Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Energy Engineering, Izmir, 2010 ; Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 57-60) ; Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and English ; x, 60 leaves ; A capacity increase is of concern in the Kızıldere Geothermal Power Plant-the first geothermal plant in Turkey. In this study, the feasibility of possible future investments in Kızıldere has been analyzed financially using methods such as internal rate of return, net present value, payback and benefit-cost. Two scenarios with different financial structures have been formed and both scenarios have been applied to 20MW, 40 MW, and 60 MW power plants. The choice among different alternatives has been made according to the unit energy cost, which is a significant parameter in power plants. The first scenario represents a government project which establishes the project finance on a debt ratio of 75%. The debt term has been taken as 12 years and the debt interest rate as 7%. In this scenario, unit energy cost has been estimated as 4,33 cent/kWh for 20 MW, 4,10 cent/kWh for 40 MW and finally 3,88 cent/kwh for 60 MW. The second scenario represents a private project with a debt ratio of 50%, where the debt term is 8 years and the debt interest rate is taken as 5%. As for the unit energy cost for this particular scenario, it has been estimated as 3.8 cent/ kWh, 3.59 cent/kWh and 3.40 cent/kWh for 20 MW, 40 MW and 60 MW respectively. Kızıldere geothermal Plant has been financially evaluated in this study and it has been concluded that although both scenarios are feasible, the best alternative is 60MW private project.
ObjectiveIn this article, I apply the concept of partisan biases to personal financial evaluations. I ask whether there are systematic differences in partisans' evaluations of their personal finances that depend on whether their preferred party occupies the White House. I argue that when there is a Democratic president in office, Democrats will view their personal financial situations more favorably than Republicans. Conversely, when there is a Republican president in office, Republicans will view their personal finances more favorably than Democrats.MethodsI use ordered probit and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models.ResultsI find that partisan biases do exist when it comes to personal financial evaluations. However, the weight assigned to partisanship when it comes to personal evaluations is contingent on the level of party polarization at the time of the survey.ConclusionPartisan biases are more pervasive than previously thought, even trickling down to evaluations that are personal in nature.
" In light of the recent financial crisis in Europe and the increasing importance of sustainability in construction, insights and practical guidance for financial evaluation and risk management of infrastructure projects are extremely valuable for a well-planned future. It can make a massive difference in the outcomes of construction projects that have access to the "future economic benefits" approach to asset valuation as a correct asset management accounting to prevent over and underestimation of investments and repair debt.The Financial Evaluation and Risk Management of Infrastructure Projects is a comprehensive guide for professionals and students in the fields of construction and investment, as well as financial and investment institutions. It emphasizes the importance the life cycle cost of infrastructure projects and cost-benefit analysis in optimizing investments, as well as highlighting the need for cost-effective and sustainable infrastructure projects that incorporate "value for money" construction solutions while considering all risks involved. This book is ideal for professionals in construction, investment institutions, and financial and investment institutions, as well as for students in construction and investments. With the recent financial crisis in Europe and the growing focus on sustainability in construction, this guide offers practical insights and guidance for financial evaluation and risk management of infrastructure projects."--
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This paper was written with two major purposes. First, I intended to analyze the results of the financial evaluations of the latest waste water treatment projects. Secondly, I wished to draw a conclusion from the analysis and propose a new method for a working process. I dealt with 56 projects in 65 individual evaluations. A solution to the issue of environmental protection is essential for the Hungarian government, as the EU regulatory body has set a specific and rather tight deadline. The topic is interesting and significant, as the total applied budget was over HUF 150 billion; it is also quite relevant today: the first observed project documentation submitted to the Managing Authority was due by the end of October 2010. I carried out my analysis based on the documentation of the project evaluation. The investigated issues were in accordance with the official data sheet used in the evaluation process, such as: Mechanism and level of the collected fees, affordability; Compliance with the replacement policy; Financial sustainability of the projects; Verification of the economical analysis; Verification of the financial analysis; Compliance with social cost-benefit standards; Availability and reliability of own financial resources. According to the results of the analysis, the preparation of the projects is not satisfactory. To improve the quality of the project preparation and enhance the absorption of EU funds, the preparation processes must be amended, and urgently. At the end of my paper I recommend an alternative procedure for preparing the feasibility documentation and the cost-benefit analysis. Keywords: Waste water treatment projects, financial evaluation, preparatory methodology
