ISSN: 2445-4192
10 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 2445-4192
Working paper
This study aims to analyze determinants which might influenced yield of Indonesian Government Bond Denominated-Rupiah in primary market. We divide the determinant by three factors (i.e intrinsic factor, extrinsic domestic factor and extrinsic globar factor). Multiple regression using to analyze colinearity among variables in this study. The results showed that bond maturity, bond coupon rate, bond price in secondary market, bond performance in market, inflation rate, currency, money and stock domestic market condition, and money and bond global market condition are significantly affected Indonesian government bond yield in primary market.
In: Journal of economic studies, Band 39, Heft 6, S. 620-638
ISSN: 1758-7387
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between banking development and the size of shadow economies by employing data on 137 countries over the period from 1995 to 2007. Both cross‐sectional and panel analysis suggest that an improvement in the development of the banking sector is associated with a smaller shadow economy. In addition, the authors find that both the depth and the efficiency of the banking sector matter in reducing the size of shadow economies. These results are robust to a variety of specifications that address multi‐colinearity and endogeneity issues.Design/methodology/approachEmpirical cross‐section and panel analysis were undertaken.FindingsThe authors find that both the depth and the efficiency of the banking sector matter in reducing the size of shadow economies.Originality/valueThis paper is original. Existing literature has identified a number of factors (e.g. the burden of taxation or regulation, the quality of government, legal enforcement, corruption, etc.) that create such incentives. In this paper the authors highlight another factor – the level of banking development – as a determinant of the shadow economy.
PMCID: PMC4482672 ; [Background]: Precise temporal and spatial expression of the clustered Hox genes is essential for patterning the developing embryo. Temporal activation of Hox genes was shown to be cluster-autonomous. However, gene clustering appears dispensable for spatial colinear expression. Generally, a set of Hox genes expressed in a group of cells instructs these cells about their fate such that the differential expression of Hox genes results in morphological diversity. The spatial colinearity is considered to rely both on local and long-range cis regulation. [Results]: Here, we report on the global deregulation of HoxA and HoxD expression patterns upon inactivation of a subset of HOXA and HOXD proteins. [Conclusions]: Our data suggest the existence of a >self-regulation> mechanism, a process by which HOX proteins establish and/or maintain the spatial domains of the Hox gene family and we propose that the functionally dominant HOX proteins could contribute to generating the spatial parameters of Hox expression in a given tissue, i.e., HOX controlling the establishment of the ultimate HOX code. ; Grant sponsor: the Spanish Government; Grant number: BFU2011-24972; Grant sponsor: the Canadian Institutes for Health Research; Grant number: MOP-82880; Grant number: 126110. This work was supported by the Spanish Government to M.R. and by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research as well as the Canada Research Chair program to M.K. R.S was supported by a Formación Profesorado Universitario fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and currently supported by the Angelo Pizzagalli postdoctoral fellowship. ; Peer Reviewed
In: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2431/16/103
Abstract Background The contribution of HIV-exposure to childhood mortality in a setting with widespread antiretroviral treatment (ART) availability has not been determined. Methods From January 2012 to March 2013, mothers were enrolled within 48 h of delivery at 5 government postpartum wards in Botswana. Participants were followed by phone 1–3 monthly for 24 months. Risk factors for 24-month survival were assessed by Cox proportional hazards modeling. Results Three thousand mothers (1499 HIV-infected) and their 3033 children (1515 HIV-exposed) were enrolled. During pregnancy 58 % received three-drug ART, 23 % received zidovudine alone, 11 % received no antiretrovirals (8 % unknown); 2.1 % of children were HIV-infected by 24 months. Vital status at 24 months was known for 3018 (99.5 %) children; 106 (3.5 %) died including 12 (38 %) HIV-infected, 70 (4.7 %) HIV-exposed