8 Ergebnisse
The process of transformation is inevitable in all areas of economic and social life, as well as in banking. Accordingly, the transformation process has not bypassed our country. The dynamics and pace of transformation depends on the level of development of the country and developments in the world economy and politics. In the last decade, the events in the global financial market, aimed at profit maximization at any price (without analysis and appreciation of the risks involved), led to the global economic crisis in late 2007. This is slowing down the process of transformation of the banking sector in Serbia, since it depends on the credit and development capacities of the clients and the overall socio-political situation in the country. Domestic banks are organized in a modern way, in compliance with the recommendations of the EU and the rules of the Basel agreement; they have electronic equipment and most professional staff. The strengthening of competition in the domestic market will deepen the differences between banks and provide space for consolidating the domestic banks through the process of mergers, acquisitions and privatization. Moreover, the aspects of faster capital strengthening, which carry other advantages of the organizational, technical and technological nature, may faciliate cost-effective operations and more efficient use of resources. ; Proces transformacije je neminovan u svim oblastima privrednog i društvenog života , pa tako i u bankarstvu. Shodno tome, proces transformacije nije zaobišao ni našu zemlju. Dinamika i tempo transformacije zavisi od nivoa razvijenosti same zemlje i dešavanja u svetskoj ekonomiji i politici. Poznato je da su dešavanja na svetskom finansijskom tržištu u protekloj deceniji, usmerena na uvećanje profita po svaku cenu (bez analize i uvažavanja prisutnih rizika), doveli do svetske ekonomske krizu krajem 2007. godine. To je usporavalo proces transformacije bankarskog sektora u Srbiji, s obzirom da on zavisi od kreditne i razvojne sposobnosti svojih klijenata i ...
The monetary policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rather limited because it is based on the principles of a currency board characterized by the impossibility of implementing the basic monetary policy instruments in comparison with the monetary policy of the European Union. However, the constant presence of European integrations should point the need for a more drastic change in the monetary policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. By entering the European Monetary Union (EMU), the monetary territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina will become one of the branches of the European Central Bank (ECB). In addition, it is not difficult to conclude why the Law about the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been adopted with the first laws of the Dayton Agreement, if it is known that the largest part of the banking system, and therefore the financial market, is owned by foreign banks. This work will point out the significance of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as one of the most important factors for maintaining the permanent liquidity of the banking sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The possibilities and limitations of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be determined, with the assumption of macroeconomic sustainability over a longer period of time. The need of reforming the banking system in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be analyzed through the constant implementation of the Basel standards with the increasing participation of foreign banks in the Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be determined the impact of the implementation of the Basel III in the banking industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its consequences on the banking and economic system.models, on the ways of financing the elimination of adverse consequences of natural disasters. ; Monetarna politika Bosne i Hercegovine je prilično ograničena, jer se temelji na principima valutnog odbora kojeg karakteriše nemogućnost sprovođenja osnovnih instrumenata monetarne politike u poređenju sa monetarnom politikom Evropske unije. Međutim, stalna prisutnost evropskih integracija bi trebala da ukaže na potrebu za drastičnijom promijenom monetarne politike Bosne i Hercegovine. Ulaskom u Evropsku monetarnu uniju, (EMU) monetarno područje Bosne i Hercegovine postaće jedna od filijala Evropske centralne banke (ECB). Pored toga, nije teško zaključiti zašto je među prvim zakonima od Dejtonskog sporazuma usvojen Zakon o Centralnoj banci Bosne i Hercegovine, ako se zna da je najveći dio bankarskog sistema, a time i finansijskog tržišta u vlasništvu stranih banaka. U radu će se ukazati na značaj Centralne banke BiH, kao jednog od najbitnijih faktora održavanja permanentne likvidnosti bankarskog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini. Determinisaće se mogućnosti i ograničenja Centralne banke BiH, uz pretpostavku makroekonomske održivosti na duži vremenski period. Analiziraće se potreba reforme bankarskog sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini kroz stalnu implementaciju Bazelskih standarda uz sve veće učešće stranih banaka u finansijskom sistemu BiH. Odrediće se uticaj implementacije bazela III u bankarstvo BiH i njegove posljedice na bankarski i ekonomski sistem.
