Goverment policy and technical choice in the West German reactor programme
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation
ISSN: 0048-7333
275 Ergebnisse
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation
ISSN: 0048-7333
World Affairs Online
The length and depth of the Great Recession of 2008 provides an opportunity to examine the policy behavior of local governments unlike any window since the 1930's post Depression era. Utilizing Peterson's (1981) City Limits typology as a framework for local government policy allows for an evaluation of whether or not the economic downturn caused local governments to change their relative expenditures between policy categories. The City Limits typology has been widely used in the literature to explain how expenditures define a local government's role in economic development. The typology has had limited use in a pre-post natural experimental research design to determine if a local government has 'shifted' policy priorities as measured by changes in expenditures among and between policy categories. This research design and the use Peterson's framework combine for a study that has not yet been conducted under similar conditions.Most of the existing literature, including the research from the 1980's, failed to account for inter-state differences that directly affect local government expenditures and policy. Concentrating solely on Florida local governments, this study eliminates the confounding nature of a national study and ensures that the unit of analysis is comparable for research purposes. The study utilizes actual expenditure data for all cities and counties in Florida from FY2006 through FY2011. The research tests for the relationships between changes in policy priorities from pre- to post-recession, and the type of government, form of government, and various socio-economic factors.The research contributes to a new body of knowledge that is just beginning to emerge in the literature about how local governments respond to periods of extreme fiscal stress. The findings suggest that cities and counties had an inverse response from pre- to post-recession with cities shifting toward developmental expenditures and counties prioritizing allocational spending. Differences were also found between forms of government. In addition, the density of population was found to contribute differently to shifts in expenditures for cities and counties. The study identifies emerging patterns that can help local governments understand past behavior and better anticipate future economic downturns. ; 2015-12-01 ; Ph.D. ; Health and Public Affairs, Dean's Office COHPA ; Doctoral ; This record was generated from author submitted information.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of government competence and the implementation of e-government policies on the quality of public services at Ambon Population and Civil Registration Office. The research method used in this research is quantitative. The populations in this research were employees at Ambon City Population and Civil Registration Office with a total of 30 people. The sample measurement technique uses a saturated sampling technique, which used all the population as the samples. The data collection technique used in this research is a questionnaire. The data analysis is using multiple linear regressions with SPSS 23 application. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between the variables of government competence and the implementation of e-government policies on the quality of public services.
In: Australian journal of political science: journal of the Australasian Political Studies Association, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 288-289
ISSN: 1036-1146
'Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia' edited by Dennis Woodward, Andrew Parkin and John Summers is reviewed.
In: The review of politics, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 465-490
ISSN: 1748-6858
THE common note of most writing about strategic policy is that it accepts the governmental framework within which strategic policy-making proceeds in the United States as given, largely beyond analysis or substantial change. This tendency is quite natural and justifiable. Military force is presumably in the service of the nation's fundamental values. A nation's form of government is obviously basic to its ideals and purposes. It is important, however, for the defense analyst as well as the interested citizen to approach the relation of military policy and governmental institutions from a reversed perspective, one that seeks to identify the constraints that the American governmental system and the consent requirements that it establishes impose on effective strategic policy development and operations.
This research aims to formulate priority of the alternative strategy of the development rice agribusiness and the alternative strategy priority that can be applied to the development of rice agribusiness in Indramayu Regency. This research was done through a survey approach, using descriptive and qualitative analysis. The sampling was done by multistage purposive sampling to 120 rice farmers, and purposive sampling of 15 key persons, namely experts, policy experts, practitioners, businesses, experienced farmers and related agencies. The analysis method used was the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with Expert Choice 9.0 Program. The research was conducted from February to August 2014 in Sliyeg, Lelea, and Gabuswetan Districts, Indramayu Regency. The results of this research were the five alternative priorities as the formula of the development strategy of rice agribusiness in Indramayu Regency were the consistency of local government of rice farming development, assurance and protection of the rice price through the modern village barns, the enhancement of agricultural extension workers quality and quantity, development of modern village barns infrastructures, and capital assistance from the Local Owned Enterprises. The key priority alternative strategy of the development rice agribusiness in Indramayu Regency was the consistency of local goverment of rice farming development.