uninfected, and 24 (1.6 %) HIV-unexposed. Risk factors for mortality were child HIV-infection (aHR 22.6, 95 % CI 10.7, 47.5 %), child HIV-exposure (aHR 2.7, 95 % CI 1.7, 4.5) and maternal death (aHR 8.9, 95 % CI 2.1, 37.1). Replacement feeding predicted mortality when modeled separately from HIV-exposure (aHR 2.3, 95 % CI 1.5, 3.6), but colinearity with HIV-exposure status precluded investigation of its independent effect. Applied at the population level (26 % maternal HIV prevalence), an estimated 52 % of child mortality occurs among HIV-exposed or HIV-infected children. Conclusions In a programmatic setting with high maternal HIV prevalence and widespread maternal and child ART availability, HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children still account for most deaths at 24 months. Lack of breastfeeding was a likely contributor to excess mortality among HIV-exposed children.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah pada Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuntitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai pada Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Buleleng. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan non probability sampling yang berupa purposive sampling. Sampel yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 44 orang yaitu kepala dinas, sekretaris, bagian umum, bagian perencanaan, dan bagian keuangan. Teknik analis data yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, uji multikoliniearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas dan regresi linear berganda. Data analisis dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 1) akuntabilitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah, 2) transparansi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah, 3) pengawasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah, 4) komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah, 5) komitmen organisasi, budaya organisasi, dan akuntabilitas publik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara simultan terhadap kualitas kinerja instansi pemerintah.Kata Kunci : Akuntabilitas, transparansi, pengawasan, komitmen, kinerja This study was aimed at finding out the determinants of performance quality of government agencies in Fishery and Maritime Department of Buleleng regency. This study was a qualitative research. The population consisted of the workers of Fishery and Maritime Department of Buleleng regency. The sample was selected by using non probability sampling in the form of purposive sampling. The sample consisted of 44 people (Head of the Department, Secretary, Head of General Affairs Section, Head of Planning Section and Head of Finance Section. The study used validity testing and reliability testing, normality testing, multi-colinearity testing, heteroscedastisity testing and multiple linear regression. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. The results showed that 1) accountability has positive and significant effect on the quality of performance of the government agency, 2) transparency has positive and significant effect on the quality of performance of the government agency, 3) supervision has positive and significant effect on the quality of performance of the government agency, 4) the commitment of the organization has positive and significant effect on the quality of performance of the government agency, 5) the commitment of the organization, organization culture, and public accountability have positive and significant effect on the performance of government agency.keyword : Accountability, transparency, supervision, commitment, performance
In: Chapman & Hall/CRC data science series
Preface Introduction Indicators for Transit Oriented Development 1.1 Why Start With Indicators? 1.1.1 Mapping & scale bias in areal aggregate data 1.2 Setup 1.2.1 Downloading & wrangling Census data 1.2.2 Wrangling transit open data 1.2.3 Relating tracts & subway stops in space 1.3 Developing TOD Indicators 1.3.1 TOD indicator maps 1.3.2 TOD indicator tables 1.3.3 TOD indicator plots 1.4 Capturing three submarkets of interest 1.5 Conclusion: Are Philadelphians willing to pay for TOD? 1.6 Assignment -- Study TOD in your city Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary2.1 Introduction -- Lancaster development2.1.1 The bid-rent model2.1.2 Setup Lancaster data 2.2 Identifying areas inside & outside of the Urban Growth Area 2.2.1 Associate each inside/outside buffer with its respective town2.2.2 Building density by town & by inside/outside the UGA 2.2.3 Visualize buildings inside & outside the