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1598 Ergebnisse
Political idealism and economic realism
Political idealism has prevailed over economic realism in the EU decision process. As a result, today's Eurozone is a puzzle with too many missing pieces. Given the severity of the crisis, policymakers would be well advised to urgently take both structural and pragmatic measures to preserve the Eurozone, as proposed in the paper. Although the discussion about the right balance between fiscal rectitude and support for demand is useful, the fundamental challenge for Europe is to rethink the 'welfare state' model that has prevailed over the past 50 years or so. Political idealism can no longer ignore the significant intergenerational economic constraints that Europe faces today in a world in which it can no longer dictate the terms of exchange. What Europe desperately needs is a new and realistic vision for the 21st century.
Political idealism and economic realism
Political idealism has prevailed over economic realism in the EU decision process. As a result, today's Eurozone is a puzzle with too many missing pieces. Given the severity of the crisis, policymakers would be well advised to urgently take both structural and pragmatic measures to preserve the Eurozone, as proposed in the paper. Although the discussion about the right balance between fiscal rectitude and support for demand is useful, the fundamental challenge for Europe is to rethink the 'welfare state' model that has prevailed over the past 50 years or so. Political idealism can no longer ignore the significant intergenerational economic constraints that Europe faces today in a world in which it can no longer dictate the terms of exchange. What Europe desperately needs is a new and realistic vision for the 21st century.
Monopolistic Competition and Economic Realism
In: Canadian journal of economics and political science: the journal of the Canadian Political Science Association = Revue canadienne d'économique et de science politique, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 376-393
From one of the outstanding theorists in the field of economics to-day, Professor Pigou himself, we have the statement that, if economics is to be more than "merely an amusing toy", it must be "realistic", in the sense that its "interest is concentrated upon the world known in experience", and "fruit-bearing", in the sense that its ultimate objective is to contribute to the attainment of "practical results in social improvement". Few will disagree with a general statement of this sort; yet none of us can fail to be conscious of the difficulties involved in maintaining a really close and useful relationship between our theoretical analyses and the most urgent practical problems of the economic world around us. It is with these difficulties and with the effect upon them of recent theoretical developments that this paper is primarily concerned.
Monopolistic competition and economic realism
In: Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Band 3, S. 376-393
Mexico: economic realism and political efficiency
In: The world today, Band 41, S. 96-99
ISSN: 0043-9134
A discussion of the economic policies of President de la Madrid in light of Mexican politics and economic realities.
Mexico: Economic Realism and Political Efficiency
In: The world today, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 96
ISSN: 0043-9134
Mexico : economic realism and political efficiency
In: The world today, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 96-99
ISSN: 0043-9134
Zur Zeit des Amtsantritts von Miguel de la Madrid im Dezember 1982 befand sich Mexiko in einer katastrophalen wirtschaftlichen Lage. Nachdem erste Notmaßnahmen gegriffen haben (Umschuldung, Senkung des Haushaltsdefizits und der Inflationsrate), werden nun längerfristige Wirtschaftsreformen angestrebt (Reprivatisierung öffentlicher Beteiligungen, Öffnung für Auslandsinvestitionen). Die konservative Sparpolitik wird aber nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf die politische Stabilität bleiben. Durchgreifende Reformen des politischen Systems sind dringend erforderlich
World Affairs Online
Mexico: economic realism and political efficiency
In: The world today, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 96-99
ISSN: 0043-9134
Präsident Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado gelang mit Hilfe des Internationalen Währungsfonds eine Umschuldung Mexikos. Grundzüge seiner Wirtschaftspolitik: Sparmaßnahmen, Privatisierung, Öffnung der Wirtschaft für ausländisches Kapital. Bei den Wahlen im Sommer wird sich erweisen, ob die Regierungspartei PRI weiterhin die dominierende Kraft in Mexiko bleiben und das mexikanische Demokratiemodell überdauern wird, falls die Oppositionspartei Partido de Accion Nacional (PAN) weiter erstarkt. Bei Gewinnen der Opposition bleiben der Regierung zwei Möglichkeiten: Wahlmanipulation oder Übergang zu einem echten Pluralismus. (SWP-Ort)
World Affairs Online
Sovereignty Association: Economic Realism or Utopia?
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 244
ISSN: 1911-9917
Power shift: economic realism and economic diplomacy on the rise
In: Power in the 21st century: international security and international political economy in a changing world, S. 269-286
"The authoress outlines in this article, how latecomer countries are much more willing to use economic tools for strengthening their position in international negotiations and for intervening in their domestic economies to achieve political goals than economically developed countries in Europe and North America. To do so she reconceptualises the economic dimension of power by adjusting existing theoretical concepts that link economics and politics, to current realities and contemporary debates. In analysing Chinese foreign policies she is able to validate her initial assumptions and confirms concerns of the future success of foreign policies from European countries." (author's abstract)
Power Shift: Economic Realism and Economic Diplomacy on the Rise
In: Power in the 21st Century, S. 269-286
Winds of Change: Economic Realism and Japanese Labor Management
In: Asian survey, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 397-406
ISSN: 1533-838X
Winds of change: Economic realism and Japanese labor management
In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 397-406
ISSN: 0004-4687
World Affairs Online
Sweden, the European Community, and the politics of economic realism
In: Cooperation and conflict: journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 117-128
ISSN: 0010-8367
World Affairs Online