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Business strategy
In: Brian Tracy success library
In this concise and practical book, the author shares the most important lessons for strategic planning. Readers will discover how to: ask the five key questions vital to any strategic plan; determine a corporate mission that lifts and inspires people; gain valuable insight with market share/market growth and strategy/operations matrices; define themselves in relation to their competition; utilize the concept of "driving force"; anticipate crises; reposition their business with new products, services, and technologies; and measure success via clear financial objectives. Incorporating examples ranging from Alexander the Great to IBM and General Electric, Tracy gives readers proven ideas for increasing their company's ROI and maximizing their strengths and opportunities. --
Canada's international business strategy: (CIBS). Industry strategies : abridged
Business strategy: an introduction
"Business Strategy: An Introduction is an accessible textbook providing a straightforward and comprehensive guide to strategic management for undergraduate students of business and management. It presents complex issues and concepts in a clear and concise manner and is a definitive guide for those new to the subject"--
Business strategy and sustainability
In: Developments in corporate governance and responsibility, v. 3
This volume examines the word that's on everybodys lips in business, in government and in society - sustainability. There are of course many aspects of sustainability which might be considered to reflect Brundtlands three pillars of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Others of course have different definitions which include such things as governance or supply chain management. Nevertheless business has recognised the significance of the concept and is responding by developing strategies to cope, although some would say that this is little more than window dressing. The debate continues however as to just what is meant by the term sustainability as far as business is concerned and how can this be achieved. This book is designed to address this debate and set it within the context of the global business and societal environment.