Upgrading waste management and sustainability reporting in banking industry: Evidence from Serbia ; Nadogradnja izveštavanja o upravljanju otpadom i održivom razvoju u bankarskom sektoru - primer Srbije
This paper examines banking industry practice in the area of circular economy reporting with the specific emphasis on waste management reporting in this sector. Paper answers the basic question - is financial service sector exempt from the circular economy reporting requirements having low material usage and resource consumption? Manuscript indicates that in Serbia waste management reporting in banks is in the early stage. Most of the waste management indicators in banks are included as integral part of sustainability reports or as part of management report. Paper indicates that less than half of the bank population in Serbia prepares standard report required by the Environmental Protection Agency. Having in mind these results, banks managers and state officials should take into consideration the fact that most of the banks do not report on flow of waste and most of these indicators are not regularly published on website implying that stakeholders and investors are not adequately informed on the inclusion of banks into circular economy environment. Lagging behind waste management requirements could be potentially hazardous having in mind the fact that Serbia strives towards European Union membership where the legislation and practical alignment with the EU regulation is inevitable process. ; U ovom radu istraživali smo praksu primene cirkularne ekonomije u bankarskom sektoru sa posebnim osvrtom na izveštavanje o upravljanju otpadom. Rad je pokušao da odgovori na klasično pitanje - da li je sektor finansijskih usluga kojem pripadaju i banke, izuzet od izveštavanja u kontekstu cirkularne ekonomije iz razloga što imaju nisko učešće trošenja materijala i prirodnih resursa prilikom obavljanja delatnosti? U ovom istraživanju indikativno je da u Srbiji izveštaj o upravljanju otpadom koji popunjavaju banke je u svom začetnom obliku. Najveći broj indikatora o upravljanju otpadom nalazi se u izveštaju o održivom razvoju koji banke pripremaju ili u izveštaju o poslovanju koji menadžment sastavlja radi polaganja računa stejkholderima. Istraživanje jasno ukazuje da ispod polovine banaka u Srbiji priprema standardni izveštaj koji zahteva Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine. Imajući u vidu ove rezultate, regulatori u državi, kao i menadžment banaka treba da imaju u vidu da banke ne prikazuju tokove otpada u svojim izveštajima, niti indikatore publikuju na svojim web stranicama. Ovo implicira da stejkholderi i investitori, kao važni korisnici, nisu adekvatno informisani o inkluziji banaka u sistem cirkularne ekonomije. Ukoliko i dalje budemo ostavljali po strani pitanja upravljanja otpadom, to može biti dodatni hazard imajući u vidu želju Srbije da bude punopravna članica EU gde je usklađivanje sa izuzetno obimnom regulativom u domenu upravljanja otpadom neizbežno.
