Drogmissbruk: dokumentation om narkomanvårdsforskning = Drug abuse
ISSN: 0349-1773, 0283-8117
54542 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 0349-1773, 0283-8117
In: Science and public policy: journal of the Science Policy Foundation
ISSN: 1471-5430
In: Journal of policy history: JPH, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 393-414
ISSN: 0898-0306
Critics of the US drug war have urged the abandonment of the criminal approach & the substitution of controlled legalization in which substances like heroin, cocaine, & marijuana would be taxed & made available to adult users. While increased drug abuse & addiction would result, these social costs might be offset by the advantages of ending the violent, illicit drug traffic. How much crime would be eliminated by legalization is uncertain -- historical experience with narcotic, alcohol, & tobacco use & regulation suggests that the black market would persist in altered form under a system of controlled legalization. The extent of this continued illicit traffic would depend on which groups (eg, minors, prison inmates, pregnant women) were denied which drugs & the level(s) of federal, state, & local taxation. It is nevertheless possible to achieve a more balanced & rational drug policy that avoids both the dangers of controlled legalization & at least some of the concomitants of the drug war. It is argued that public health efforts, particularly in drug treatment, are the best hope for containing the harmful consequences of drug abuse. AA
In: Critical World Issues v.Vol. 16
Intro -- title page -- copyright page -- 1. Drug Use and Abuse -- 2. Recreational Drug Use Worldwide -- 3. The Global Drug Problem -- 4. Should Recreational Drugs Be Legalized? -- 5. Hooked on Medications -- 6. Alternative Medicines -- 7. Drugs and Sports -- 8. Effective Drug Treatments -- Appendix -- Organizations to Contact -- Series Glossary -- Further Reading -- Internet Resources -- Index -- Untitled -- Blank Page.
In: Issues That Concern You Ser
Intro -- Introduction -- 1. Addiction Is a Disease -- 2. Addiction Is Not a Disease -- 3. Marijuana Is Harmful -- 4. Marijuana Is Less Harmful than Alcohol -- 5. Using Marijuana Does Not Lead to Use of Other Drugs -- 6. Marijuana Should Be Legal -- 7. Marijuana Should Not Be Legal -- 8. Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Is Increasing -- 9. Prescription Drug Overdoses Are Increasing -- 10. Home Drug Tests Are Helpful -- 11. Home Drug Tests Are Not Helpful -- 12. Random Drug Testing in Schools Is Controversial -- Appendix -- ORGANIZATION OF CONTACT -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX -- PICTURE CREDITS
Proceedings of: The 6th International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2013). Took place 2013, December 11-12, in Edinburgh, UK. The evnt Web site http://www.swat4ls.org/workshops/edinburgh2013/ ; Drug-drug interactions form a significant risk group for adverse effects associ-ated with pharmaceutical treatment. These interactions are often reported in the literature, however, they are sparsely represented in machine-readable re-sources, such as online databases, thesauri or ontologies. These knowledge sources play a pivotal role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems since they provide a knowledge representation about the world or a particular do-main. While ontologies for drugs and their effects have proliferated in recent years, there is no ontology capable of describing and categorizing drug-drug in-teractions. Moreover, there is no artifact that represents all the possible mecha-nisms that can lead to a DDI. To fill this gap we propose DINTO, an ontology for drug-drug interactions and their mechanisms. In this paper we describe the classes, relationships and overall structure of DINTO. The ontology is free for use and available at https://code.google.com/p/dinto/ ; This work was supported by the Regional Government of Madrid under the Research Network MA2VICMR [S2009/TIC-1542], by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the project MULTIMEDICA [TIN2010-20644-C03-01] and by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme under the project TrendMiner_Enlarged (EU FP7-ICT 612336). ; Publicado
In: FP, Heft 162, S. 24-30
ISSN: 0015-7228
The founder & executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance argues that prohibition has failed -- again. Instead of treating the demand for illegal drugs as a market, & addicts as patients, governments have boosted the profits of drug lords & fostered the narcostates that threaten us all. A smarter drug control regime would value harm reduction over criminalization, & reality over rhetoric. Adapted from the source document.
In: Journal of policy history: JPH, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 42-63
ISSN: 1528-4190
One thing that all parties in the American drug-policy debate agree upon is the desirability of eliminating the traffic in illicit drugs and the esurient criminal syndicates that control it. There are two divergent strategies for achieving this end. The first is the war on drugs. The second, which emerged in the late 1980s as a highly controversial alternative to the drug war, is controlled legalization. What follows is a historically informed critique of both approaches.
In: Community centered drug program research report 4
In: At issue: Drugs
State of war Sam Quinones -- Mexico's criminal justice system is too weak to stop the drug cartels William Booth -- Mexico's military response to drug violence is not working Nik Steinberg -- Corruption, drug cartels, and the Mexican police Ted Galen Carpenter -- Mexican government's drug strategy violates civil liberties Laura Carlsen -- Mexico's drug war has similarities to the war on terror Mario Loyola -- Central American countries should legalize drugs Jamie Dettmer -- US drug policy needs to change to end Mexico's drug war Jorge Castañeda -- Mexico's drug war: the battle without hope Malcolm Beith -- Mexico drug war: Enrique Pena Nieto could target small gangs Micheal Weissenstein -- Merida initiative is misguided and needs to be recalibrated Manuel Pérez-Rocha
In: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Ser
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 -- Opioid Treatment Programs and Related Federal Regulations( -- Summary -- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) -- Methadone -- Buprenorphine -- Naltrexone -- Regulatory Framework -- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) -- Controlled Substances Act (CSA) -- Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) -- OTP Accreditation -- OTP Certification -- OTP Registration -- DATA-Waived Providers (DWPs) -- Practitioner Requirements -- Medication Requirements -- Chapter 2 -- Increase in Illicit Fentanyl Overdose Deaths* -- Summary -- What Is Fentanyl? -- Rise of Fentanyl Overdoses -- Availability of Fentanyl -- Policy Considerations -- Chapter 3 -- The Opioid Epidemic and the Food and Drug Administration: Legal Authorities and Recent Agency Action( -- Summary -- FDA Approval of Prescription Drugs and the Challenges of Opioids -- FDA Authority and Recent Agency Action Related to the Opioid Epidemic -- Decreasing Exposure and Preventing New Addiction -- Supporting the Treatment of Those with Opioid Use Disorder -- Fostering the Development of Novel Pain Treatment Therapies -- Improving Enforcement and Assessing Benefit Risk -- Selected Opioid-Related Bills in the 115th Congress That Would Amend the FD&C Act -- Chapter 4 -- High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program( -- Summary -- HIDTA Designations -- Coordination -- Funding -- HIDTA Issues for Consideration -- Unit of Inclusion -- County-Level Drug Trafficking Data -- Criteria for Inclusion -- Program Effectiveness -- Program Scope -- Use of Funds for Treatment and Prevention Initiatives -- Heroin Response Strategy -- HIDTA as an ONDCP Component -- Chapter 5 -- Legal Authorities Under the Controlled Substances Act to Combat the Opioid Crisis( -- Summary -- Brief Background on the Opioid Epidemic -- Overview of the CSA