The publication, examines the visible capacity development needs of countries, as well as the underlying historical, political, economic, cultural, and societal elements that contributed to their current state of achievement. The publication also investigates the factors complicating efforts to address conflict and fragility problems of countries. This report covers 34 countries and focuses on the challenges of capacity development in fragile environments.
This book contributes to our understanding of a neglected and poorly-understood concept within the development field: 'capacity development' in the context of international human and organisational sustainable development. Relating 'capacity development' to other perspectives in development thinking and practice and providing an account of the concept's genesis, the book introduces readers to contemporary empirical research initiatives that help to elucidate the concepts of capacity, capacity development, and capacity management. While capacity development initiatives and programmes have been used by most governments, third-sector organizations, and international and national agencies over the course of the last five decades, the term means different things to different people and especially to different major players and stakeholders in the international community. This weakens its effectiveness, hence the need for unification. This book therefore strives first of all to set ground rules that can be utilised by international aid providers such as UNDP, OECD, World Bank, and CIDA and practitioners alike.
"Tuvalu, the fourth smallest country in the world, with an estimated population of 10,440, is an isolated and resource-poor country that relies mainly on royalties received for access to its exclusive economic zone and remittances as its main sources of foreign exchange. This case study describes how the Falekaupule Trust Fund (FTF) was established in the 1990s, with support from the ADB, as a mechanism to help build capacity for outer island development, relying on participatory methods to "put power in the hands of community members". This sub-series is published by the Asian Development Bank to provide the governments of its Pacific developing member countries (PDMCs) with analyses and insights on key issues and lessons learned with respect to capacity development. Cases studied highlight a range of experiences throughout the region by sector, theme and source of external support, revealing approaches to capacity development that work best and the conditions that have been conducive to their success. They also explore the unique challenges faced by PDMCs in addressing capacity constraints as well as some of the opportunities facing governments and the people in the Pacific islands. Among other things, the case studies underline the importance of PDMC leadership, engagement of local partners, strategic attention to long-term capacity issues and effective use of external resources. It is our hope that the findings in these reports will help to guide future capacity building efforts in the Pacific."
"Tuvalu, the fourth smallest country in the world, with an estimated population of 10,440, is an isolated and resource-poor country that relies mainly on royalties received for access to its exclusive economic zone and remittances as its main sources of foreign exchange. This case study describes how the Falekaupule Trust Fund (FTF) was established in the 1990s, with support from the ADB, as a mechanism to help build capacity for outer island development, relying on participatory methods to "put power in the hands of community members". This sub-series is published by the Asian Development Bank to provide the governments of its Pacific developing member countries (PDMCs) with analyses and insights on key issues and lessons learned with respect to capacity development. Cases studied highlight a range of experiences throughout the region by sector, theme and source of external support, revealing approaches to capacity development that work best and the conditions that have been conducive to their success. They also explore the unique challenges faced by PDMCs in addressing capacity constraints as well as some of the opportunities facing governments and the people in the Pacific islands. Among other things, the case studies underline the importance of PDMC leadership, engagement of local partners, strategic attention to long-term capacity issues and effective use of external resources. It is our hope that the findings in these reports will help to guide future capacity building efforts in the Pacific."
The international development community invests billions of dollars to improve organisational capacity. But real-life practice is poorly understood and undervalued as a distinct professional domain. Written by practitioners, this innovative publication is designed to make capacity development more professional and increasingly effective in achieving development goals. Practical illustrations draw on experiences from the civic, government and private sectors. A central theme is to understand capacity as more than something internal to organisations. This book shows how capacity also stems from ...
The international development community invests billions of dollars to improve organisational capacity. But real-life practice is poorly understood and undervalued as a distinct professional domain. Written by practitioners, this innovative publication is designed to make capacity development more professional and increasingly effective in achieving development goals.Practical illustrations draw on experiences from the civic, government and private sectors. A central theme is to understand capacity as more than something internal to organisations. This book shows how capacity also stems from c
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
Political Science; European Union - De serie 'Werkdocumenten' omvat stukken die in het kader van de werkzaamheden van de WRR tot stand zijn gekomen en die op aanvraag door de raad beschikbaar worden gesteld. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de inhoud en de ingenomen standpunten berust bij de auteurs.
"Der Beitrag befasst sich mit den für eine entwicklungsorientierte Transformation fragiler Staaten benötigten Fähigkeiten und mit der Erfahrung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) im Bereich 'Capacity Development' (CD) in fragilen Kontexten. Diskutiert werden folgende Fragen: (1) Welche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen CD in fragilen Staaten und CD in anderen, stabileren Staaten? (2) Was wird bereits getan, um die Leistungsfähigkeit in fragilen Staaten zu entwickeln? (3) Was sollte anders gemacht werden? (4) Wie reagiert die deutsche Technische Zusammenarbeit (TZ) auf die besonderen Herausforderungen und Dilemmas, die durch staatliche Fragilität entstehen?" (Autorenreferat)