Upgrading waste management and sustainability reporting in banking industry: Evidence from Serbia ; Nadogradnja izveštavanja o upravljanju otpadom i održivom razvoju u bankarskom sektoru - primer Srbije
This paper examines banking industry practice in the area of circular economy reporting with the specific emphasis on waste management reporting in this sector. Paper answers the basic question - is financial service sector exempt from the circular economy reporting requirements having low material usage and resource consumption? Manuscript indicates that in Serbia waste management reporting in banks is in the early stage. Most of the waste management indicators in banks are included as integral part of sustainability reports or as part of management report. Paper indicates that less than half of the bank population in Serbia prepares standard report required by the Environmental Protection Agency. Having in mind these results, banks managers and state officials should take into consideration the fact that most of the banks do not report on flow of waste and most of these indicators are not regularly published on website implying that stakeholders and investors are not adequately informed on the inclusion of banks into circular economy environment. Lagging behind waste management requirements could be potentially hazardous having in mind the fact that Serbia strives towards European Union membership where the legislation and practical alignment with the EU regulation is inevitable process. ; U ovom radu istraživali smo praksu primene cirkularne ekonomije u bankarskom sektoru sa posebnim osvrtom na izveštavanje o upravljanju otpadom. Rad je pokušao da odgovori na klasično pitanje - da li je sektor finansijskih usluga kojem pripadaju i banke, izuzet od izveštavanja u kontekstu cirkularne ekonomije iz razloga što imaju nisko učešće trošenja materijala i prirodnih resursa prilikom obavljanja delatnosti? U ovom istraživanju indikativno je da u Srbiji izveštaj o upravljanju otpadom koji popunjavaju banke je u svom začetnom obliku. Najveći broj indikatora o upravljanju otpadom nalazi se u izveštaju o održivom razvoju koji banke pripremaju ili u izveštaju o poslovanju koji menadžment sastavlja radi polaganja računa stejkholderima. Istraživanje jasno ukazuje da ispod polovine banaka u Srbiji priprema standardni izveštaj koji zahteva Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine. Imajući u vidu ove rezultate, regulatori u državi, kao i menadžment banaka treba da imaju u vidu da banke ne prikazuju tokove otpada u svojim izveštajima, niti indikatore publikuju na svojim web stranicama. Ovo implicira da stejkholderi i investitori, kao važni korisnici, nisu adekvatno informisani o inkluziji banaka u sistem cirkularne ekonomije. Ukoliko i dalje budemo ostavljali po strani pitanja upravljanja otpadom, to može biti dodatni hazard imajući u vidu želju Srbije da bude punopravna članica EU gde je usklađivanje sa izuzetno obimnom regulativom u domenu upravljanja otpadom neizbežno.
Competitive strategy selection in the european banking sector using a hybrid decision-making approach ; Odabir konkurentskih strategija u europskom bankarskom sektoru primjenom pristupa hibridnog odlucivanja
Strategic planning is an effective tool for long-term planning and utilized by organizations and industries to achieve competitive advantage. Addressing difficulties that the European banking sector struggled during and after the global financial crisis (GFC), the purpose of this paper is to raise important questions about the sustainability of the sector and offers competitive strategy formulations for European policy makers. Empirical findings are accomplished by applying a three phase analysis of SWOT, an integrated model of DEMATEL-ANP (DANP), and fuzzy TOPSIS. Empirical findings from the SWOT analysis suggest a total of twelve factors, which are then incorporated to formulate four strategies. The DANP results illustrate that opportunities dimension has the highest impact and strengths has the lowest among others. The fuzzy TOPSIS results demonstrate that "the European Banking Union (EBU) is expected to remove divergence in the Euro area banking sector" is the most important strategy, whilst "the non-risk based leverage ratio (LR) requirement by Basel III" has the weakest importance among the strategy preferences. ; Strateško planiranje je učinkovit alat za dugoročno planiranje koje primjenjujuorganizacije i industrije za postizanje konkurentske prednosti. S obzirom napoteškoće s kojima se europski bankarski sektor suočava za vrijeme i nakonglobalne financijske krize (GFC), svrha ovog rada je podići važna pitanja oodrživosti sektora i ponuditi formulacije konkurentnih strategija za europskekreatore politike. Empirijski rezultati postižu se primjenom SWOT analize u trifaze, integriranog modela DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) i 'fuzzy' (neizrazitog)TOPSIS-a. Empirijski rezultati SWOT analize ukazuju na ukupno dvanaestčimbenika, koji su potom uključeni u formuliranje četiri strategije. DANP rezultatipotvrđuju da faktor prilika ima najveći utjecaj, a snage imaju najniži utjecaj uodnosu na ostala tri faktora. Neizraziti rezultati TOPSIS-a pokazuju da najvažnijastrategija jest da "Europska bankovna unija (EBU) ukloni odstupanja ubankarskom sektoru u eurozoni", dok "zahtjev Basel-a III o nerizičnom omjerufinancijske poluge (LR)" ima najmanju važnost među strategijskim prioritetima.
