UPV PAID-06-18 project. Jaume Jordan is funded by grant APOSTD/2018/010 of GVA-FSE Jordán, J.; Palanca Cámara, J.; Del Val Noguera, E.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Botti, V. (2021). Localization of charging stations for electric vehicles using genetic algorithms. Neurocomputing. 452:416-423.
summary of this article deals with the relevance of informed consent in Assisted Reproduction Techniques. It also refers to fundamental principles such as autonomy of will, human dignity and confidentiality, which are important for carrying out procedures which are true of current but complex because they compromise matters closely linked to civil law in a legal context, all of which must be incorporated in order to guarantee rights and obligations arising from these techniques, such as parentage, inheritance law and contracts with the aim of ensuring legal certainty for the persons involved. ; Resumen Este artículo trata sobre la relevancia del consentimiento informado en las Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida, también hace referencia a principios fundamentales como la autonomía de la voluntad, la dignidad humana y la confidencialidad, constituyendo trascendentales para llevar a cabo procedimientos que si bien es cierto son actuales pero resultan complejos por que comprometen temas vinculados estrechamente con el Derecho Civil que se encuentra en un letargo legal, debiendo incorporarse todos estos aspectos para garantizar derechos y obligaciones que derivan de estas técnicas como la filiación, el derecho sucesorio, los contratos con la finalidad de garantizar la seguridad jurídica de las personas intervinientes.