Collaborating with Librarians to Develop Lower Division Political Science Students' Information Literacy Competencies
In: Journal of political science education, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 225-252
ISSN: 1551-2177
62996 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of political science education, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 225-252
ISSN: 1551-2177
In: Studies in educational evaluation, Band 35, Heft 2-3, S. 55-56
ISSN: 0191-491X
In: Studies in educational evaluation: SEE, Band 35, Heft 2-3, S. 55-56
ISSN: 0191-491X
Working paper
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 306-320
ISSN: 1552-759X
Pioneering work on competencies provided evidence that traits, motives, and self-concepts predict success in a particular job context. Research furthered this line of investigation by identifying competencies that apply across jobs. Together, these competency studies introduced a question that endures today: "Are competencies situational or universal?" This research examines this question in the context of collaborative competencies. Given the contemporary emphasis on working effectively across boundaries, this state-level investigation identifies differentiating competencies and behavioral indicators that both support and expand existing federal-level research findings on collaborative competencies. This study's answer to the enduring question is yes: There are universal collaborative competency dimensions and context matters in terms of application and interpretation.
In: Bulletin of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I Y Yakovlev, Heft 1(122), S. 139-148
В статье раскрывается понятие классификации, рассматриваются особенности педагогической классификации, приводится анализ различных подходов к понимаю цифровых компетенций и их классификации в зарубежной и отечественной литературе. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что часто при проведении классификации цифровых компетенций учитываются экономические, профессиональные или социальные основания, а не педагогические. Материалом для исследования послужили нормативные документы, закрепляющие различные классификации цифровых компетенций в России и за рубежом. Предметом исследования стала педагогическая классификация цифровых компетенций. Цель исследования состоит в обзоре и сравнительном анализе имеющихся подходов к классификации цифровых компетенций. В работе использовались следующие методы исследования: анализ педагогической литературы и нормативной документации, описательный метод, методы контекстуального анализа, трансформации и сравнения. Представленный обзор показал принципиальную возможность сопоставления различных подходов к классификации цифровых компетенций. В силу того что европейская модель цифровой компетентности для граждан отражена в педагогической классификации европейской цифровой компетентностной структуры для педагогов, сделан вывод о том, что ключевые компетенции цифровой экономики Российской Федерации также можно положить в основу классификации цифровых компетенций в российском образовании.
The article reveals the concept of classification, examines the features of pedagogical classification, analyzes of various approaches to understanding digital competencies, classification of digital competencies in foreign and Russian scientific works. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that when classifying digital competencies, economic, professional or social grounds are taken into accout rather than pedagogical ones. The material for the study was normative documents establishing various classifications of digital competencies in Russia and abroad. The subject of the study was the pedagogical classification of digital competencies. The purpose of the study is to review and comparatively analyze existing approaches to the classification of digital competencies. The following research methods were used: analysis of pedagogical works and normative documentation, descriptive method, methods of contextual analysis, transformation and comparison. The presented review showed the fundamental possibility of comparing different approaches to the classification of digital competencies. Due to the fact that the European model of digital competence for citizens is reflected in the pedagogical classification of the European Digital Competence Framework for Teachers, it is concluded that the key competencies of the digital economy of the Russian Federation can also be used as the basis for the classification of digital competencies in Russian education.
In: Organizacija: revija za management, informatiko in kadre ; journal of management, informatics and human resources, Band 48, Heft 1, S. 33-44
ISSN: 1581-1832
Background and purpose: Human resource professionalism receives considerable attention in terms of the competence of individual. In this article, we want to bridge the existing competencies of students and the perceived competencies that they assume will be developed and obtained during their studies. The purpose of our paper is a) to present competencies in general, b) to determine the meaning of the development of competencies in the field of higher education, and c) to present the role of competencies in human resource management. The aim of this paper is to examine the human resource competencies among students, and their judgments regarding the competencies they have already received during their studies.
Methodology: The questionnaire was distributed to full-time students of the Faculty of Organizational Science, University of Maribor, in such a way that both genders, both undergraduate and graduate studies, and all years of study were represented. We have measured students' opinions concerning their current and future perceptions about professional competencies in the HR field.
Results: Based on the self-assessment of fifteen HR competencies, we used hierarchical clustering performed with Ward's method and standardized variables and got two clusters. A t-test was used according to low or high levels of students' current competencies. The positive association between satisfaction with study programme and student's opinion on development of competencies during their studies was confirmed with one-tailed Pearson correlation coefficient.
Conclusion: The majority of students believe that they possess significant HR competencies. They have expressed a need for further education and training in that field. The students have assessed that the study programme allows them to acquire and develop the competencies for a successful task performance of the HR professional.
In: International journal of human resource management, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 714-735
ISSN: 1466-4399
In: Soviet Law and Government, Band 5, Heft 4, S. 11-19
Dieser Datensatz enthält Kompetenzwerte (plausible values) für die befragten Personen in den Bereichen
- Lesekompetenz
- alltagsmathematische Kompetenz
- technologiebasiertes Problemlösen
sowie Hintergrundinformationen zu den Befragten.
Der Hintergrundfragebogen für CiLL ist identisch mit dem Hintergrundfragebogen für PIAAC und ist in folgende Themen untergliedert:
A: Allgemeine Informationen wie Alter und Geschlecht;
B: Bildung wie der höchste Bildungsabschluss, gegenwärtige Ausbildung, Teilnahme an Weiterbildung;
C: Erwerbsstatus und Werdegang wie die bezahlte Tätigkeit und unbezahlte Tätigkeit für einen Familienbetrieb, Informationen zur Arbeitssuche;
D: Informationen zur derzeitigen Erwerbstätigkeit wie Beruf, Selbstständigkeit und Einkommen;
E: Informationen zur letzten Erwerbstätigkeit wie Beruf, Selbstständigkeit, Grund des Ausscheidens;
F: Bei der Arbeit eingesetzte Fertigkeiten wie Einflussnahme und körperliche Fertigkeiten;
G: Lesen, Schreiben etc. während der Arbeit;
H: Lesen, Schreiben etc. im Alltag;
I: Einstellung und Selbsteinschätzung zu z. B. Lernen und ehrenamtlichem Engagement;
J: Hintergrundinformationen wie Geburtsland, Staatsangehörigkeit, Sprache, Berufe der Eltern.
Zusätzlich enthält der Datensatz weitere abgeleitete Hintergrundvariablen, Informationen zur Kompetenzmessung, Informationen zum Sampling und zur Gewichtung, eingeschränkte Regionaldaten sowie Zeitangaben zum Interview.
In: Evaluation and program planning: an international journal, Band 89, S. 102006
ISSN: 1873-7870
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 306-320
ISSN: 0734-371X
In: New directions for student leadership, Band 2017, Heft 156, S. 87-99
ISSN: 2373-3357
AbstractThis chapter focuses on common pitfalls in assessing leadership competencies, simple strategies to avoid them, and innovative theoretical approaches and strategies in assessment.
In: Capital & class, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 28-57
ISSN: 2041-0980
Interpretations of the new international division of labour can be divided between those which emphasise the sphere of exchange, those which focus on the sphere of production, and those which are based on an analysis of the circuits of capital in the internationalization of capital. This article reviews these different approaches to the NIDL and discusses their implications for socialist strategies