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424 Ergebnisse
In: National Bank of Poland Working Paper No. 202
Working paper
In: AFFI/EUROFIDAI, Paris December 2016 Finance Meeting EUROFIDAI - AFFI
Working paper
In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Band 90, S. 28-49
Working paper
In: Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper No. 02/2019
In: Bundesbank Discussion Paper No. 02/2019
Working paper
In: Scottish journal of political economy: the journal of the Scottish Economic Society, Band 67, Heft 2, S. 137-165
ISSN: 1467-9485
AbstractThis paper develops a model in which an increase in financial frictions leads to a fall in the steady‐state rate of interest. A perpetual youth overlapping generations (OLG) model is extended to incorporate a collateral constraint, this results in a transmission mechanism in which an interest rate fall occurs endogenously from a disruption to the credit market. It is found that that non‐linearities exist in the relationship between changes in financial frictions and the interest rate. By specifying the mechanism by means of which this occurs, the model provides an explanation for why low interest rates have been observed with such persistence since the financial crisis.
In: Economic Theory, Forthcoming
In: Discussion paper 2019, no 02
In: Discussion paper 2013, 23
In: Estudos econômicos, Band 53, Heft 4, S. 673-690
ISSN: 1980-5357
Abstract This paper investigates the Ricardian Equivalence (RE) under collateralized debt, default, transaction costs and incomplete markets. The public debt is neutral and the RE holds only if the collateral-transfer cost depends linearly on the lump-sum tax and is fully offset. Lenders and borrowers should enter in a voluntary agreement to compensate for any transfer cost under default. However, any perturbation in the assumed affine relation undermines the debt neutrality. It is not the transaction cost per se that invalidates the RE, but rather how this cost affects the households' indebtedness and budget constraint. The underlying mechanism is the credit channel of the fiscal policy. Whenever the transfer cost is not fully offset, there is a net tax balance leftover that affects the budget set and real allocations. This is fundamentally different from a liquidity constrained economy because the credit channel of the fiscal policy is binding and uncompensated transaction costs lead to the RE failure.
In: JEDC-D-21-00544