Automated means to classify lab-scale termite damage
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 168, S. 105105
640 Ergebnisse
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 168, S. 105105
In: Contemporary Issues in Law, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 360-374
Every organization process information in information systems and cannot manage without the protection of organization information systems. Due to reinforcing protection of organization and investments, a need to know the level of protection exists. In order to retain the same level of protection, security assessment works should be performed regularly. However, they are complicated, performed slowly, and the results are relevant only during the assessment. The above mentioned problems can be solved constantly monitoring the network, registering the violations with the help of automated means, presenting the evaluation of the level of protection in numeric values, so that the changes in the level of security in time could be traced. Therefore, in the following work an automated mean, constantly monitoring the network and registering the violations according to the crated methodology, is created. Methodology relates organization security policy with the automated mean and provides it with the possibility to calculate the general evaluation of security considering the number and the level of risk of violations. The "Snort" tool, working in NIDS mode according to specially created rules, is chosen to register the violations. Information regarding the violations is saved in MySql data base. PHP language is applied to calculate and map the assessment of the level of security.
Every organization process information in information systems and cannot manage without the protection of organization information systems. Due to reinforcing protection of organization and investments, a need to know the level of protection exists. In order to retain the same level of protection, security assessment works should be performed regularly. However, they are complicated, performed slowly, and the results are relevant only during the assessment. The above mentioned problems can be solved constantly monitoring the network, registering the violations with the help of automated means, presenting the evaluation of the level of protection in numeric values, so that the changes in the level of security in time could be traced. Therefore, in the following work an automated mean, constantly monitoring the network and registering the violations according to the crated methodology, is created. Methodology relates organization security policy with the automated mean and provides it with the possibility to calculate the general evaluation of security considering the number and the level of risk of violations. The "Snort" tool, working in NIDS mode according to specially created rules, is chosen to register the violations. Information regarding the violations is saved in MySql data base. PHP language is applied to calculate and map the assessment of the level of security.
Every organization process information in information systems and cannot manage without the protection of organization information systems. Due to reinforcing protection of organization and investments, a need to know the level of protection exists. In order to retain the same level of protection, security assessment works should be performed regularly. However, they are complicated, performed slowly, and the results are relevant only during the assessment. The above mentioned problems can be solved constantly monitoring the network, registering the violations with the help of automated means, presenting the evaluation of the level of protection in numeric values, so that the changes in the level of security in time could be traced. Therefore, in the following work an automated mean, constantly monitoring the network and registering the violations according to the crated methodology, is created. Methodology relates organization security policy with the automated mean and provides it with the possibility to calculate the general evaluation of security considering the number and the level of risk of violations. The "Snort" tool, working in NIDS mode according to specially created rules, is chosen to register the violations. Information regarding the violations is saved in MySql data base. PHP language is applied to calculate and map the assessment of the level of security.
Every organization process information in information systems and cannot manage without the protection of organization information systems. Due to reinforcing protection of organization and investments, a need to know the level of protection exists. In order to retain the same level of protection, security assessment works should be performed regularly. However, they are complicated, performed slowly, and the results are relevant only during the assessment. The above mentioned problems can be solved constantly monitoring the network, registering the violations with the help of automated means, presenting the evaluation of the level of protection in numeric values, so that the changes in the level of security in time could be traced. Therefore, in the following work an automated mean, constantly monitoring the network and registering the violations according to the crated methodology, is created. Methodology relates organization security policy with the automated mean and provides it with the possibility to calculate the general evaluation of security considering the number and the level of risk of violations. The "Snort" tool, working in NIDS mode according to specially created rules, is chosen to register the violations. Information regarding the violations is saved in MySql data base. PHP language is applied to calculate and map the assessment of the level of security.
Frames describe the way issues are presented, i.e., what aspects are made salient when communicating about these issues. Field of application/theoretical foundation: The concept of frames is directly based on the theory of "Framing". However, many studies using automated content analysis are lacking a clear theoretical definition of what constitutes a frame. As an exception, Walter and Ophir (2019) use automated content analysis to explore issue and strategy frames as defined by Cappella and Jamieson (1997). Vu and Lynn (2020) refer to Entman's (1991) understanding of frames. The datasets referred to in the table are described in the following paragraph: Van der Meer et al. (2010) use a dataset consisting of Dutch newspaper articles (1991-2015, N = 9,443) and LDA topic modeling in combination with k-means clustering to identify frames. Walter and Ophir (2019) use three different datasets and a combination of topic modeling, network analysis and community detection algorithms to analyze frames. Their datasets consist of political newspaper articles and wire service coverage (N = 8,337), newspaper articles on foreign nations (2010-2015, N = 18,216) and health-related newspaper coverage (2009-2016, N = 5,005). Lastly, Vu and Lynn (2020) analyze newspaper coverage of the Rohingya crisis (2017-2018, N = 747) concerning frames. References/combination with other methods of data collection: While most approaches only rely on automated data collection and analyses, some also combine automated and manual coding. For example, a recent study by Vu and Lynn (2020) proposes to combine semantic networks and manual coding to identify frames. Table 1. Measurement of "Frames" using automated content analysis. Author(s) Sample Procedure Formal validity check with manual coding as benchmark* Code Vu & Lynn (2020) Newspaper articles Semantic networks; manual coding Reported Not available van der Meer et al. (2019) Newspaper articles LDA topic modeling; k-means clustering Not reported Not available Walter & Ophir (2019) (a) ...
