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Convention guide: general information; Republican convention; Democratic convention
In: Congressional quarterly weekly report, Band 22, S. 1107-1167
ISSN: 0010-5910, 1521-5997
National Conventions Series: Convention Bounces and Convention Delegates
Blog: American Enterprise Institute – AEI
Will Kamala Harris get a boost from the Democratic convention in Chicago? Since President Biden's withdrawal from the race, Harris has enjoyed mostly favorable news coverage and renewed enthusiasm from Democrats. Will her honeymoon continue through the convention?
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Alden Partridge invites former pupils from his various different schools to a convention about permanently establishing his "Literary, Scientific and Military System of Education" in the United States, to be held at Norwich, Vermont, on 13 August 1851. ; CONVENTION. To all my former Pupils at Norwich, Middletown, Buffalo, Portsmouth, Va. Bristol, Harrisburg and Reading, Pa., and Pembroke, N. H. Gentlemen, You are requested to meet in Convention, at Norwich, State of Vermont, on Wednesday, the 13th day of August next, for the following purposes, viz :— 1. To renew the friendship, and revive the interesting scenes of by-gone days. 2. To adopt the necessary measures for establishing the Literary, Scientific and Military System of Education—[the true American System]—on a permanent basis in the United States. 3. To transact any other business that may come before the Convention. It is proposed that the Convention continue two clays — the 13th and 14th — the 13th to be devoted to business, and the 14th to the public exercises. Addresses may be expected from JOSEPH C. WRIGHT, Esq., of Oswego, N. Y. CHARLES H. STOUT, Esq., of Easton, Pa. Professor J. B. BATCHELDER, of the Military Institute at Reading, Pa. JOSEPH C. MORRILL, Esq., of the Military Institute at Pembroke, N. H. And from other Gentlemen. As the objects, of the Convention are of great importance, a full attendance is urgently requested. Gentle-men friendly to a truly American System of Education, are invited to attend and take part in the proceedings. Those who cannot attend, are requested to communicate their views on the objects of the Convention, in writing. As it is proposed to publish a Catalogue of all those who have worn the Bullet Button, with the various occupations and professions in which they have been and are engaged, and the public stations they have occupied, or do occupy, together with their places of residence—(designating those who have died )-— Gentlemen, are requested to transmit all the necessary information on these Subjects. (Signed) A. PARTRIDGE. Norwich. Vt., July 1, 1851. Note—Gentlemen who receive this Circular are requested to invite others to attend, and also to request Editors of Newspapers to notice the call. A. P.
National Conventions Series: Carnivals or Conventions?
Blog: American Enterprise Institute – AEI
Last week, we focused on the changes in the relationship between media entities and conventions. This week, we'll highlight some of the things about conventions that don't seem to change, as these details from the first 35 years of modern conventions suggest.
The post National Conventions Series: Carnivals or Conventions? appeared first on American Enterprise Institute - AEI.