The Frontier as Safety Valve: A Rejoinder
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 268-271
ISSN: 1538-165X
35250 Ergebnisse
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 268-271
ISSN: 1538-165X
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 51, Heft 1, S. 61-116
ISSN: 1538-165X
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 161-185
ISSN: 1538-165X
Soils in Belgium were mapped between 1947 and 1991 and published at a 1:20000 scale. These maps are used in land consolidation projects and for assessing soils' vulnerability to erosion and pollution. Integration of land-use and environmental policies within the European Union however requires a harmonization of different national soil classification systems. With the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) as common classification system within the Union, the authorities of Flanders and Wallonia commissioned a study to elaborate a methodology for converting the Belgian soil legend into WRB. The Belgian legend is based on field properties such as texture, drainage status and profile development. The WRB classification is based on diagnostic features defined by morphological, physical and chemical properties. A key and software programme have been developed to convert the Belgian units into WRB units. However, as many Belgian units could not unequivocally be translated into WRB units, additional guidelines had to be derived based on soil survey data classified according to WRB. The data show that principles of the legend shifted over time or were interpreted differently to take regional specificities into account. To overcome resulting ambiguities it is proposed to establish a database of reference soil profiles. Whereas, overall WRB is satisfactory for classifying soils at national level, the experience also shows that some WRB concepts may benefit from revisions to facilitate its correlation with national soil survey data. ; Peer reviewed
Depuis quelques années, on assiste à un regain d'intérêt sur les sols et leurs propriétés, en relation avec une prise de conscience environnementale accrue. La protection des sols est ainsi devenue l'objet d'initiatives réglementaires au niveau européen. Cette communication propose un bref historique de la cartographie des sols en Belgique et présente les travaux de valorisation et de révision de la Carte des Sols menés au sein de notre équipe de recherche-développement. La Belgique fut un des premiers pays à s'être doté d'une carte des sols à grande échelle (1/20 000) sur la totalité de son territoire. L'article commente les étapes de sa réalisation et ses caractéristiques. S'étalant de 1947 à 1991, ce programme ambitieux délivra divers produits en marge de cette carte. Face à une demande accrue d'informations sur les sols et au développement des systèmes d'information géographiques, la partie wallonne de la carte a été numérisée dans le cadre du Projet de Cartographie Numérique des Sols de Wallonie (PCNSW). La Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie et sa légende unique ont ensuite été valorisées au travers d'un certain nombre de produits dérivés dont une sélection est brièvement commentée. Si l'utilisation de la Carte des Sols et les applications dont elle fait l'objet dépassent de loin les objectifs initiaux d'augmentation des productions agricoles, elle ne répond cependant pas toujours aux demandes actuelles, au regard des enjeux environnementaux et des législations actuelles et futures, tant au niveau régional qu'européen. Faisant écho à ce constat, les travaux menés actuellement par l'équipe de révision de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie sont brièvement présentés, à travers une description de son cadre méthodologique et technique. Le crédo des travaux menés étant que la Carte des Sols, en tant qu'outil d'intégration, de structuration et de cadrage de l'information pédologique, doit devenir de plus en plus le fondement de Systèmes Régionaux d'Information sur les Sols et leurs propriétés. ; Over the past few years, there has been growing concern about soils and their properties, thanks to greater environmental awareness. Consequently, existing documents on soil are valuable in risk assessment and for the research of well-adapted solutions. In this context, this paper reviews the main stages of soil mapping in Belgium and presents current works to valorize the Digital Soil Map of Wallonia and update associated databases. Belgium is among the first countries to be completely covered by a detailed soil map (1:20,000). The origin of the Soil Map of Belgium, its realisation between 1947 and 1991, the principles and characteristics as well as the related products are described. But since its publication, due to the increasing need of soil information and thanks to the development of geographical information systems the Walloon part of the map was digitalised between 2000 and 2003 by the Digital Soil Map of Wallonia (DSMW) Project. From this early action at regional level, a selection of immediately derived products is presented and briefly commented. However, if these products go beyond the initial objective of agricultural production increase, they do not always meet the environmental challenges nor the future legislation at European, national and regional levels. To fill this gap, the recent tasks carried out by the DMSW team are presented through a description of their methodological and technical framework. The long-term objective is to build Regional Soil Information Systems based on the use of the Digital Soil Map of Wallonia as a tool of integration, structuring and referencing of pedological information. ; Peer reviewed
Within the European Union, there is a general interest to prepare joint soil maps at a 1:250000 scale in order to harmonise agricultural and environmental policies. The World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) has been adopted as the common soil classification system within the EU. As soil surveys in most member states were conducted independently, the challenge is now to convert the national legends into a common WRB legend. Based on our experiences from converting the legend of the Soil Map of Belgium to WRB, we discuss the strengths and constraints of using WRB for both large scale (1:50000) and small scale (1:250000) maps. By using WRB Reference Soil Groups with one or two main qualifiers, the principal soil information of the original 1:20000 scale Soil Map of Belgium can be represented. Inevitably the conversion to WRB leads to some loss of information as details on soil texture, drainage and substratum get generalised into broader categories in WRB. This generalisation however can be neatly presented on 1:50000 scale maps. Being less complex than the original maps, these maps have the advantage to provide better insights into the regional soil geography. Moreover, as they are built on international classification concepts, the historical soil maps are made accessible to a wider audience. The conversion into WRB units also allowed for a straightforward generalisation and production of small scale maps (1:250000) which should be suitable for producing a soil map at European level. ; Peer reviewed
In: Z: revue itinérante d'enquête et de critique sociale, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 104-105
ISSN: 2101-4787
In: Publikacje Muzeum Morskieko w Gdánsku
In: Seria 2: Informatory, przewodniki, katalogi 11
In: Cuadernos fronterizos: publicación estacional de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, S. 73-74
ISSN: 2594-0422
Fragmento: Yo vengo de donde nace el sol, dicen mis ancestros que somos lo que concibió la primera mujer que fue inseminada por el sol y gotas de agua de manantial que hizo a la gente Pa Ipai. Miabkiak el gran creador acomodó a las personas en sus territorios, las grandes aguas del rio son testigo del canto que hizo dios para acomodar los clanes en las tierras que serían su hogar, nombrando a cada pueblo y nombró al Jaspuy paim Pa Ipai dándole la tierra que se llama xajtubjool agua caudalosa, donde se mete el sol.
The news is not good for black women when it comes to finding a partner. Where not long ago there were roughly two married women to every single woman, those numbers have gradually reversed over the past few decades--now, more than 60 percent of black women have either never married or are divorced. These numbers are far greater than those of any other social group, and the trend shows no sign of reversing. Mathis brings the skills of an astute veteran journalist and the passions of an attentive and articulate storyteller to uncovering the truths in single black women's lives today. "Sole