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A Black Box Model of Communications
In: Journal of business communication: JBC, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 37-47
ISSN: 1552-4582
Black-box models of candidate evaluation
In: Political behavior, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 5-18
ISSN: 1573-6687
Working paper
Black Box Models and Sociological Explanations: Predicting GPA Using Neural Networks
The Fragile Families Challenge provided an opportunity to empirically assess the applicability of black box machine learning models to sociological questions and the extent to which interpretable explanations can be extracted from these models. In this paper I use neural network models to predict high school grade-point average and examine how variations of basic network parameters affect predictive performance. Using a recently proposed technique, I identify the most important predictive variables used by the best-performing model, finding that they relate to parenting and the child's cognitive and behavioral development, consistent with prior work. I conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for the relationship between prediction and explanation in sociological analyses.
Capacity, Leadership, and Organizational Performance: Testing the Black Box Model of Public Management
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 70, Heft 3, S. 443-454
ISSN: 1540-6210
According to recent "black box" models of public management, managerial capacity is a critical component for achieving service delivery improvement. In particular, black box models assume that the impact of management systems is maximized through integration with effective leadership. This assumption is tested by analyzing the effects of managerial capacity and organizational leadership on the performance of English local governments, while controlling for a range of other variables, including organizational size, resources, external constraints, and past performance. Empirical results show that capacity possesses a positive statistical association with local government performance and that leadership can enhance the impact of effective management systems.
Capacity, Leadership, and Organizational Performance: Testing the Black Box Model of Public Management
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 70, Heft 3, S. 443-455
ISSN: 0033-3352
Black-Box Models and Sociological Explanations: Predicting High School Grade Point Average Using Neural Networks
In: Socius: sociological research for a dynamic world, Band 5
ISSN: 2378-0231
The Fragile Families Challenge provided an opportunity to empirically assess the applicability of black-box machine learning models to sociological questions and the extent to which interpretable explanations can be extracted from these models. In this article the author uses neural network models to predict high school grade point average and examines how variations of basic network parameters affect predictive performance. Using a recently proposed technique, the author identifies the most important predictive variables used by the best performing model, finding that they relate to parenting and the child's cognitive and behavioral development, consistent with prior work. The author concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for the relationship between prediction and explanation in sociological analyses.
Towards avoiding microgrid design failures arising from an unrealistic operating strategy: an anticipative White Box model versus a responsive Black Box model
National audience ; This paper provides a comparison of two deterministic and stochastic approaches for microgrid sizing: an anticipative White Box (WB) model that optimizes both microgrid sizing and operation assuming a perfect forecasting of load and renewable energy production profiles, versus a responsive Black Box (BB) model that heuristically optimizes microgrid sizing with a realistic rule-based operation strategy. This work underlines the importance of optimizing microgrid design with the operating policy that will be implemented and assesses the techno-economic gaps compared to a sizing approach that assumes the perfect knowledge of the future. The case study results show that BB model is suitable for microgrid sizing with less computational requirements than the WB model. ; Cet article compare deux approches déterministes et stochastiques pour le dimensionnement des micro-réseaux : un modèle White Box (WB) anticipatif qui optimise à la fois le dimensionnement et l'opération du micro-réseau sous l'hypothèse d'une prévision parfaite de la consommation et de la production des énergies renouvelables, et un modèle Black Box (BB) réactif qui optimise de manière heuristique le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec une stratégie d'opération réaliste basée sur des règles dynamiques. Ce travail souligne l'importance d'optimiser le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec la politique de gestion qui sera mise en oeuvre et évalue les écarts technico-économiques par rapport à un dimensionnement basé sur l'hypothèse de connaissance parfaite du futur. Les résultats du cas d'étude montrent que le modèle BB est adapté au dimensionnement des micro-réseaux avec des temps de calcul inférieurs à ceux du modèle WB.
