Historical Developments
In: Shaping Internet Governance: Regulatory Challenges, S. 25-37
62122 Ergebnisse
In: Shaping Internet Governance: Regulatory Challenges, S. 25-37
Historically, the distinctive core of citizenship has been the possession of the formal status of membership of a political and legal entity and having particular sorts of rights and obligations within it. This core understanding of citizenship goes back to classical times and coalesced around two broad understandings of citizenship stemming from ancient Greece and Imperial Rome respectively that later evolved into what came to be termed the 'republican' and 'liberal' accounts of citizenship. This entry first examines these two classic views, then looks at how they changed during the Renaissance and Reformation, and finally turns to the ways the two were to some extent brought together following the American and French revolutions within the liberal-democratic nation state.
In: The review of politics, Band 17, S. 82
ISSN: 0034-6705
In: 'Citizenship: Historical Development of', in James Wright (ed), International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd ed., Elsevier, 2014 Forthcoming
In: The review of politics, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 82-110
ISSN: 1748-6858
We are all aware that the teaching of history today has become a very problematical affair—due as much to the subject as to our times. For centuries and up to a few generations ago the situation was different. In former days the center of gravity of instruction was in ancient history; and this proved itself a magnificent medium for the education of youth. For the history of the Greek-Roman world is understandable to young people as no other area of history; and the ancient historians dispense with the details which preoccupy the moderns. Ancient history is constricted. It can be surveyed completely from its impenetrable dark beginnings to its definitive expiration. We look across the stage from the required distance. The extant source material is limited and of high intellectual content, not loaded up with state proceedings of kingdoms and principalities; the entire development culminates in the two high points—Athens and Rome—and unites them in magnificent harmony. As peers to their subject, the ancient historians have a taste for grand scenes, a taste for the wide contours of world history, for the simplicity and good proportions of form. They do not give too much criticism. They write as moralists and have their firm point of view. They present the universally human, the typical, man and his emotions, not mayhap the individual and his local surroundings; thus as depicted their people remain allied to us; everything can be surveyed and is even accessible to youth without further ado. Ancient history is less fertile than modern, but it is also less full of underbrush. Mighty strides have been made in historical studies since the last century; yet the newer kind is bought with sacrifices. The spirit of criticism has developed the finest methods. Every event of the past has become thoroughly complicated, burdened with controversies; in addition the results shift constantly. Nothing seems to be secure in history. And the spirit of individualization, without which a consideration of historical life can no longer exist, forces us to busy ourselves with the most diverse objects, so that the large outlines are obscured thereby and the integrity of events remains ambiguous.
In: Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, Band 9, Heft 5, S. 58-62
In: Ethnologia actualis: the journal of ethnographical research, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 81-98
ISSN: 1339-7877
This article characterizes the male dance odzemok as one of the most representative dances in the broad spectrum of Slovak folk dances. A more detailed analysis and subsequent analysis of the literature confirms the absence of a comprehensive integrated material concerning odzemok in a wider context. This text further highlights the historical development of said male dance in the central geographic area, and analyzes the factors that led to the development of its present form.
Government accounting aims at preventing waste in government services and establishing a balance between optimal expenditure and services by managing government assets and government sources in the most efficient way. This balance can be established only by obtaining complete and accurate information from government accounting system on time. Since the users have a low level of knowledge needs in government accounting system, it has been recorded for long years in a cash basis manner. However, as the government's area of operation expanded and the needs increased, it became obvious that cash basis system had lacking parts. So it started to focus on recording financial transactions and financial reporting. These lacking parts in the accounting system tried to be overcome through a new regulation by focusing on the areas where cash basis accounting system was insufficient; and a change was experienced with regard to applying the accrual basis in the areas of government accounting and financial reporting. This study aims to explain the historical development of government accounting by applications in countries and especially by detailed expressions for Turkey. As a result of the literature review and the examination of countries' government accounting practices, it has been determined that the government accounting practice has made the correct transition from cash basis to accrual basis.
Public opinion, defined for purposes of this historical review as free and public communication from citizens to their government on matters of concern to the nation, is a phenomenon of middle-class civilization. Its attainment of political significance was accompanied and facilitated by certain changes in the economic and convivial institutions of society and by shifts in social stratification. In its early phase public opinion was preoccupied with domestic affairs, but during the French Revolutionary wars and ater the Congress of Vienna the utilitzation of public opinion in international affairs became generally respectable among statesmen. Effective government by public opinion in the field of foreign affairs today is jeopardized by various specified characteristics of modern democratic civilization.
In: Ekonomske teme: Economic themes, Band 53, Heft 3, S. 314-330
ISSN: 2217-3668
Different destinies of particular countries and nonexistence of warranted economic and social prosperity are explained by two paradigms: geographical and institutional one. Geographical paradigm insists upon the significance of physical geography, climate, ecology, that shape technology and individual behaviour. Institutional paradigm attributes the central role of institutions which promote investment in human, physical capital and technology. These two approaches have their roots in: 1. Traditional society theory (Theory of Asiatic mode of production): differences in traditional societies of each country explain their different growth rates and level of economic development, and 2. World system theory: only countries that escaped colonial status have a chance to develop.
In: Canadian university paperbooks 266
The authors are discussing the concept of organic production, its origins and development. Organic agriculture has been developed in three stages: stage of emergence (1924-1970), stage of expansion (1970-1990) and stage of growth (after 1990). In the first stage organic production faced problems in terms of its scientific recognition, acceptance by the producer, members of the wider community as well as acceptance at the national level. The second stage was defined with gradual expansion of the production system, the establishment of non-governmental organizations, the recognition and the establishment of the first legislative framework and the adoption of organic practices. In the third stage organic production is recognized and accepted around the world. Today there are laws on organic production in almost all developed countries, and in most of the developing countries. Areas under this system are increasing and the state official are acting as advocates of organic agriculture, supporting this system in the form of various premiums and subsidies for producers.
In: Heritage
Professor Moniere brings a focus to Quebec's evolution by studying its ideologies. He locates them in their dynamic economic and historical contexts from the French regime to the present. This book brings scholarship on ideologies to the fore, opening up the collective memory and putting today's problems in perspective
The Department of Communications of the Federal Government ran a competition across Canada to name Telesat's first series of satellites. In November 1969, the winner of the contest was announced. A St. Leonard, Quebec, supermarket employee, Mary Frances Czapla suggested ANIK which means "brother" in the language of the Inuit. It was selected as the winning entry by a panel of judges which included Marshall McLuhan.
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 55, Heft 4, S. 376-388
ISSN: 1537-5390