540 Ergebnisse
Market Failure in the Diffusion of Consumer-Developed Innovations: Patterns in Finland
In: Research Policy, Band 44, Heft 10
Innovative Users' Diffusion Channel Selection: Effects of Lead Userness and Tacit Need Knowledge
In: Innovation: Organization and Management, Forthcoming
Price diffusion across international private commercial real estate markets
In: De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper No. 732
Price Diffusion Across International Private Commercial Real Estate Markets
In: De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper No. 732
Asset Productivity, Local information Diffusion, and Commercial Real Estate Returns
In: Real Estate Economics
Working paper
The diffusion of military technology and ideas
Introduction: Theoretical and comparative perspectives on innovation and diffusion / Leslie C. Eliason and Emily O. Goldman -- Heart of the Sepoy: the adoption and adaptation of European military practice in South Asia, 1740-1805 / John A. Lynn -- Armies of snow and armies of sand: the impact of Soviet military doctrine on Arab militaries / Michael J. Eisenstadt and Kenneth M. Pollack -- Cooperative diffusion through cultural similarity: the postwar Anglo-Saxon experience / Thomas-Durell Young -- Reflections on mirror images: politics and technology in the arsenals of the Warsaw Pact / Christopher Jones -- The diffusion of nuclear weapons / William C. Potter -- Revolution and counter-revolution: the role of the periphery in technological and conceptual innovation / Timothy D. Hoyt -- Military diffusion in nineteenth-century Europe: the Napoleonic and Prussian military systems / Geoffrey L. Herrara and Thomas G. Mahnken -- Beyond blitzkreig: Allied responses to combined-arms armored warfare during World War II / Thomas G. Mahnken -- Receptivity to revolution: carrier air power in peace and war / Emily O. Goldman -- Creating the enemy: global diffusion of the information technology-based military model / Chris D. Demchak -- Patterns of commercial diffusion / John Arquilla -- Conclusion: The diffusion of military technology and ideas, theory and practice / Emily O. Goldman and Andrew L. Ross
World Affairs Online
La linea commerciale Vivi Verde Coop : andamenti, diffusione e prospettive future
Social, cultural and demographic changes due to economic growth lead to changes on food production patterns. Increased instruction levels, strong urbanization and consequent depopulation of rural areas, increased number of working women, increased wealth of families, growth and differentiation of food demand led to deep innovations in consumers priorities and choices: consumption behaviors are now more focused on food safety (search for secure, healthy and even biological food) rather than food security (the problem of food scarcity no longer affects the developed countries). Food producers and distributors, in particular large scale distribution, gradually adapted their strategies to meet the emerging consumers' preferences. In this paper we analyze the brand management strategy ViviVerde" pursued by Coop and, with an analysis of the demand elasticity of the food products sold with the ViviVerde label (eggs, milk, fresh cheese, pasta, fruit juices) from January 2010 to May 2012.
