Decentralisation of political participation - city quarter communication in Ljubljana
In: Central European political science review: quarterly of Central European Political Science Association ; CEPSR, Band 5, Heft 18, S. 66-80
ISSN: 1586-4197
1661 Ergebnisse
In: Central European political science review: quarterly of Central European Political Science Association ; CEPSR, Band 5, Heft 18, S. 66-80
ISSN: 1586-4197
World Affairs Online
In: Central European political science review: quarterly of Central European Political Science Association ; CEPSR, Band 5, Heft 18
ISSN: 1586-4197
Cover -- Half-title page -- Other books in this series -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Contents -- List of abbreviations -- Acknowledgments -- Series editors' introduction -- 1. The city and the sea -- 2. Dublin's waterfront in global perspective -- 3. The politics of planning docklands, 1980-1987 -- 4. The politics of planning docklands, 1980-1987 -- 5. Recreating the waterfront: the Custom House Docks and environs, 1987-1997 -- 6. Creating a living city: changing directions for Dublin Docklands -- 7. The contested city: Docklands in the new millennium -- 8. Continuing evolution -- Bibliography -- List of illustrations -- Index.
In urban areas, solar energy is one promising source of renewable energy to achieve the EU parliament's goal of reducing CO 2 emissions by 20 % compared to 1990. Although annual radiation on vertical walls is lower than that on roof surfaces, they are larger in area and, therefore may contribute to energy production. On the other hand, the modelling of shadowing effects is cost intensive in an complex urban environment. Here we present a method for the calculation of solar potential on vertical walls for simple 2D maps with additional building height information. We introduced observer point columns that enable a fast decision whether a whole vertical set of observer points is illuminated or not. By the introduction of a maximum shade length, we reduce processing time in ArcGIS. 206,291 points of 130 buildings have been analysed in time steps of 15 minutes resulting in 15 769 pairs of solar angles. Results disprove the potential of vertical walls serving to fill the winter gap of roof mounted solar energy plants. Best wall orientation for the deployment of solar panels are west and east in summer, whereas it is southeast in winter.
In urban areas, solar energy is one promising source of renewable energy to achieve the EU parliament's goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 20 % compared to 1990. Although annual radiation on vertical walls is lower than that on roof surfaces, they are larger in area and, therefore may contribute to energy production. On the other hand, the modelling of shadowing effects is cost intensive in an complex urban environment. Here we present a method for the calculation of solar potential on vertical walls for simple 2D maps with additional building height information. We introduced observer point columns that enable a fast decision whether a whole vertical set of observer points is illuminated or not. By the introduction of a maximum shade length, we reduce processing time in ArcGIS. 206,291 points of 130 buildings have been analysed in time steps of 15 minutes resulting in 15 769 pairs of solar angles. Results disprove the potential of vertical walls serving to fill the winter gap of roof mounted solar energy plants. Best wall orientation for the deployment of solar panels are west and east in summer, whereas it is southeast in winter.
In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung: Discourse : Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 2193-9713
'Der Beitrag diskutiert Befunde aus der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung zum Bundesprogramm 'E&C - Entwicklung und Chancen junger Menschen in sozialen Brennpunkten' und konzentriert sich auf die empirischen Ergebnisse, die im Zuge qualitativer und quantitativer Analysen der Kooperationsbeziehungen von Jugendhilfe und Schulen ermittelt wurden. Forschungsleitend war die Frage, ob und welchen Einfluss kommunalpolitische Steuerungsmodi im Sinne von Governance für die Kooperationsbeziehungen von Jugendhilfe und Schule in sozialen Brennpunkten besitzen. Zunächst wird der forschungspraktische Rahmen vorgestellt, in dem der vorliegende Beitrag entstanden ist. Es folgt die Problematisierung des Aspektes der komplexen politischen Zuständigkeiten und der gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen an die Institution Schule, insbesondere in 'sozialen Brennpunkten'. Nach der Vorstellung des theoretischen Analyseansatzes sowie der Klarstellung wichtiger Begrifflichkeiten erfolgt auf der Grundlage der empirischen Ergebnisse der Versuch einer Antwort auf die benannte Forschungsfrage.' (Autorenreferat)
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 174-174
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966
In: Urban studies, Band 46, Heft 5-6, S. 1203-1221
ISSN: 1360-063X
Within the rapidly transforming city of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, lies the Ancient Quarter, home to a broad array of small entrepreneurs and traders since the 13th century. Utilising a longitudinal study approach, supported by a livelihoods framework, this paper investigates the impacts of both historical political and economic policies and current market economic reforms on Ancient Quarter trader livelihoods. Drawing on oral histories with elderly residents and interviews with current traders, it analyses the influence of French colonial rule and the First Indochina War, before turning to ascertain the consequences of the socialist period and the Second Indochina War. By doing so, the paper reveals the diverse livelihood strategies that traders have put in place to survive through these turbulent times.
