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The brief explorations of radiation exposures presented within this essay draw primarily from nuclear art and culture and contribute to the field of nuclear aesthetics, which has long been fixated on the problem of visibility and the representation of nuclear residues. The examples draw primarily from photographic technologies and other aesthetic registers that capture visual residues of radiation. The challenges of nuclear aesthetics are also political and social. This constellation of objects and inquiries is meant to explore the fraught political, environmental, and social relations between radiation, visibility, toxicity, through the concept of exposure. They offer feminist glimpses into other ways of thinking exposure, as it develops in relation to (often imperceptible) toxicity that is not inscribed into a logic that partitions the passive victim of suffering from some pure or unaffected subject. They are examples that are both forms of exposure specific to the nuclear while also, perhaps, helping to expose more nuanced and complex ways of understanding forms of exposure that extend beyond nuclearity. ; Alison Sperling, 'Radiating Exposures', in Weathering: Ecologies of Exposure , ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Arnd Wedemeyer, Cultural Inquiry, 17 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2020), pp. 41–62
This Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) series publication addresses dermal exposure to chemicals. It describes sources and pathways of dermal exposure models and tools to estimate dermal exposure and methods for dermal exposure prevention and reduction Furthermore the EHC introduces skin diseases associated with dermal exposure. This EHC aims to provide information to national regulatory authorities to assist in conducting health risk assessments and managing the risk involving dermal exposure to chemicals
The brief explorations of radiation exposures presented within this essay draw primarily from nuclear art and culture and contribute to the field of nuclear aesthetics, which has long been fixated on the problem of visibility and the representation of nuclear residues. The examples draw primarily from photographic technologies and other aesthetic registers that capture visual residues of radiation. The challenges of nuclear aesthetics are also political and social. This constellation of objects and inquiries is meant to explore the fraught political, environmental, and social relations between radiation, visibility, toxicity, through the concept of exposure. They offer feminist glimpses into other ways of thinking exposure, as it develops in relation to (often imperceptible) toxicity that is not inscribed into a logic that partitions the passive victim of suffering from some pure or unaffected subject. They are examples that are both forms of exposure specific to the nuclear while also, perhaps, helping to expose more nuanced and complex ways of understanding forms of exposure that extend beyond nuclearity.
In: Annals of work exposures and health: addressing the cause and control of work-related illness and injury, Band 64, Heft 4, S. 430-444
ISSN: 2398-7316
AbstractIn the sector of occupational safety and health only a limited amount of studies are concerned with the conversion of inhalable to respirable dust. This conversion is of high importance for retrospective evaluations of exposure levels or of occupational diseases. For this reason a possibility to convert inhalable into respirable dust is discussed in this study. To determine conversion functions from inhalable to respirable dust fractions, 15 120 parallel measurements in the exposure database MEGA (maintained at the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance) are investigated by regression analysis. For this purpose, the whole data set is split into the influencing factors working activity and material. Inhalable dust is the most important predictor variable and shows an adjusted coefficient of determination of 0.585 (R2 adjusted to sample size). Further improvement of the model is gained, when the data set is split into six working activities and three material groups (e.g. high temperature processing, adj. R2 = 0.668). The combination of these two variables leads to a group of data concerned with high temperature processing with metal, which gives rise to a better description than the whole data set (adj. R2 = 0.706). Although it is not possible to refine these groups further systematically, seven improved groups are formed by trial and error, with adj. R2 between 0.733 and 0.835: soldering, casting (metalworking), welding, high temperature cutting, blasting, chiseling/embossing, and wire drawing. The conversion functions for the seven groups are appropriate candidates for data reconstruction and retrospective exposure assessment. However, this is restricted to a careful analysis of the working conditions. All conversion functions are power functions with exponents between 0.454 and 0.946. Thus, the present data do not support the assumption that respirable and inhalable dust are linearly correlated in general.
In: Safety and risk in society
In: Safety and Risk in Society Ser.
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 -- Exposure to Violence in the Community: Differential Vulnerability, Diagnoses and Interventions -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Vulnerability, Risk and Victimization: Concepts and Contexts -- Exposure to Violence and Age -- Exposure to Violence and Gender -- Exposure to Violence in the Community and Local Security Diagnosis Studies -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 2 -- Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence and Characteristics -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Methodology -- Research Procedures -- Criteria for Inclusion and Exclusion -- Selection of Articles -- Results -- Empirical Studies on the Prevalence and Risk Factors of Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence -- Characteristics of the Samples/Participants -- Recruitment Context and Sampling Process -- Data from Studies of Prevalence of Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence and Major Outcomes -- Main Goals -- Main Results of Prevalence Studies with Mixed Samples -- Main Results of Prevalence Studies with Men Samples -- Main Results of Prevalence Studies with Women Samples -- Data on the Risk Factors Associated with the Phenomenon of Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence and Major Outcomes -- Main Goals -- Main Results -- Review Articles -- Conclusion -- Limitations -- Future Research -- References -- Chapter 3 -- Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Dispositional Mindfulness -- Abstract -- Mindfulness and Psychological Adjustment Indicators -- Mindfulness Measurement Considerations -- Mindfulness Developmental Antecedents -- Aims -- Method -- Participants and Procedure -- Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) -- Developmental Predictors -- Childhood Maltreatment Indicators -- Violent Experiences Questionnaire -- Sexual Abuse and Assault Self-Report -- Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST).
"Photography has been a key means by which Australians have sought to define their relationships with Japan. From the fascination with all things Japanese in the late nineteenth century, through the era of 'White Australia', the bitter enmity of the Pacific War, the path to reconciliation in the post-war period and the culturally complicated bilateralism of today, Australians have used their cameras to express a divided sense of conflict and kinship with a country that has by turns fascinated and infuriated. The remarkable photographs collected and discussed here for the first time shed new light on the history of Australia's engagement with its most important regional partner. Pacific Exposures argues that photographs tell an important story of cultural production, response and reaction—not only about how Australians have pictured Japan over the decades, but how they see their own place in the Asia-Pacific.
'Pacific Exposures presents the first study of the photographic exchanges between Australia and Japan—its photographers, personalities, motivations, anxieties and tensions—based on a diverse range of archival materials, interviews, and well-chosen photographs.'
— Dr Luke Gartlan, University of St Andrews
'[Pacific Exposures] will become a key text on Australia's interactions with Japan, and the way that photographs can inform cross-cultural relations through their production, consumption and circulation.'
— Prof. Kate Darian-Smith, University of Tasmania"
In: The annals of occupational hygiene: an international journal published for the British Occupational Hygiene Society
ISSN: 1475-3162
In: California journal: the monthly analysis of State government and politics, Band 29, Heft 5, S. 22
ISSN: 0008-1205
In: California journal: the monthly analysis of State government and politics, Band 29, Heft 8, S. 25
ISSN: 0008-1205
In: California journal: the monthly analysis of State government and politics, Band 29, Heft 6, S. 27
ISSN: 0008-1205
In: California journal: the monthly analysis of State government and politics, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 16-17
ISSN: 0008-1205