Opinion mining and sentiment analysis has become ubiquitous in our society, with applications in online searching, computer vision, image understanding, artificial intelligence and marketing communications (MarCom). Within this context, opinion mining and sentiment analysis in marketing communications (OMSAMC) has a strong role in the development of the field by allowing us to understand whether people are satisfied or dissatisfied with our service or product in order to subsequently analyze the strengths and weaknesses of those consumer experiences. To the best of our knowledge, there is no science mapping analysis covering the research about opinion mining and sentiment analysis in the MarCom ecosystem. In this study, we perform a science mapping analysis on the OMSAMC research, in order to provide an overview of the scientific work during the last two decades in this interdisciplinary area and to show trends that could be the basis for future developments in the field. This study was carried out using VOSviewer, CitNetExplorer and InCites based on results from Web of Science (WoS). The results of this analysis show the evolution of the field, by highlighting the most notable authors, institutions, keywords, publications, countries, categories and journals.
COVID-19 has changed our lives forever. The world we knew until now has been transformed and nowadays we live in a completely new scenario in a perpetual restructuring transition, in which the way we live, relate, and communicate with others has been altered permanently. Within this context, risk communication is playing a decisive role when informing, transmitting, and channeling the flow of information in society. COVID-19 has posed a real pandemic risk management challenge in terms of impact, preparedness, response, and mitigation by governments, health organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mass media, and stakeholders. In this study, we monitored the digital ecosystems during March and April 2020, and we obtained a sample of 106,261 communications through the analysis of APIs and Web Scraping techniques. This study examines how social media has affected risk communication in uncertain contexts and its impact on the emotions and sentiments derived from the semantic analysis in Spanish society during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This research is based on the use of fundraising as a strategy to reinforce the relation between universities and their stakeholders. The main objective is to identify the fundraising strategies employed by Spanish universities. The study addresses how these strategies shape the relationships with the stakeholders of the Spanish institutions of higher education. The design of the research is focused on the analysis of the strategies implemented by Spanish universities during the 2015/2016 academic year. To do so, the authors have looked at the 76 accredited Spanish universities that are members of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities. The research includes a content analysis, from an exploratory-descriptive approach, of the information published on their web pages, annual reports, strategic plans and fundraising policies. The results of the study contemplate the current state of fundraising in Spain's universities, which needs to be explored from a more strategic perspective, both in terms of the relationships with the key stakeholders, and for the university itself in its search for excellence. The decision of the universities to seek alternative means of funding provides an opportunity for the establishment of new relationships with stakeholders, and also for the reformulation of existing relationships. We can assert that the basis of a university institution's fundraising depends on the level of corporate culture of its stakeholders, and universities have to explore this reality. The greater the sense of belonging, the greater the possibility of receiving supplementary income through the voluntary initiatives of their stakeholders.
Introducción: Las redes sociales, especialmente Twitter (ahora X), se han convertido en plataformas clave para la difusión de información falsa o sesgada por líderes políticos, afectando la percepción pública y la democracia. Se analiza cómo esta desinformación influye en la opinión pública y exacerba la polarización política. Metodología: La investigación se basa en una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre desinformación política y un análisis de la actividad en X de líderes políticos españoles durante eventos significativos entre 2021 y 2022. Utilizando Fanpage Karma, se analizaron los tuits de seis representantes políticos, incluidos el presidente del gobierno y portavoces de los principales partidos en el Congreso. Los eventos estudiados fueron: la Ley Trans, el cruce de inmigrantes en Melilla, el regreso del rey emérito Juan Carlos I y la Cumbre de la OTAN en Madrid. Resultados: El análisis reveló que la mayoría de los mensajes políticos en X carecen de transparencia y están cargados de tono emocional, con predominio de acusaciones y críticas. Los mensajes sobre la Ley Trans fueron los más numerosos, destacando términos como derechos humanos, igualdad y feminismo, mientras que otros se centraron en la derogación de leyes y críticas al gobierno. La actividad en X muestra una tendencia hacia la polarización, con pocos mensajes asépticos y un alto nivel de reacciones emocionales y controversiales. Discusión y conclusiones: La investigación concluye que la desinformación en la comunicación política en X es significativa y contribuye al desorden informativo, debilitando la confianza pública en las instituciones democráticas. La alta frecuencia de mensajes emocionales y contradictorios fomenta la inseguridad y la polarización política. Se destaca la necesidad de programas de alfabetización mediática para capacitar a los ciudadanos en la identificación y evaluación crítica de la información en redes sociales. Las administraciones públicas y los medios de comunicación deben promover mayor transparencia y veracidad en la información política para contrarrestar la desinformación y fortalecer la democracia.
