D2.11 CEMCAP Strategic conclusions – progressing CO2 capture from cement towards demonstration
The objective of the 42-month Horizon2020 project CEMCAP (Budget ~10 MEUR) has been to prepare the ground for large-scale implementation of CO2 capture in the European cement industry. CEMCAP has tested and analyzed five different CO2 capture technologies for cement production and performed techno-economic and retrofitability analyses. The investigated technologies are ready for or already progressing towards demonstration beyond CEMCAP. CEMCAP has thus created technology pathways for future large-scale CCS implementation in the cement industry, but these pathways need support by an appropriate political framework, business models, a reliable CO2 transport and storage infrastructure and public acceptance for CCS. ; This work was supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 15.0160