Focuses on the instruments and tools currently available to the environmental manager. A theoretical background to the instruments is given together with an overview of those instruments that are in common use today, with particular attention to the physical, economic, legislative and communication instruments.
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This book will serve as an useful companion to the students of MBA, BBA, BE, B.Sc. Course of all Universities Researches, Teachers, Industrialist, Planner and the Public at large. The environmental issue is the buzzword today, all over the world. News papers invariably print reports about environmental issues like global warming, pollution of life supporting system such as air, water and land, water conservation, wild life protection, energy conservation loss of biodiversity, dams and rehabilitation of displaced persons and many others which affect the human beings and animals. Environment i
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Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 -- A Study on Structure and Governance of Ecosystem Services of Bulgarian Farms -- Abstract -- Introduction -- 1. Methods and Data -- 2. Type and Amount of Farms' Ecosystem Services -- 3. Dominating Mechanisms of Management of Farms' Ecosystem Services -- 4. Private, Collective and Market Modes -- 5. Providing Outside Access to the Territory of the Farm -- 6. Efficiency and Importance of Farms' Ecosystem Services Provision -- 7. Factors in the Governance of Agro-Ecosystem Services -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 -- Reexamining Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Research Methodology -- The Level of Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms -- Level of Competitiveness of Farms with Different Specializations -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 -- Distribution and Composition of Metallic Mining Solid Wastes in the Central Mexico Region, and the Need for Adequate Environmental Management -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Importance of Mining in Mexico -- Mining Wastes -- Mine Tailing Deposits in Mexico -- Information Availability about Mine Tailing Deposits in Mexico -- Mexican Normativity relation to Mining Wastes -- Metallic Mining Production in Central México Region -- Metal Mines in the Central México Region -- Classification of Metal Mines in the Central México Region -- Status of Metal Mines in Central México Region -- Mine Tailing Deposits in the Central México Region -- Mine Tailing Amounts in the Central México Region -- Characterization of Mine Tailing in the Central México Region -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographical Sketch -- Chapter 4 -- Mining Waste Management Alternatives, Biological Monitoring and Bioremediation Strategies -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Mining Waste -- Impacts of Heavy Metals on the Environment and Human Health.
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The present scientific monograph, entitled "Environmental management & audit", is the result of three years' work on an international project entitled "Environmental management in Russian companies – retraining courses for the sensibilization for and integration of Eco-Audit programs in corporate decision-making (RECOAUD)". Within its more than 600 pages, the monograph features interesting texts written by 31 authors from the European Union and the Russian Federation, edited by dr. Borut Jereb, Darja Kukovič and dr. Daria Meyr. The monograph "Environmental management & audit" is composed of four books: "Scarcity and Introduction of Environmental Management", "Management Systems", "Controlling and Stakeholders", and "Environmental Assessment" (Featured Articles). These four topics reflect the complexity, heterogeneity and multidisciplinary of the project Tempus RECOAUD. The reader of the monograph gets a comprehensive overview of theoretical perspectives of environmental management and audit in the chosen areas. Furthermore, the monograph also highlights the results of research in the field of environmental management and audit as well as trends and challenges in the development of this field. Providing insight into theoretical and research findings, the monograph will prove useful to both practitioners and researchers in the field of environmental management and audit ; it can also be used for study purposes.