Traditional branding approaches take too long to react to today's dynamic environment. Agile branding offers a promising approach and might be the contemporary answer to the demands of our digitalized world. While scientists state that an agile approach to branding is essential nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge on how agile branding can be conceptualized and applied in practice. This article aims to provide a better understanding of agile branding by identifying its dimensions and antecedents. This study pursued a multi-method approach: a systematic literature review was conducted, followed by qualitative semi-structured interviews with eleven experts and a group discussion with five participants. Applying the dynamic capabilities perspective, the authors identify five dimensions, including 20 antecedents of agile branding: (a) leadership style and culture, (b) employee skills and competencies, (c) technology and methods, (d) stakeholder and feedback integration, and (e) ambidexterity. The critical challenge of agile branding is to balance brand continuity and adaptation. The study is the first to conceptualize agile branding, offering scientists and practitioners values and principles on how brands can be managed and further evolved in a constantly changing world to stay relevant in the market and ahead of the competition.
Introducción. Los avances producidos en la libertad en el contenido informativo que fluye a través de las redes sociales digitales y una mayor participación de los usuarios en las mismas juegan un papel clave en la comunicación relacionada con la salud, en particular en la que generan los profesionales de la información especializados en el ámbito sanitario por el proceso de adaptación laboral que han contemplado y al que han de atender de acuerdo a la evolución de un escenario virtual cambiante. Este artículo se centra en la actividad vía social networks del más de Colegios Oficiales de Médicos (C.O.M.) de España, siendo el objetivo principal analizar de qué forma éstas influyen en la construcción de los mensajes que se emiten desde la institución a la población. Metodología. La investigación se basa en el desarrollo de una técnica metodológica cuantitativa a través de un cuestionario contestado por especialistas en información sanitaria de los colectivos referidos responsables de elaborar y gestionar la información emitida por parte de los C.O.M. valoran la comunicación que se intercambia en redes sociales digitales y consideran que Twitter (81,3%) y Facebook (50%) son las más relevantes de acuerdo con sus intereses, centrados en la promoción de la salud. Sobre las cuentas en redes sociales digitales utilizadas por los C.O.M. como fuentes informativas, son aquellas de entidades hospitalarias las que mayor credibilidad les merecen, aunque la mayoría no lo refleje en la construcción de su propio contenido. Conclusiones. Se pone en valor el potencial de las digital social networks, como canales de comunicación de gran utilidad para las organizaciones sanitarias para informar, establecer relaciones con diferentes públicos y escuchar las demandas de a los usuarios para retroalimentar el discurso en redes.
El objeto de estudio del presente artículo es la comunicación online en corporaciones hospitalarias españolas, en concreto, de los centros más influyentes en Twitter. Hipótesis y objetivos. Partimos de la hipótesis de que existe una baja participación de los hospitales en los medios sociales, a pesar del interés de los usuarios. El objetivo principal es definir las características y la estrategia para proponer ideas para optimizar la relación entre hospitales y ciudadanos a través de las redes sociales. Metodología. La metodología empleada se basa, fundamentalmente, en el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la actividad en Twitter de aquellos centros sanitarios especializados con mayor interacción. Resultados. Se observa el interés de los pacientes por la información y la actividad que los centros sanitarios comparten en las redes sociales, cuyos mensajes se pueden clasificar en: de ámbito no sanitario o relacionados con cuestiones extrínsecas a la actividad asistencial también suscitan un destacado interés, seguidos por aquellos sobre promoción y prevención sanitaria y de reconocimiento a protagonistas de alguna intervención en el entorno hospitalario. En la misma línea, se puede afirmar que se usa, en general, un tono cercano. Conclusiones. A partir de este trabajo, se proponen algunas estrategias encaminadas a mejorar la comunicación entre el hospital y sus diferentes stakeholders y, por ende, situaciones que rodean a los usuarios de los sistemas sanitarios, centradas en la relación entre atención sanitaria y el bienestar de la ciudadanía.