UGA2.3 Return to Lancaster's Bid Rent 2.4 Conclusion -- On boundaries 2.5 Assignment -- Boundaries in your community Intro to geospatial machine learning, Part 1 3.1 Machine learning as a Planning tool 3.1.1 Accuracy & generalizability 3.1.2 The machine learning process 3.1.3 The hedonic model 3.2 Data wrangling -- Home price & crime data 3.2.1 Feature Engineering -- Measuring exposure to crime 3.2.2 Exploratory analysis: Correlation3.3 Introduction to Ordinary Least Squares Regression 3.3.1 Our first regression model3.3.2 More feature engineering & colinearity 3.4 Cross-validation & return to goodness of fit3.4.1 Accuracy -- Mean Absolute Error 3.4.2 Generalizability -- Cross-validation 3.5 Conclusion -- Our first model 3.6 Assignment -- Predict house prices Intro to geospatial machine learning, Part 24.1 On the spatial process of home prices 4.1.1 Setup & Data Wrangling 4.2 Do prices & errors cluster? The Spatial Lag4.2.1 Do model errors cluster? -- Moran's I4.3 Accounting for neighborhood 4.3.1 Accuracy of the neighborhood model 4.3.2 Spatial autocorrelation in the neighborhood model 4.3.3 Generalizability of the neighborhood model4.4 Conclusion -- Features at multiple scalesGeospatial risk modeling -- Predictive Policing 5.1 New predictive policing tools 5.1.1 Generalizability in geospatial risk models 5.1.2 From Broken Windows Theory to Broken Windows Policing 5.1.3 Setup 5.2 Data wrangling: Creating the fishnet5.2.1 Data wrangling: Joining burglaries to the fishnet 5.2.2 Wrangling risk factors 5.3 Feature engineering -- Count of risk factors by grid cell 5.3.1 Feature engineering -- Nearest neighbor features 5.3.2 Feature Engineering -- Measure distance to one point 5.3.3 Feature Engineering -- Create the final-net 5.4 Exploring the spatial process of burglary 5.4.1 Correlation tests 5.5 Poisson Regression 5.5.1 Cross-validated Poisson Regression 5.5.2 Accuracy & Generalzability 5.5.3 Generalizability by neighborhood context5.5.4 Does this model allocate better than traditional crime hotspots? 5.6 Conclusion -- Bias but useful? 5.7 Assignment -- Predict risk People-based ML models6.1 Bounce to work6.2 Exploratory analysis 6.3 Logistic regression6.3.1 Training/Testing sets 6.3.2 Estimate a churn model 6.4 Goodness of Fit 6.4.1 Roc Curves 6.5 Cross-validation 6.6 Generating costs and benefits 6.6.1 Optimizing the cost/benefit relationship 6.7 Conclusion -- churn 6.8 Assignment -- Target a subsidy People-Based ML Models: Algorithmic Fairness7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 The spectre of disparate impact 7.1.2 Modeling judicial outcomes 7.1.3 Accuracy and generalizability in recidivism algorithms 7.2 Data and exploratory analysis 7.3 Estimate two recidivism models 7.3.1 Accuracy & Generalizability 7.4 What about the threshold?7.5 Optimizing 'equitable' thresholds 7.6 Assignment -- Memo to the Mayor Predicting rideshare demand8.1 Introduction -- ride share 8.2 Data Wrangling -- ride share 8.2.1 Lubridate8.2.2 Weather data 8.2.3 Subset a study area using neighborhoods 8.2.4 Create the final space/time panel 8.2.5 Split training and test8.2.6 What about distance features? 8.3 Exploratory Analysis -- ride share 8.3.1 Trip-Count serial autocorrelation 8.3.2 Trip-Count spatial autocorrelation 8.3.3 Space/time correlation? 8.3.4 Weather8.4 Modeling and validation using purrr::map8.4.1 A short primer on nested tibbles 8.4.2 Estimate a ride share forecast 8.4.3 Validate test set by time 8.4.4 Validate test set by space 8.5 Conclusion -- Dispatch8.6 Assignment -- Predict bike share tripsConclusion -- Algorithmic Governance Index
In: http://hdl.handle.net/11655/7510
Within the scope of the thesis, by providing the information about the chrome mine, the factors affecting the quarry sales price, quarry sales amount and the right of government have been examined thanks to the data obtained the General Directorate of Mining and Petroleum Affairs. Panel Data Analysis is performed with Stata-12 program. First, it is investigated whether there is a cross-section independence between variables. After finding the cross-section dependence between variables, the Pesaran Unit Root Test, one of the second generation unit root tests, is performed. The effects of the unit and time are also investigated. The models, having the effects of unit and time, are investigated by applying Hausman Test and it is examined whether the fixed effect model or the random effect model should be used. According to the Hausman test statistic, it is decided to use the fixed effect model and then the assumptions are tested. Heteroscedasticity problem is