Le politiche neoliberali, la diffusione delle nuove tecnologie digitali e le innovazioni delle forme organizzative del lavoro hanno prodotto una transizione fondamentale verso un'economia basata sulla produzione a un'economia basata sui servizi. Nella società post-fordista, i sistemi socio-economici sono basati sulla produzione, riproduzione e sul consumo di informazioni e conoscenze. Ciò ha trasformato la natura stessa del lavoro che è caratterizzato da pratiche lavorative individualizzate, interconnesse e altamente performative. Questo ha generato la creazione di un numero crescente di start-up digitali radicate nell'ideologia californiana. Il presente lavoro mira a esplorare la natura multiforme dell'economia 'food start-up' da tre diverse prospettive teoriche: l'immaginato sul futuro, le vocazioni imprenditoriali e le pratiche di valutazione finanziaria. La prima prospettiva mi consente di descrivere come gli start-uppers creano proiezioni narrative sulle economie future e su come loro cercano di colmare il divario tra il presente e un futuro imprevedibile. La seconda spiega in quali luoghi e attraverso quali pratiche gli start-uppers sviluppano ed eseguono specifiche attitudini imprenditoriali. La terza si focalizza sulle dinamiche e sugli assets che influenzano il valore finanziario delle start-ups. Coerentemente con questo quadro teorico, la strategia metodologica adottata si basa sugli 'inventive methods' all'interno di un approccio mixed methods. Ho combinato diverse tecniche metodologiche come l'etnografia, interviste semi-strutturate e tecniche di digital methods. Questo lavoro ha mostrato come le economie immaginate e le vocazioni imprenditoriali influenzano le valutazioni finanziarie. Il valore economico non è basato su metriche quantitative e sul calcolo probabilistico. Ma, da un lato, il ruolo dell'immaginario economico è necessario per agire in un contesto economico incerto in modo consapevole. D'altro canto, le attitudini imprenditoriali rappresentano il principale asset su cui si basano queste valutazioni finanziarie. In altre parole, gli start-uppers devono dimostrare attraverso performance pubbliche che possiedono le capacità per avere successo. Questo gli consente di ricevere investimenti. Pertanto, le aspettative su un futuro immaginato e le performance della 'chiamata imprenditoriale' sono le fonti di valore finanziario nell'economia start-up. ; The neoliberal policies, the spread of new digital technologies and organizational innovations have produced a fundamental transition in advanced industrial from a manufacturing-based to a services- driven economy. In the post-fordist society, socio-economic systems are based on the production, reproduction, and consumption of information and knowledge. This has also transformed the nature of labor: venture labor is characterized by individualized, networked and highly performative working practices. This has generated a wave of digital ventures which are rooted in the entrepreneurial faith of Californian ideology. The present work aim to explore the multifaceted nature of the food start-up economy from three different theoretical perspectives: the imagined futures, the entrepreneurial vocation and ethics, and the financial evaluation practices. The first perspective allows me to describe how start-uppers create narrative projections about future economies and how they bridge the gap between the present and an unpredictable future. The second explains in which places and through which practices the start-uppers develop and perform specific entrepreneurial attitudes. The third focuses on the dynamics and assets which affect the financial value of the start- ups. Coherently with this theoretical frame, the methodological strategy adopted is based on the inventive methods strategy within a mixed methods approach. I combined different methodological techniques such as ethnography, semi-structured interviews and digital methods techniques. According to the findings, this work has shown how the imagined economies and the entrepreneurial vocations affect the financial evaluations of the start-ups. The economic value is not based on quantitative metrics and on the probabilistic calculation. On one hand, the role of economic imaginary is necessary for acting in an uncertain economic context in a conscious way. On the other hand, the entrepreneurial attitude represents the main asset on which these evaluations are based. In other words, start-uppers have to demonstrate through public performances that they have the capacities to be successful in order to receive financial support. Thus, fictional expectations and the performances of the 'calling' are the sources of financial value in start-up economy.
ABSTRACTMotor fuel taxes have been collected as a principal source of highway funding for close to a century. They account for approximately two thirds of all the highway user fees and about half of all highway expenditures. Federal fuel taxes have not kept pace with the inflation in general and increasing traffic demand and resulting construction, maintenance and operation costs of the transportation assets in particular.Lack of political will, combined with rising anti-tax sentiment among the populace, has kept the federal tax level not only well below its initial intents, but also at a unsustainable level in future.Mileage based user fees are possibly an alternative to the fuel taxes, which have been the main mechanism for funding the transportation system.Mileage based user fees have been successfully utilized in many parts of the world with glowing results. Germany's (")TollCollect("), a quasi government enterprise has utilized GPS technology in collecting the users' fee from the truck operators. The system has been a financial engine providing much needed funding for many major transportation projects. Oregon Department of Transportation, in a federally co-funded pilot project, examined the practicality of the mileage based user fee collection at the fuel pumps. According to the Oregon study, there are not any major technical difficulties in mileage based user fee collection at the pump. Study participants (general motorist) did not express any objection to the mileage based user fee collection.This dissertation evaluates revenue impacts of several pricing policies including: Current per gallon fuel taxes, conversion to a mileage based user fee, time of day user fee application, area type user fee and congestion priced user fees. State of Florida's years 2015-2035 fuel revenue forecast is used as a case study. A model is constructed to estimate annual vehicle miles travelled for the analyses period. Fuel efficiencies, current per gallon fuel taxes and their corresponding mileage-based user fee equivalents are the input to a financial model developed for comparisons. Results demonstrate that decrease in fuel revenues due to vehicles fuel efficiency improvements can be offset by replacing current per gallon fuel taxes with a mileage-based user fee. Pricing the user fee according to area type, roadway classification, time of day and congestion level can not only generate more revenues but also assist in demand management. ; 2012-08-01 ; Ph.D. ; Engineering and Computer Science, Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering ; Doctoral ; This record was generated from author submitted information.
