There are many challenges and obstacles faced by the government in implementing public services until now. The emergence of public service problems must be resolved immediately in order to create good governance by applying E-Government. Based on the Regulation of the Mayor of Semarang, Candisari District, in this case, also runs the District Integrated Administration Service (PATEN) standard by making an innovation in the form of an online cover letter through an application called SUPERONE in order to achieve a fast, effective and efficient online-based service system. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the SUPERONE application innovation in Candisari District, Semarang City and to find out the inhibiting factors of the SUPERONE application innovation in Candisari District, Semarang City. The research design used in this research is qualitative research with descriptive research type. The results of this study, namely the SUPERONE application can solve public service problems, but in practice there are obstacles, namely there are still many people who do not know about the SUPERONE application, the lack of public knowledge in supporting this change project, the less maximal use of smartphones in the community in administering administrative services, lack of quality and the quantity of technical human resources in providing services, the absence of a mobile application (android) that supports administrative services.
Abstrak: Laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Jawa Baratlebih tinggi dari laju pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk tersebut dapat dikendalikan dengan program Keluarga Berencana (KB). Metode KB yang terbukti efektif dan sedikit efek samping adalah metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang (MKJP). Cakupan MKJP di Kecamatan Purwadadi rendah (17,83%), padahal cakupan pengguna MKJP di Kabupaten Subang sudah melampaui target yang ditetapkan pemerintah (25%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasinya adalah seluruh PUS di Kecamatan Purwadadi yang menjadi akseptor KB. Sedangkan sampel dihitung dengan rumus Lemeshow berjumlah 213 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung melalui wawancara terstruktur. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Random Sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Regresi Logistik GandaHasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwafaktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan MKJP adalah usia, paritas, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan dan akses pelayanan KB (p<0,05). Sedangkan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan MKJP adalah paritas (OR=6.758), faktor lain yang berhubungan secara signifikan adalah usia (OR=3,607), pendidikan (OR=3.476), pengetahuan (OR=3.173), pekerjaan (OR=2.973) dan akses pelayanan KB (OR=2.846).Faktor dominan dalam pemilihan metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang adalah paritas, sedangkan pengetahuan merupakan variabel yang berpengaruh setelah dikontrol oleh variabel usia, pendidikan, akses pelayanan KB dan pekerjaan. Sehingga paritas yang berisiko dapat dikendalikan dengan pengetahuan yang baik tentang KB, maka akan sangat bijaksana jika tenaga kesehatan difasilitasi dengan pelatihan dan program berkelanjutan khususnya tentang KB.Abstract: The rate of population growth in West Java which is higher than the rate of population growth in Indonesia , it can be controlled by the family planning program. Planning methods that are proven effective and fewer side effects are long-term contraceptive method (LTCM) . Low coverage in the District Purwadadi LTCM (17.83%), whereas LTCM user coverage in Subang district has exceeded the target set by the government (25%). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the selection of long -term contraceptive methods.The study was an analytic quantitative, cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all EFA in District Purwadadi who become family planning acceptors. The sample in this study was calculated Lemeshow formula amounted to 213 people.Datacollection is done directly through structured interviews with Quetioner. Sample is using random sampling technique. The analysis technique used multiplelogisticregression.Obstained the factors associated with the selection of LTCM are age, parity, education , employment , knowledge and access to family planning services (p<0.05) The most of dominant factor related to the selection of LTCM is parity (OR=6.758), other factors significantly related are age (3.607), education (OR=3,476), knowledge (OR=3,317), employment (OR=2,973) and access to family planning services (OR=2.846).Parity is a dominant factor in the selection of long-term contraceptive methods, while knowledge is influential variable after variable by age, education, access to family planning services and jobs. The patological parity has been a controled with knowledge about family planning, so the doctor's and midwife's must be followed training family planning program.
The development of the Masyumi Party in Pandeglang began since Mathlaul Anwar expressed his support and joined the Masyumi Party in 1945. At that time, KH. Entol Ahmad Sutisna, who was chairman of Mathlaul Anwar, joined the Masyumi Party. In 1952 he became chairman of the Masegumi Party of Pandeglang and in 1955 he was elected to be the chairman of the DPRD Pandeglang, a representative from the Masyumi Party. KH. Entol Ahmad Sutisna is a charismatic figure who has an important contribution to the politics of the government of Pandeglang. he became the chairman of the Pandeglang DPRD which made political and economic policies. In political policy he made the Masyumi figure occupy an important position in the Government of Pandeglang, including: H. Suhaebi as the Regent of Pandegalang, KH. Maani Rusydi as the representative of the Pandeglang DPRD, Hj. Aisyah as a member of the Pandeglang DPRD, and KH. Abu Bakar Uwes as secretary of the Pandenglang DPRD, while in his economic policy he built the Pandeglang market.
The physical distancing policy implemented by the government prohibits physical meetings to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus including all activities in the educational process. The online learning system is implemented to facilitate teaching and learning activities without physical meetings between lecturers and students. This study aims to analyze online learning from the perspective of the lecturers biology education departement in courses based on pedagogical competences and scientific work skills or practicum activity. Surveys and interviews were used to obtain data with a quantitative approach. The results of the study provide information that:1) online learning still allows interactive activities in class; 2) online learning platforms are used in an integrated by lecturers; 3) WhatsApp Zoom and Google Meet are the most widely used platforms because they support synchronous and asynchronous learning; 4) practical activities are carried out using materials available at students' homes and with the help of practical tutorial videos from lecturers and virtual laboratories. Through the full online learning system for even one semester the lecturers of the biology education departement have carried out the learning process well by always providing feedback and the interactive learning between students and lecturers online with the help of various learning platforms. This study provides information about the information of full online leraning at university.