Making sure your vote does not count: Green activism and strategic proxy voting
In: HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute - Archive
74 Ergebnisse
In: HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute - Archive
Working paper
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 7625-7639
ISSN: 1614-7499
AbstractThe present study is a novel attempt to unravel the connectedness of the green bond with energy, crypto, and carbon markets using the S&P green bond index (RSPGB). We consider MAC global solar energy index (RMGS) and ISE global wind energy index (RIGW) as proxies of the energy market and use bitcoin and the European energy exchange carbon index (REEX) for the cryptocurrency and carbon market. Employing the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012), Baruník and Krehlík (2018), and wavelet coherence econometric techniques, we find that the energy market (RMGS) has the highest connectedness derived from other asset classes, and bitcoin (RBTC) has the least connectedness. Concurrently, we find that the risk transmission is heterogeneous in different scales as the short period has less connectedness than the medium and long run. We conclude that the overall diversification opportunity among green bonds, energy stock, bitcoin, and the carbon market is more in the short-run than in the medium and long-run. In summary, our findings on the green bond market will provide investors, portfolio managers, and policymakers with critical insight into ensuring a sustainable financial market.
In: RENE-D-22-04271
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: FRL-D-24-05050
In: European review of contract law: ERCL, Band 8, Heft 3
ISSN: 1614-9939
In: 13 Asian Journal of Comparative Law (2018) 87-117.
In: The economic history review, Band 64, Heft 1, S. 157-187
ISSN: 1468-0289
This article explores the widening ownership of stocks and shares in Great Britain between 1870 and 1935. It demonstrates the extent of that growth and the increasing number of small investors. Women became more important in terms of the number of shareholders and value of holdings. Factors that encouraged this trend included the issue of less risky types of investments, and legal changes relating to married women's property. We examine the 'deepening' importance of stocks and shares for wealth holders, arguing that the growing significance of these kinds of financial assets was as important as the growth in the investor population.
In: IREF-D-23-00218
In: PBFJ-D-22-00784