Innovation diffusion models: theory and practice
"New product growth models - also called innovation diffusion models - are used to describe and forecast the evolution in time of sales of new products. Commercial products are characterized by a finite life cycle, which follows a nonlinear path, namely birth, growth, maturity, and decline. Previously, traditional time series frameworks such as ARIMA models have been used, however, they do not prove a satisfactory choice. A growing need for quantitative marketing in today's market is driving the development of new product diffusion models to determine the life cycle of a new product. The statistical techniques involved in new model estimations combine time series analysis with nonlinear regression techniques, which this book shall explore. Innovation Diffusion Models: Theory and Practice fully assesses the main mathematical features of the models, discussing the meaning of the parameters from the marketing point of view with several real-data examples; presents and discuss the statistical aspects involved in model estimation and selection; presents and discusses forecasting and explanatory ability of the proposed models with real-data applications in several industrial and commercial sector and proposes new ideas for future achievements in research and commercial practice."--
Innovation diffusion models: theory and practice
"New product growth models - also called innovation diffusion models - are used to describe and forecast the evolution in time of sales of new products. Commercial products are characterized by a finite life cycle, which follows a nonlinear path, namely birth, growth, maturity, and decline. Previously, traditional time series frameworks such as ARIMA models have been used, however, they do not prove a satisfactory choice. A growing need for quantitative marketing in today's market is driving the development of new product diffusion models to determine the life cycle of a new product. The statistical techniques involved in new model estimations combine time series analysis with nonlinear regression techniques, which this book shall explore. Innovation Diffusion Models: Theory and Practice fully assesses the main mathematical features of the models, discussing the meaning of the parameters from the marketing point of view with several real-data examples; presents and discuss the statistical aspects involved in model estimation and selection; presents and discusses forecasting and explanatory ability of the proposed models with real-data applications in several industrial and commercial sector and proposes new ideas for future achievements in research and commercial practice."--
La diffusion isiaque : une esquisse
International audience ; Dans cet article, on commence par examiner la première diffusion isiaque (qui débute fin IVe siècle – début du IIIe siècle dans le monde grec) pour constater que le culte d'Isis a précédé hors d'Égypte celui des membres de son cercle, et que cette "exportation" est le fait d'Égyptiens plutôt que d'Alexandrins. Ces initiatives semblent personnelles et ponctuelles et ne relèvent pas d'une politique d'influence lagide, comme le montrent les récits de fondation et les arétalogies. Les vecteurs de cette première diffusion combinent des facteurs d'ordre commercial, économique, politique et social, un ensemble dans lequel l'île de Rhodes a dû jouer un rôle important. Durant cette première phase, le clergé revêt des formes inspirées de l'Égypte, et, même lorsque le culte devient public, après que les autorités grecques aient observé une certaine réserve, il n'est pas rare de voir faire appel à des "spécialistes" égyptiens. Assez rapidement, les citoyens participent au culte, dans un premier temps comme membres d'associations cultuelles, puis comme prêtres, dès lors que les cultes isiaques bénéficient d'un statut public. Quant aux femmes, elles semblent alors participer au culte d'Isis, sans apparemment exercer encore des charges de prêtresses. A la fin du IIIe siècle, les divinités d'origine égyptienne ont conquis une place non négligeable dans l'Orient méditerranéen. En une seconde étape, à partir de la fin du IIe siècle, les cultes isiaques se répandent largement en Italie, puis dans l'Occident méditerranéen de l'Empire romain. Cette seconde diffusion a eu pour tremplin les negotiatores italiques de Délos, sans exclure le rôle de la Sicile grecque. Ensuite, au départ de centres importants, comme Rome, Ostie, Aquilée, les dieux égyptiens ont essaimé le long des voies romaines, avec les commerçants et les fonctionnaires. Il est souligné que l'idée d'une expansion d'Isis et de Sarapis liée essentiellement au problème de la romanisation est une erreur d'optique, dans la mesure où il est clair que ...
The Diffusion of Energy Efficiency in Building
In: American economic review, Band 101, Heft 3, S. 77-82
ISSN: 1944-7981
We analyze the diffusion of buildings certified for energy efficiency across US property markets. Using a panel of 48 metropolitan areas (MSAs) observed over the last 15 years, we model the geographic patterns and dynamics of building certification, relating industry composition, changes in economic conditions, characteristics of the local commercial property market, and the presence of human capital, to the cross-sectional variation in energy-efficient building technologies and the diffusion of those technologies over time. Understanding the determinants and the rate at which energy-efficient building practices diffuse is important for designing policies to affect resource consumption in the built environment.
Boeing's Diffusion of Commercial Aircraft Technology to Japan: Surrendering the U.S. Industry for Foreign Financial Support
In: Journal of labor research, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 552-566
ISSN: 1936-4768
Using commercial imaging satellites to detect the operation of plutonium‐production reactors and gaseous‐diffusion plants
In: Science & global security: the technical basis for arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation initiatives, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 261-313
ISSN: 1547-7800