Se aborda el estudio de la imagen institucional de las entidades locales de la provincia de Málaga, a través de sus identificadores visuales, su evolución y análisis. El objetivo principal es hacer propuestas prácticas para la definición de programas integrales de comunicación, capaces de cumplir con la misión estratégica de una comunicación bidireccional que, al mismo tiempo potencie el posicionamiento de las relaciones públicas de la corporación municipal, y respete los vínculos con la tradición de la heráldica cívica. La imagen de los municipios debe combinar el componente heráldico y las técnicas de diseño gráfico actuales, lo que hace necesario el desarrollo científico en este sentido. Se requieren pruebas empíricas que nos revelen la realidad de la imagen institucional de las corporaciones municipales, su evolución y necesidades de futuras actuaciones que la optimicen. La metodología es innovadora puesto que no es muy habitual en este campo la aplicación de técnicas multivariantes para el análisis de datos, que nos permite confirmar la validez de estos y por tanto la fiabilidad del instrumento de medida. La imagen corporativa adquiere una importancia fundamental, creando valor para la entidad y estableciéndose como un activo intangible estratégico de la misma. Esta investigación concluye que para alcanzar esa sincronía entre la identidad y la imagen de un municipio, el mejor instrumento posible es el programa de identidad visual, descrito como un conjunto unitario de instrucciones ordenadas para llevar a cabo un proyecto, previamente estructurado y con el objetivo principal de crear la personalidad corporativa de un municipio.
Innovation is a strategic element of competitiveness; however, levels of innovation in Spain do not show the internalization of this premise in business practice. This paper discusses innovation in family firms with the intention to identify both barriers and facilitators, and factor analysis is applied to measure the weight of each component. The main finding is that the most common innovation in this type of business structure is related to marketing, which reflects the need to seek synergy and collaboration between the two as a means of organizational development. Finally, the article lists the components that determine the levels of innovation to further develop a proposal with practical implications for strategic decisions within family firms.
Effective PR management is considered essential in the first years of a startup's life, as it contributes to its viability and sustainability through strategic communication planning. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the startup landscape in Andalusia, Spain, with a special focus on the Public Relations (PR) strategies of women-led companies. Secondary objectives include: 1) To identify trends in female entrepreneurship in Andalusia and their relationship with PR; 2) To analyze the professional profile of women in PR roles in Andalusian startups; and 3) To propose communication strategies aimed at attracting clients and investors. The methodology combines a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis with data from Web of Science and VOSviewer, together with a questionnaire applied to 31 Andalusian startups. This approach allowed to analyse patterns in PR management and female representation. The findings show an increase in citations of articles on female entrepreneurship, highlighting the provinces of Malaga and Seville, which account for 61% of entrepreneurial initiatives in the region. Improving policies in these areas could boost businesses performance and the growth of new companies. In addition, the results reveal a growth in female leadership, although it still faces challenges, such as under-representation in senior positions. Key strategies include the use of social media, educational content and collaborations with influencers, which are essential to improve visibility and attract investors. This study highlights the need to strengthen PR in startups, professionalise its management and promote female leadership to foster sustainability and competitiveness in a dynamic environment.