In recent decades, the generation of construction and demolition (C&D) waste has become one of the global concerns. The act of urbanization increases a lot of C&D activities and as a consequence, generation of C&D waste would grow as well. Not only would this growth cause environmental damages, but it would also consume a huge amount of energy and money. Moreover, the lack of awareness about the quantity of wastes produced in C&D projects, is one of the critical reasons for? taking actions to deal with it properly. This study aims to practice a model of quantification for estimating the generated C&D wastes based on the materials that are used in a construction project. Moreover, since taking action on construction waste management is a phenomenon that needs a governmental support to be applicable, cost analyses have been applied in order to implement a penalty related to the wastes generated in construction sites. Additionally, a questionnaire survey has been prepared to be filled by construction managers in order for comparison with the mentioned model. The questionnaire would investigate how much the construction experts are aware of the amount of wastes which is produced in their projects. The bill of quantity related to 7 concrete and 4 steel skeleton projects has been collected respectively for the purposes of the study. The result of comparison mostly indicates that the professionals of the construction sites estimate the amount of waste generated in their projects lower than the amount which has been estimated by the main model of quantification. Also it has been revealed that the material most used in iv construction projects is concrete and consequently, the most wastes generated in C&D projects are cement, concrete and aggregates. Moreover, the statistical analysis shows a significant difference in usage of concrete in concrete and steel skeleton structures. Since the model of quantification is limited to the concrete skeleton structures, for better estimation of the penalty two different equations have been conducted based on the skeleton of the projects. Finally, investigation related to cost analysis of proper disposal shows that in Iran there is no cost for the action of recycling or proper disposing and the matter of transporting is the only factor which is needed to be estimated for implementation of the penalty. Keywords: Construction and demolition waste, construction waste management, construction project, estimation of waste, Iran ; ÖZ: Son yıllarda, inşaat ve yıkım (İ & Y) işlerinde oluşan atıklar küresel sorunlardan biridir. Kentleşme, İ & Y işlerinde atıkların artmasına yol açar ve bunun sonucu olarak ayni zamanda atık miktarı da artar. Bu artış sadece çevresel zararlarla kalmayıp ama aynı zamanda, büyük miktarda enerji ve para tüketimine neden olmaktadır. Ayrıca, İ & Y projelerinde üretilen atıkların miktarı hakkındaki bilinç eksikliği, bu konuyu düzgün olarak ele almada en kritik nedenlerinden biridir. Bu çalışma, bir inşaat projesinde kullanılan malzemelere dayanarak oluşturulan İ & Y atıklarının miktarını tahmin etmek için bir model uygulamayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, inşaat atık yönetimi uygulanabilmesi için devlet desteğine olan ihtiyac bir olgu olduğuna göre, şantiyelerde üretilen atıklarla ilgili bir ceza uygulamak amacıyla maliyet analizi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, söz konusu model ile karşılaştırma yapmak için bir anket çalışması sırayla inşaat yöneticileri tarafından doldurularak hazırlanmıştır. Anket, inşaat projelerinde üretilen atık miktarının uzmanlar tarafından ne kadar farkında olunduğunu araştıracaktır. Bu çalışmanın amaçları kapsamında 7 betonarme ve 4 çelik yapı projelerine ilişkin metraj miktarları toplanmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonucu çoğunlukla şantiyelerde çalışan profesyonellerin projelerinde üretilen atık miktarını ana model ile tahmin edilen miktardan daha düşük tahmin ettiklerini göstermektedir. Ayrıca inşaat projelerinde en çok kullanılan malzemenin beton ve dolayısıyla İ & Y projelerinde üretilen atıkların ise çimento, beton ve agrega oldukları ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, istatistiksel analiz betonarme ve çelik iskelet yapılarda betonun kullanımının önemli bir farklılık vi olduğunu göstermektedir. Atık ölçüm modeli betonarme karkas yapılar ile sınırlı olduğundan, cezaların iki farklı denklemle daha iyi tahmini için projelerın karkas yapılarına dayanarak hesaplanmıştır. Son olarak düzgün atıklar için maliyet analizi yapılmasına ilişkin araştırma göstermektedir ki, İran'da gerçekleşen inşaat projelerinde malzemelerin geri dönüşümü veya uygun olarak atılmasının hiçbir maliyeti yoktur ve taşıma şekli cezanın uygulanması için tahmin edilmesi gereken tek faktördür. Anahtar kelimeler: İnşaat ve yıkım atıkları, inşaat atık yönetimi, inşaat projesi, atıkların tahmini, Iran ; Master of Science in Civil Engineering. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 2016. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Yitmen.