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 163, S. 104883
Automated facial recognition algorithms are increasingly intervening in society. This book offers a unique analysis of these algorithms from a critical visual culture studies perspective. The first part of this study examines the example of an early facial recognition algorithm called »eigenface« and traces a history of the merging of statistics and vision. The second part addresses contemporary artistic engagements with facial recognition technology in the work of Thomas Ruff, Zach Blas, and Trevor Paglen. This book argues that we must take a closer look at the technology of automated facial recognition and claims that its forms of representation are embedded with visual politics. Even more significantly, this technology is redefining what it means to see and be seen in the contemporary world.
An easy-to-understand synopsis of identification systems, presenting in simple language the process of fingerprint identification, from the initial capture of a set of finger images, to the production of a Rapsheet. No other single work exists which reviews this important identification process from beginning to end. We examine the identification process for latent (crime scene) prints and how they are identified with these systems. While the primary focus is automated fingerprint identifications, the book also touches on the emergence and use of fingerprints in other biometric systems. Criminal justice administrators, policy makers, and students of forensic science and criminal justice will find a reference to the known limitations and advantages of these systems. This book provides information as to the critical and continual need for properly trained individuals as well as an understanding of the direct and indirect costs associated with maintaining these systems. An understanding of the entire system and what it means will prove invaluable. Why are there missed identifications? Why are identifications made on one database that are not made on another database? Key terms and issues are included, and well as suggestions for improving the overall number of identifications. The book will go beyond process and also discuss issues such as interoperability, management strategies for large databases, contract development, lights out verification and several other issues which impact automated identifications. - The first comprehensive title on this subject area - Outlines in detail the entire process of fingerprint gathering and identity verification - The future of AFIS will is discussed, including national standards in developing multi-agency cooperation/interoperability (U.S.) in addition to the use of AFIS identification world-wide.
In: Vellinga , N E & Mulder , T 2021 , ' Exploring data protection challenges of automated driving ' , Computer Law & Security Review , vol. 40 , 105530 . ; ISSN:1873-6734
With the increase in automation of vehicles and the rise of driver monitoring systems in those vehicles, data protection becomes more relevant for the automotive sector. Monitoring systems could contribute to road safety by, for instance, warning the driver if he is dozing off. However, keeping such a close eye on the user of the vehicle has legal implications. Within the European Union, the data gathered through the monitoring system, and the automated vehicle as a whole, will have to be collected and processed in conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation. By means of a use case, the different types of data collected by the automated vehicle, including health data, and the different requirements applicable to the collecting and processing of those types of data are explored. A three-step approach to ensuring data protection in automated vehicles is discussed. In addition, the possibilities to ensure data protection at a European level via the (type-) approval requirements will be explored.
In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY. - 2012. - № 5. - ISSN 2073-4972. Pp. 31-34.
In: Disaster prevention and management: an international journal, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 16-32
ISSN: 1758-6100
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to create a formal specification language for disaster plans in order to remove possible inconsistencies between disaster plans, and to enable the automated verification of properties from such plans against logs of actual incidents.Design/methodology/approachDifferent types of properties in disaster plans have been identified and formalized using order‐sorted predicate logic, enabling automated comparison of plans and verification of such properties against logs by means of software tools. Actual disaster plans and logs have been used as a case study to show the working of the approach.FindingsThe automated approach can be used quite easily and result in important findings. For the case study disaster plans crucial differences were found that could have catastrophic consequences. Furthermore, it is shown that in the logs of a well‐known incident the disaster plan was not followed.Practical implicationsIf the approach is introduced in practice, disaster plans would be stored in a formal format, enabling the automated comparison of disaster plans, and immediate detection of derivation from a disaster plan in case of an incident.Originality/valueOther literature about the formal modelling of disaster plans that includes both structural and dynamical aspects and allows representation of organizational structure at multiple aggregation levels has not been found. Nor has comparing the disaster plans using such a formal model, and using the model of the disaster plan to check empirical traces for compliance with this plan, been addressed in prior literature.
In: Weiss , G & Chen , S 2018 , Automated negotiation: An efficient approach to interaction among agents . in Interactions in Multiagent Systems . World Scientific Publishing Company , pp. 149-177 .
Negotiation is any process through which the players on their own try to reach an agreement. It is a task that has a broad spectrum of practical applications to a variety of social, economic, and politic phenomena. When it comes to complicated problems such as negotiations with a large number of issues, finding good agreements is however a tough challenge for human beings, especially in the case that they lack negotiation experience, opponent information, and the available negotiation time is limited. In order to overcome these limitations, there exists considerable interest in automating their negotiation process by means of software agents to assist humans in the decision-making process. Automated negotiation therefore provides people with a realistic alternative solution. This chapter first overviews forms, protocols, and three main approaches of automated negotiation, namely, heuristic, game theoretic, and argumentation approaches. Then, the focus is on the study of complex practical negotiation — multiissue negotiation that runs under real-time constraints and in which the negotiating agents have no prior knowledge about their opponents' preferences and strategies. Finally, two classes of state-of-the-art negotiation agents for complex negotiation are presented, namely, the agents based on regression techniques and the agents based on transfer learning to support its decision-making process during negotiation.