In: Stratum plus: archeologija i kulʹturnaja antropologija = Stratum plus : archaeology and cultural anthropology, Heft 3, S. 235-259
ISSN: 1857-3533
The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of the results of excavations of "ГШ" sector in the central part of the archaic Berezan Island site conducted by IA NASU archaeological team in 2006—2016. The uncovered structures, apparently, belonged to one household, which had an area of ca. 300 sq. m., which, in turn, was located in the territory of a city quarter of irregular shape. In the third quarter of the 6th century BC this household was a pottery workshop: during the excavations, five kilns were discovered, with grayware lamps and tableware of various shapes, imitating waveline East Greek pottery. The workshop was focused on small-scale production of a wide range of tableware, intended mainly for the local market, which probably had a very limited capacity in the third quarter of the 6th century BC. This complex is the oldest evidence of the commercial pottery production among the North Pontic ancient Greek sites. It is important both for understanding the economic growth of the first apoikia in this region and in the context of the Berezan settlement development. The time of its appearance coincides with the alleged re-foundation of Borysthenes — the emergence of a large group of Ionian colonists in the 540s BC, which led to the rapid urbanization of the settlement, the development of crafts and monetary circulation. The arrived craftsmen set up various handicraft industries in a new place, but the metallurgical workshops located on the territory of the early dugout settlement ceased to function or were transferred to the outskirts of the city's new quarters.
In: Dissent: a journal devoted to radical ideas and the values of socialism and democracy, Band 47, Heft 2, S. 97-104
ISSN: 0012-3846
In: THE CASPIAN REGION: Politics, Economics, Culture, Band 61, Heft 4, S. 26-31
In: Dissent: a journal devoted to radical ideas and the values of socialism and democracy, Band 47, S. 97-104
ISSN: 0012-3846
Examines portrayals of the inner city in American film, noting an abundance of 1990s movies that focused on the violence, self-destruction, & blight of the inner city as the backdrop for action films targeted for suburban audiences. The contrasting work of some talented directors who have avoided action melodrama & stereotypes to present brutally honest portraits of inner-city life is described. It is maintained that these unique films, which focus on Chicago, Los Angeles, & particularly New York, capture the ethos of Puerto Rican, African American, & white working-class worlds. A number of them are described & critiqued, including Spike Lee's popular movies, as well as the work of lesser known independent filmmakers like John Sayles. It is contended that the inner city's decreasing crime rate & improved climate of the late 1990s has not been fodder for films or TV dramas that depend on violent crimes & continuous mayhem. An examination of European inner-city films indicates that they tend to be darker & more politically aware than their American counterparts. 1 Illustration. J. Lindroth
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 274-294
ISSN: 1471-6380
Max Weber's brief remarks on the nature of the Muslim city constitute a poignant example of what Bernard Lewis describes as the unfortunate division of labor which has pervaded the study of Islam: the 'founding fathers' of sociology and their successors have framed theoretical statements which were either elaborated or refuted by scholars more directly concerned with the Muslim world.
In: Aga Khan Program book series
In: Urban studies, Band 47, Heft 14, S. 3157-3159
ISSN: 1360-063X