tested by the Wald test and the problem of autocorrelation is tested by the Bhargava-Franzini-Narendranathan Durbin-Watson Test and Baltagi-Wu Test. The parameters of the models are obtained by using the Arellano-Froot-Rogers Estimator as there are heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation problems in the model. In addition, multi-collinearity problem is also investigated and it is found that there is no multi-colinearity in the models despite series are related. Finally, according to the results of the panel data analysis, performed to the data between 2005 and 2015, it is determined that the impacts of average dollar exchange rate on quarry sales price, the prices of the right of government on the sales volume are significant and negative; besides, the stock amount has a remarkable and negative impact on the quarry sales price; whereas, the production quantity and the quarry sales price have a remarkable and positive effect on the quarry sales quantity. Keywords: Panel Data Analysis, Arellano-Froot-Rogers Estimator, Unit Root Tests, Pesaran Cross Section Independence Test, F Test, Maximum Likelihood Ratio (LR) Test, Hausman Test, Wald Test, Bhargava-Franzini-Narendranathan Modified Durbin-Watson Test, Baltagi-Wu Test, Stata, Chrome ; Bu tez çalışması kapsamında krom madenine ait bilgiler verilerek, Maden ve Petrol İşleri Genel Müdürlüğünden elde edilen verilerin yardımı ile madenin ocak başı satış fiyatını, ocak başı satış miktarını ve tahahkuk eden devlet hakkını etkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Stata-12 programı ile Panel Veri Analizi uygulaması yapılmıştır. Öncelikle, değişkenler arasında yatay kesit bağımsızlığı olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Yatayykesit bağımlılığışbulunannverilere ikincinnesil birim kök testlerindennolanpPesaranbbirimkkök testiuuygulanmıştır. Modellerde birim ve zaman etkisi de araştırılmıştır. Birim ve zaman etkisi mevcut olan modellerehHausman Testi uygulanarak,ssabiteetkili model mi,rrassal etkili model mi kullanılmalıdır sorusunun cevabı araştırılmıştır. Hausman test istatistiğinin sonucuna göre sabit etkili modelin uygulanmasına karar verilerek, varsayımların test edilmesine geçilmiştir. Değişen varyanslılık sorunu Wald testi ile; otokorelasyon sorunu Bhargava-Franzini-Narendranathan, Durbın,Watson Testi ve Baltagı,Wu Testi ile sınanmıştır. Modellerde degişen varyanslılık ve ootokorelasyon sorunları tespit edilmesi üzere Arellano-Froot-Rogers Tahmin Edicisi kullanılarak modellerdeki katsayıların tahmini yapılmıştır. Seriler birbirleriyle ilşkili olmasına rağmen korelasyon matrisinde çoklu bağlantı sorununun olmadığı görülmüştür. 2005 ve 2015 yılları arasındaki verilere uygulanan panel veri analizine göre istatistiki açıdan ortalama dolar kurunun ocak başı satış fiyatı ve tahakkuk eden devlet hakkı bedelinin de ocak başı satış miktarı üzerinde etkili olduğu ve de negatif doğrultuda bir etkisinin olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, stok miktarının da ocak başı satış fiyatı üzerinde negatif ve anlamlı etkisinin olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, tüvenan üretim miktarı ve ocak başı satış fiyatı da ocak başı satış miktarı üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif bir etkiye sahiptir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Panel Veri Analizi, Arellano-Froot-Rogers Tahmin Edicisi, Birim Kök Testleri, Pesaran Yatay Kesit Bağımsızlık Testi, F testi, En Çok Olabilirlik Oran (LR) Testi, Hausman Testi, WalddTesti, Bhargava, Franzini, Narendranathan Düzeltilmiş Durbın, Watson Testi, Baltagı, Wu Testi, Stata, Krom
Satisfaction with the policy of commercial banks concerning SMEs is one of the most important factors affecting the success of commercial banking activities. This paper analyses the scientific approaches to importance of SME satisfaction with the commercial banks. The analysis of scientific publications revealed that one of the most important factors affecting the satisfaction of small and medium-sized enterprises with banks is the policy concerning SMEs. Comparisons of the results of two studies, analysing satisfaction of small and medium-sized enterprises with the policy of commercial banks concerning SMEs, are presented in this article. One study was conducted in Canada in 2002, another one – in Lithuania in 2011. These studies identified and investigated the factors influencing satisfaction of small and medium-sized enterprises with the policy of commercial banks concerning SMEs, i.e., granting of loans corresponding business needs, offering appropriate financial services