Towards avoiding microgrid design failures arising from an unrealistic operating strategy: an anticipative White Box model versus a responsive Black Box model
National audience ; This paper provides a comparison of two deterministic and stochastic approaches for microgrid sizing: an anticipative White Box (WB) model that optimizes both microgrid sizing and operation assuming a perfect forecasting of load and renewable energy production profiles, versus a responsive Black Box (BB) model that heuristically optimizes microgrid sizing with a realistic rule-based operation strategy. This work underlines the importance of optimizing microgrid design with the operating policy that will be implemented and assesses the techno-economic gaps compared to a sizing approach that assumes the perfect knowledge of the future. The case study results show that BB model is suitable for microgrid sizing with less computational requirements than the WB model. ; Cet article compare deux approches déterministes et stochastiques pour le dimensionnement des micro-réseaux : un modèle White Box (WB) anticipatif qui optimise à la fois le dimensionnement et l'opération du micro-réseau sous l'hypothèse d'une prévision parfaite de la consommation et de la production des énergies renouvelables, et un modèle Black Box (BB) réactif qui optimise de manière heuristique le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec une stratégie d'opération réaliste basée sur des règles dynamiques. Ce travail souligne l'importance d'optimiser le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec la politique de gestion qui sera mise en oeuvre et évalue les écarts technico-économiques par rapport à un dimensionnement basé sur l'hypothèse de connaissance parfaite du futur. Les résultats du cas d'étude montrent que le modèle BB est adapté au dimensionnement des micro-réseaux avec des temps de calcul inférieurs à ceux du modèle WB.
Towards avoiding microgrid design failures arising from an unrealistic operating strategy: an anticipative White Box model versus a responsive Black Box model
National audience ; This paper provides a comparison of two deterministic and stochastic approaches for microgrid sizing: an anticipative White Box (WB) model that optimizes both microgrid sizing and operation assuming a perfect forecasting of load and renewable energy production profiles, versus a responsive Black Box (BB) model that heuristically optimizes microgrid sizing with a realistic rule-based operation strategy. This work underlines the importance of optimizing microgrid design with the operating policy that will be implemented and assesses the techno-economic gaps compared to a sizing approach that assumes the perfect knowledge of the future. The case study results show that BB model is suitable for microgrid sizing with less computational requirements than the WB model. ; Cet article compare deux approches déterministes et stochastiques pour le dimensionnement des micro-réseaux : un modèle White Box (WB) anticipatif qui optimise à la fois le dimensionnement et l'opération du micro-réseau sous l'hypothèse d'une prévision parfaite de la consommation et de la production des énergies renouvelables, et un modèle Black Box (BB) réactif qui optimise de manière heuristique le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec une stratégie d'opération réaliste basée sur des règles dynamiques. Ce travail souligne l'importance d'optimiser le dimensionnement du micro-réseau avec la politique de gestion qui sera mise en oeuvre et évalue les écarts technico-économiques par rapport à un dimensionnement basé sur l'hypothèse de connaissance parfaite du futur. Les résultats du cas d'étude montrent que le modèle BB est adapté au dimensionnement des micro-réseaux avec des temps de calcul inférieurs à ceux du modèle WB.
Nonlinear Black-Box Models for Short-Term Forecasting of Air Temperature in the Town of Palermo
In: Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning; Studies in Computational Intelligence, S. 183-204
Creating Dynamic Pretrade Models: Beyond the Black Box
In: The journal of trading: JOT, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 41-48
ISSN: 1559-3967
We provide a framework for investment managers to create dynamic pretrade models. The approach helps market participants shed light on vendor black-box models that often do not provide any transparency into the model's functional form or working mechanics. In addition, this allows portfolio managers to create consensus estimates based on their own expectations, such as forecasted liquidity and volatility, and to incorporate firm proprietary alpha estimates into the solution. These techniques allow managers to reduce overdependency on any one black-box model, incorporate costs into the stock selection and portfolio optimization phase of the investment cycle, and perform "what-if" and sensitivity analyses without the risk of information leakage to any outside party or vendor.