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116842 Ergebnisse
The local government is one of the vital organs of the state through which programs of development are formulated and implemented for the community. The democratically elected members at the local government level represented the community and advocate the interests of the community in the social and economic development of the area. The research paper has thoroughly described the existing local government system of Pakistan and also has investigated the critical causes of bad governance in the local government system of Pakistan that hinders the social and economic development of the country. This is a qualitative study; the researcher reviewed and synthesized all the available information gathered from the various sources related to the local government governance in Pakistan. The researcher in this research paper used secondary source of information and observations. Since the introduction of parliamentary form of democratic system in Pakistan, the country has gone through number of modifications and amendments in the local government system but due to the instability in the democratic system, the political governments had failed to deliver good public services at the local government levels. The study has identified major causes i.e Political, Social, Administrative and mismanagement of resources and rampant corruption, which have severely paralyzed the governance system at local government level of Pakistan.Keywords. Governance, Local government, District government, Community empowerment.JEL. D73, H10, H75.
In: Social Change, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 58-60
ISSN: 0976-3538
In: Routledge Library Editions: Government Series
Originally published in 1968, this book was a successor to the highly respected volume by J. H. Warren English Local Government System. This book is more than just a study of law and administration, focussing on the contemporary interest in the political and sociological aspects of local government.
In: Local Government in the United Kingdom, S. 117-131
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de 1980'li yıllarda başlayan sistem değişikliği tartışmalarını konu edinmekte ve bunun bir çıktısı olarak ortaya çıkan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi üzerinde odaklanmaktadır. Özellikle Türkiye'de uzun yıllar uygulanan parlamenter sistemin sebep olduğu hükümet bunalımları; siyasi krizlere, istikrarsız yönetimlere ve de vesayet odaklarının etkisini arttırmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durumlar ise hükümet sistemi değişikliğini kaçınılmaz hale getirmiştir. Çalışma içerisinde; kuvvetler birliği ile kuvvetler ayrılığına dayanan hükümet sistemleri irdelenerek, tarihsel süreç içerisinde Türkiye'de uygulanan hükümet sistemleri ele alınmıştır. Genel olarak Parlamenter sistem özünde birçok olumlu yönleri içerisinde barındırsa da; parlamenter sistem altında Türkiye'de cereyan eden yönetim aksaklıları mahut sistemin günah keçisi olarak görülmesine sebep olmuştur. Özellikle Türkiye'de vesayet odaklarının, halk iradesi ile seçilen siyasi iktidarı etkisi altına alma çabaları yeni bir sisteme duyulan ihtiyacı arttırmıştır. Bu kapsamda 16 Nisan 2017 Referandumu ile inşa edilen Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi'ne, 24 Haziran 2018'de yapılan Cumhurbaşkanlığı ve 27. Dönem Milletvekilliği Genel Seçimi ile birlikte geçilmiştir. Böylece yeni sistemde yürütme yetkisi Cumhurbaşkanlığında toplanarak Türkiye'nin ekonomik kalkınma, bilimsel atılım, sosyal devlet ve bölgesinde lider ülke olma yolunda emin adımlarla ilerlemesi hedeflenmiştir. Kuşkusuz bütün bu gelişmeler bürokrasinin asgari düzeye indirilerek etkin, etkili ve de hızlı kararların alınması noktasında Türk yönetim sisteminde birçok değişimin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Yeni sistemle Türkiye'de, güçlü yürütme ve güçlü meclis anlayışı ile Türkiye'nin daha da güçlenmesi öngörülmektedir. ; The case of this study will be discussions about system change began in 1980's and it will focus on Presidency Government System, as an output of these discussions. Particularly, the parliamentary system used in Turkey led to the cabinet crisis, political crisis, unstable governments and the increasing power of the centers of tutelage. The system change in government structure became unavoidable following the aforementioned incidents. In our study, the government systems based on the unity of power and separation of powers are analyzed and the governmental systems in Turkey in historical process are discussed in detail. Although the parliamentary system in itself includes many positive aspects; the administrative problems in Turkey under the parliamentary system gave cause for the parliamentary system to be known as scapegoat. The requirement for a new system is increased after the incidents organized by the centers of the tutelage against the political power elected by the public's will. In this context, the Presidency Government System, formed by the 2017 Constitutional Referendum held on 16th April 2017, activated after the Turkey's June 24, 2018 presidential elections and the 27th Term Parliamentary Elections. Thus, in the new system the president will acquire all executive power and this change will lead to Turkey's economic development, scientific progress, and social state. Turkey aims to be a leading country in its region with a strong sense of self-belief. Doubtless, all of these struggles led to many modifications in the system of government in Turkey by reducing the role of the bureaucracy and laid the foundation of the efficient, productive and quick judgments. The Turkish government intended to be a more powerful country within the new system based on the strong legislative and the strong parliament concept.