The Malaysian timber industry has made tremendous progress towards making this sector one of the country's important foreign exchange earners. From a major exporter of tropical logs, it shifted to become a reliable exporter of high quality sawn timber during the 1980s. Realizing the need to maintain long availability of its raw material supply and with the intention of achieving higher value from its timber resource, Malaysia has decided the direction and future of its timber sector. The first Industrial Master Plan (IMP) was launched in 1985 with the objective of making Malaysia a highly visible and reputable center for furniture, joinery, and molding. Therefore, this study is intended to assess factors leading towards promoting the use of timber in downstream processing furniture manufacturing. This study had four objectives. Firstly, to identify and describe factors that affect the export performance of furniture. Secondly, this study described trade policies, incentives, and government efforts that supported the development of the furniture industry in Malaysia. Thirdly, a regression model was used to quantify the relationships among these factors in order to predict the export of wooden furniture from Malaysia. Lastly, this study suggests measures that could be taken to enhance the position of the Malaysian furniture industry in the global market. In understanding the position of Malaysia's furniture market, this study began with a review of international furniture trade and policy development. Two of the world's major markets for furniture, the United States and Japan, were examined to understand their furniture industries, requirements, and market trends. In addition, brief profiles were presented of furniture and related industries and markets of three significant furniture suppliers from Asia: Taiwan, Indonesia, and Thailand. The structure of Malaysia's furniture industry was examined and reviewed, in order to have a better understanding of its size and export potential. The Malaysian furniture industry is comprised of small units of factories, particularly the factories located in the furniture villages and accounting for 70% of the numbers. Seventy five percent of these medium and large factories are locally owned and the remaining are either joint ventures or foreign owned. To help expedite the objective as specified under the IMP, the Malaysian government and its agencies have formulated several measures, with the purpose to provide an industrial and business environment conducive to the industry. In this study, important factors which influenced the development of this sector were examined. The supply of raw materials has been an important factor that could affect the establishment of the processing industry and its competitiveness. In addition to this, the current issue of Malaysian Ringgit depreciation has been taken into account. The Malaysian exchange rate to the U.S. Dollar was linked to the United States import price indexes to see their impact on the export performance of Malaysian furniture. The supply and price variables were found significant and elastic to the export of furniture from Malaysia. The export predictions were made for three-year periods. Due to the financial crisis that hit Asia last July, there are many uncertainties on these independent variables that could affect the accuracy of the export predictions. Nevertheless, the model developed should be useful and reliable once revised projections of these variables are made available. ; Master of Forestry
In: Scott, Foresman American Government Series
In this wide-ranging new volume, one of our most important and perceptive scholars of the workings of the American government investigates political parties, politicians, elections, and policymaking to discover why public policy emerges in the shape that it does. David R. Mayhew looks at two centuries of policy making-from the Civil War and Reconstruction era through the Progressive era, the New Deal, the Great Society, the Reagan years, and the aspirations of the Clinton and Bush administrations-and offers his original insights on the ever-evolving American policy experience. These fourteen essays were written over the past three decades and collectively showcase Mayhew's skepticism of the usefulness of political parties as an analytic window into American politics. These writings, which include a new introductory essay, probe beneath the parties to the essentials of the U.S. constitutional system and the impulses and idiosyncrasies of history
In: Public budgeting & finance, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 74-80
ISSN: 1540-5850
Privatization by sale of governmental financial assets provides a means to achieve program goals but does not preclude continued policy involvement. By loan guarantees the government has already privatized some aspects of its credit programs. Issues raised by loan sales differ from those concerning capital assets.
studies show that rivers die due to improper waste disposal, water pollution from industrial and argricultural use and degradation of the forest reserve. Several Philippine national agencies are tasked to apprepriate, control and conserve water resources. Water laws abound, but implementation of these remains a problem. This study investigates the national laws pertaining to river management, and the local implementation of these. The results showed that the Philippines has enough water policies; but that local implementation is lacking. Local goverment units do not have the needed ordinanaces for effective river management. The paper demonstrates the use of environmental economics methods to come up with market-based intruments for river management. A case study of a river in Lantapan, Bukidnon was used to illustrate rural household's valuation of the river resources. Local political economy can influence the adaption of these types of policy instruments.
The decline in agricultural sector contribution to the GDP of East Java year period 2012-2014 evidence of a shift in the economic structure of East Java of the tradable sector / base in the non-tradable sector. Several previous studies mention their negative impact on the tradable sector shift in the non-tradable sector. Whereas, shifting the economic structure will increase poverty, unemployment and raising the Gini ratio. This study analyzes the policy taken by the Government of East Java Province, in anticipation of a shift in the economic structure, so not many have a negative impact on the increase in poverty and growing unemployment. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. The research data is secondary data as well as the results of previous research. Research explains some eastern Java provincial government policies that do them, First strengthening tradable sectors through policy development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Second, the policy on the education sector through the development of vocational schools (SMK) Third, policies on finance sector. The conclusion of this study stated that the East Java Provincial Government policy succeeded in anticipating shifting economic structure so not much give a negative impact to the decline in poverty and unemployment.
This ebook consists of a summary of the ideas, viewpoints and facts presented by Jeff Madrick in his book 'The Case for Big Government'. This summary offers a concise overview of the entire book in less than 30 minutes reading time. However this work does not replace in any case Jeff Madrick's book.Madrick puts forward some policy reforms, such as the investment of tax revenues that would increase the GDP and help the nation recover socially and economically.
Ranking of e-Government of Indonesia (PEGI) is a model developed by the Directorate of e-Government, the Directorate General of Telematics Applications, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Ministry KOMINFO) to view a map of the condition of usage of Information Technology dam Communication Technologies (ICT) by government agencies nationwide , In this paper, the authors have assessed the use of ICT in the health office (DHO) of the city of Palembang as a government agency in order to facilitate the flow of information and improve the quality of service to the community by using a model approach PEGI. Palembang city health office has e-government index amounted to 1,426, which means the use of ICT in dinkes indkator Palembang city already exists, but is still lacking in terms of quantity and quality. Recommendations are given to dinkes Palembang to increase the index of e-governement it was the preparation of the Master Plan for Information Technology (RITI), preparation of the scale of the policy priorities of ICT implementation, increasing the number of staff in the section on data and health information with a background in IT, the addition of human resources development program with sending employees on section data and health information for training or education in the field of IT and Disaster Recovery planning.
In: MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs, Band 14, Heft 3