This paper investigates resilience and stability of the Serbian banking sector in the light of deteriorated quality of its credit portfolio since the last world economic crisis. Nonperforming loans became a burning issue across Eastern European region. We used a set of indicators to appraise the magnitude of nonperforming loans' burden to the banking sector's soundness. Indicators verify that the Serbian banking sector was robust and solvent throughout crisis. Nonperforming loans were concentrated in nonfinancial corporations' sector, while households sector performed much better, which influenced remedy measures undertaken. We carried out a comparison with peer countries and reviewed nonperforming loans resolution strategy implemented in Serbia. Our finding is that measures taken helped noticeably in reducing stock of nonperforming loans, with a caveat that reduction might have been too fast and too large so that bounce back effect cannot be excluded. Overall, financial stability has been preserved despite serious threats and without government financial aid. ; U radu se analizira otpornost i stabilnost bankarskog sektora Srbije suočenog sa pogoršanim kvalitetom ukupnog kreditnog portfolija od izbijanja svetske ekonomske krize. Na bazi seta odabranih indikatora procenjena je jačina uticaja problematičnih kredita na stabilnost bankarskog sektora. Indikatori su potvrdili da je srpski bankarski sektor očuvao solventnost tokom trajanja krize. Zaključak rada je da su preduzete mere značajno pomogle obaranju nivoa problematičnih kredita, uz ukazivanje na predostrožnost u krajnjoj oceni jer je smanjenje možda bilo prebrzo i preveliko pa se ne može isključiti efekat njihovog povratka u budućnosti. Finansijska stabilnost u Srbiji je očuvana i pored ozbiljnih pretnji i bez posezanja za državnom finansijskom pomoći.
Competitive strategy selection in the European banking sector using a hybrid decision-making approach ; Odabir konkurentskih strategija u europskom bankarskom sektoru primjenom pristupa hibridnog odlučivanja
Strategic planning is an eJective tool for long-term planning and utilized by organizations and industries to achieve competitive advantage. Addressing difculties that the European banking sector struggled during and after the global financial crisis (GFC), the purpose of this paper is to raise important questions about the sustainability of the sector and oJers competitive strategy formulations for European policy makers. Empirical findings are accomplished by applying a three phase analysis of SWOT, an integrated model of DEMATEL-ANP (DANP), and fuzzy TOPSIS. Empirical findings from the SWOT analysis suggest a total of twelve factors, which are then incorporated to formulate four strategies. The DANP results illustrate that opportunities dimension has the highest impact and strengths has the lowest among others. The fuzzy TOPSIS results demonstrate that "the European Banking Union (EBU) is expected to remove divergence in the Euro area banking sector" is the most important strategy, whilst "the non-risk based leverage ratio (LR) requirement by Basel III" has the weakest importance among the strategy preferences. ; Strateško planiranje je učinkovit alat za dugoročno planiranje koje primjenjuju organizacije i industrije za postizanje konkurentske prednosti. S obzirom na poteškoće s kojima se europski bankarski sektor suočava za vrijeme i nakon globalne financijske krize (GFC), svrha ovog rada je podići važna pitanja o održivosti sektora i ponuditi formulacije konkurentnih strategija za europske kreatore politike. Empirijski rezultati postižu se primjenom SWOT analize u tri faze, integriranog modela DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) i 'fuzzy' (neizrazitog) TOPSIS-a. Empirijski rezultati SWOT analize ukazuju na ukupno dvanaest čimbenika, koji su potom uključeni u formuliranje četiri strategije. DANP rezultati potvrđuju da faktor prilika ima najveći utjecaj, a snage imaju najniži utjecaj u odnosu na ostala tri faktora. Neizraziti rezultati TOPSIS-a pokazuju da najvažnija strategija jest da "Europska bankovna unija (EBU) ukloni odstupanja u bankarskom sektoru u eurozoni", dok "zahtjev Basel-a III o nerizičnom omjeru financijske poluge (LR)" ima najmanju važnost medu strategijskim prioritetima.