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 389-407
ISSN: 0020-8701
Local self-gov in Yugoslavia is a 2-tier system of communes (x 22,500 people) & groupings of communes in districts (250,000). Through their elective people's communittees,the communes: look after local econ & soc development; handle public property & safeguard communal interests, including health, educ & soc welfare; & deal with matters decided at the district, republic or federal level. Their revenue comes from taxation of their area, & any republic or federal allocations. They also: dispose of capital development funds deriving from various sources; promote industry & other public work in their area; pass or adopt legislation; administer the law; & take any action necessary to defend local interests. At the district level, self-gov is similarly assured by elective representatives, by the electors' assemblies which are regularly held, & by special referendums. The basic pol'al bodies are the communal & district people's committees, having supreme power in their ambits, as: (1) principal representative governing bodies, & (2) not subject to admin'ive tutelage from above. With rare exceptions, all offices are locally subordinate to the people's committee, which are the basic public organs of the system. Like the federal assembly & that of each separate republic or autonomous area, they have 2 equal chambers, 1 which represents citizens generally, 1 which represents them as producers. They are both legislative & executive, only differing from the assemblies of a republic or of the federation in having no executive body. They work through sub-committees ('councils') on which are coopted members of the public interested in a given matter. The chairman & secretary devote themselves full-time to their work & have general powers to supervise the committee's work. Federal & republic assemblies have no right of supervision of communal people's committees working, but supervise the district committees which in turn check the legality of communal committees' work. A. Brown.
In: Bunge Digest / Facts and Figures on Tanzania
World Affairs Online
Bu yüksek lisans tezi, Afganistan'ın yerel yönetim sistemi hakkındadır ve Afganistan'ın idari yapısına odaklanmaktadır. Afganistan'ın yerel yönetim yapısı, 2001 sonrası yerel yönetim sisteminin yavaş gelişmesinin nedenlerini daha iyi değerlendirilebilmek amacıyla Türkiye'nin yerel yönetim sistemi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Afganistan'ın yerel yönetim sistemini güçlendirmek adına uluslararası düzeyde milyonlarca dolar harcanmasına rağmen sistem hala zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Ademi merkezileşme aynı zamanda hizmetlerin yerel topluma nasıl sağlandığını ve ülkenin demokratik sisteme sahip olup olmadığını da işaret etmektedir. Çalışmanın Birinci Bölümünde, addemi merkezileşmenin tanımı üzerinde durularak İngiltere ve ABD örnekleri açıklanacaktır. İkinci bölümde, Türkiye'deki yerel yönetimler, yerel yönetimlerin tabi olduğu mevzuat ve yerel yönetimlerin yetki ve sorumlulukları incelenecektir. Üçüncü bölümde ise Afganistan'ın yerel yönetim sistemi, yerel yönetimlerin yetki ve sorumlulukları ve yerel yönetim politikaları ele alınacaktır. Son bölümde ise Türkiye ve Afganistan'ın yerel yönetim sistemleri karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde incelenecektir ve tez, vurgulanan noktalar, metodoloji ve bulgular ile sonuçlandırılacaktır. --- This thesis is about the local government system of Afghanistan, specifically concentrating on the administrative structures. It is compared with the local government system of Turkey in order to have a better assessment of the reasons behind the slow and insufficient improvements of the local government system after 2001. Although the local government system of Afghanistan has the primary attention and been the main target of the international community's spending in the millions of dollars to strengthen the local government system and to foster good governance, it still faces challenges. Decentralization concentrates on how the services are provided to the locals and whether the country has a democratic system. In this thesis, the first chapter is about decentralization and the concept of government with two examples of England and US. The second chapter deals with the local government system of Turkey from administrative aspects, organs, legislations, and roles and responsibilities. The third one analyzes the local government system in Afghanistan, its type, responsibilities, authority, legislations and policies on local government. Moreover, the last chapter is concluded with findings from the comparison analysis study of both local government system, with highlighted points.
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the system of electronic-based government or e-government in Indonesia. The development of e-government system in Indonesia is very important to answer the demands of globalization and modernization that are growing rapidly. E-government system is intended so that the governance is easier, faster, transparent, and effective. However, in its development, the implementation of e-government in Indonesia still needs various improvements. Information in this study is obtained from a variety of publications and documents related to the purposes of the study. The results of the study, among others, show that for technology resources,should the current government to allocate funds sufficient to meet the various devices related to the development of e-government. As for human resources, starting now, the government should have a commitment to provide informal education in the field of ICT in the state apparatus and society. To synchronize both strategies, it is necessary to build digital communities (digital society) throughout the region in Indonesia. The existence of digital society is considered not only able to develop better e-government system but also has an impact on economic acceleration. Other than those two things, the most important thing also requires commitment and strong leadership in developing e-government.
In: Local government studies, Band 16, Heft May/Jun 90
ISSN: 0300-3930
Examines 3 ways in which accountability mechanisms could conceivably operate in the new system. Concludes that, based on any conception of democracy - representative democracy, delegate democracy, participatory democracy or market democracy - there has been a marked reduction in accountability. This is particularly true in the metropolitan areas, where for the ex-county functions, representative democracy has been eroded and replaced by a system of delegate democracy. (JLN)