to business, creating favourable loan conditions, flexible response to changing business needs, business support by a bank during successful company activities period, business support by a bank in the critical moments of company activities, making timely financing decisions. It was found that all relationships between the factors and the satisfaction with the policy of commercial bank are linear and the correlation coefficients are quite high, indicating that the relationship between the factors is strong enough. However, these studies did not reveal statistical significance of the elements and their possible impact on the satisfaction with commercial banks policy. The current study includes all previously investigated factors and was conducted using the questionnaire method. The respondents were employees of Lithuanian small and medium-sized companies. Statistical analysis shows that only granting of loans corresponding business needs, offering appropriate financial services to business, creating favourable loan conditions, flexible response to changing business needs are statistically significant elements for satisfaction of small and medium-sized enterprises with the policy of commercial banks concerning SMEs. In addition, it was found that there is no multi-colinearity, there are no outliers among investigated factors. The regression equation of satisfaction of small and medium- sized enterprises with the policy of commercial banks concerning SMEs indicating the weight of each statistically significant factor to the overall satisfaction with the commercial bank policy was created. In other words, the equation shows how satisfaction with the policy of commercial bank varies changing one of the most important factors and helps predicting changes in satisfaction. ; Smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių pasitenkinimas komerciniais bankais yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, darančių įtaką sėkmingai komercinių bankų veiklai. Straipsnyje analizuojami mokslininkų požiūriai į smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių pasitenkinimo komerciniais bankais svarbą. Analizuojant mokslines publikacija nustatyta, kad vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, darančių įtaką smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių pasitenkinimui banku, yra komercinių bankų vykdoma politika smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių atžvilgiu. Straipsnyje yra lyginami smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių pasitenkinimo komercinių bankų vykdoma politika SVV įmonių atžvilgiu dviejų tyrimų rezultatai. Vienas tyrimas buvo atliktas Kanadoje 2002 m., kitas – Lietuvoje 2011 m. Šiuose tyrimuose išskiriami ir nagrinėjami veiksniai, darantys įtaką SVV įmonių pasitenkinimui komercinių bankų vykdoma politika jų verslo atžvilgiu, t. y.: kreditų, atitinkančių verslo poreikius, teikimas; kitų reikiamų finansinių paslaugų verslui teikimas; palankių paskolų sąlygų sudarymas; lankstus reagavimas į kintančius verslo poreikius; verslo rėmimas sėkmingu įmonės veiklos laikotarpiu; verslo rėmimas kritiniais įmonės veiklos momentais; finansinių sprendimų priėmimas laiku. Nustatyta, kad visi ryšiai yra tiesiniai ir koreliacijos koeficientai gana aukšti, kas parodo, kad ryšiai tarp veiksnių yra pakankamai stiprūs. Tačiau šiuose tyrimuose nebuvo nustatyta, ar visi elementai yra statistiškai reikšmingi ir ar jie tikrai turi įtakos pasitenkinimui komercinių bankų vykdoma politika. Į dabartinį tyrimą įtraukti visi veiksniai, kurie buvo tirti ankstesniuose tyrimuose. Tyrimui atlikti taikytas anketinės apklausos metodas. Respondentai buvo Lietuvos smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių darbuotojai. Atlikus statistinį tyrimą, buvo nustatyta, kad tik kreditų, atitinkančių verslo poreikius, teikimas; reikiamų finansinių paslaugų verslui teikimas; palankių paskolų sąlygų sudarymas; lankstus reagavimas į kintančius verslo poreikius yra statistiškai reikšmingi elementai SVV pasitenkinimui komercinių bankų vykdoma politika. Be to, buvo nustatyta, kad tarp šių veiksnių nėra multikolinearumo, nėra išskirčių, todėl, buvo sudaryta smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių pasitenkinimo komercinių banko vykdoma politika SVV įmonių atžvilgiu regresinė lygtis, kuri parodo, kokį svorį kiekvienas iš statistiškai reikšmingų elementų turi pasitenkinimui komercinio banko vykdoma politika. Kitaip tariant, lygtis parodo, kaip pasikeičia pasitenkinimas komercinių bankų vykdoma politika pasikeitus lemiančiam veiksniui, kas leidžia prognozuoti pasitenkinimo kitimą.