Museums are born from the need to preserve historical heritage in a space where they can research and disseminate knowledge. The evolution of museum communication, together with the use of new technologies or new forms of communication, has been an unprecedented milestone between museums and their public, as it allows them to establish interactions, contributing to the development of a greater knowledge of the cultural demands of museum visitors. Social media, blogs or mobile social media fall within this new way of communicating, being used by museums to expand their dissemination and publicize their activities. The use of these networks has created wider spaces and more open museums. Therefore, social media are already being used by museums to expand their dissemination and publicize their activities, this being a clear use of what is known as "museum 2.0". This research work carries out a bibliometric study since 1976, the first year in which publications in this field were detected. Sixty-four publications have been identified in the databases, Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, showing a mapping of authorship networks, citation and co-occurrence of keywords or scientific interrelation between organizations and countries.
Public relations strategies based on dramatizations are key tools for successful electoral campaigns. Press offices play a fundamental role as theater directors, turning their leaders into great actors. What at first glance looks like a theatrical performance is, more than ever before, what happened in the U.S. presidential elections. Newspapers are intensifying the use of visual elements to reinforce the news. This research analyzes 2 463 articles from 8 digital newspapers in 4 countries to learn about the impact of visuals and dramatization on the European press. It seems paradoxical that the progressive newspapers devoted more articles to Trump than the conservative newspapers. A lack of time on the part of the journalists? What is certain is that the media reproduced the visuals prepared by Trump's press office and his perfectly designed public appearances. The study shows that the progressive newspapers analyzed have contributed to giving Trump greater visibility in Europe. ; Las estrategias de relaciones públicas basadas en dramatizaciones son herramientas fundamentales para que las campañas electorales tengan éxito. Las oficinas de prensa juegan un papel crucial como directores teatrales, pues convierten a sus líderes en grandes actores. Lo que a primera vista parece una actuación teatral es, más que nunca antes, lo que ha ocurrido en las últimas elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos: los periódicos intensificaron el uso de elementos visuales para reforzar las noticias. Esta investigación analiza 2463 artículos de 8 periódicos digitales en 4 países para aprender acerca del impacto de la dramatización y los efectos visuales en la prensa europea. Parece paradójico que los periódicos progresistas dedican más artículos a Trump que los conservadores; ¿falta de tiempo por parte de los periodistas? Lo que es cierto es que los medios reprodujeron los elementos visuales que preparó la oficina de prensa de Trump y sus apariciones en público, perfectamente diseñadas. El estudio muestra que los periódicos ...
Los destinos turísticos han experimentado cambios importantes en la última década como resultado de los avances en las Tecnologías de la Comunicación y la Información. Surgen así los destinos turísticos inteligentes que facilitan la interacción y la integración entre turistas y los ciudadanos facilitándoles una experiencia de calidad y sostenible para el destino. Como elemento innovador se propone en esta investigación la reputación como herramienta clave en la gestión de la competitividad de un destino turístico inteligente. Un método cualitativo aplicado a informantes claves de España y Reino Unido ha permitido elaborar un "modelo de evaluación de la reputación del destino" que incluye como factores: Brand Image Management, calidad de servicios, calidad de la experiencia y los sentimientos e Internet Service System for Tourist. Los resultados son útiles para responsables del diseño de políticas públicas, empresas turísticas y la comunidad universitaria. Palabras claves: Relaciones Públicas, Reputación, Destinos turísticos inteligentes, Comunicación, Turismo Abstract Tourism destinations have experienced important changes in the last decade as a result of innovations in information and communication technologies and the democratization of information by means of social media. Social networks, blogs and mobile social media have developed peer-to-peer communication and an ever more engaged and credible audience. At the end of the 20th Century destinations were studied in a radically different way, as all research was based on quality of service (QoS). Some destinations were gradually starting to consider brand value and the importance of managing it and were starting to include it in their research. There was a transition from spectacular images of never-ending solitary beaches, breathtaking waterfalls and towering skyscrapers to sensations and emotions. It was important for the destination to touch senses and reach heart. Tourists are looking for emotions and sensations. From then on, all communication has been based on sensations related to experiencing the destination. Social communication media such as Web 2.0 and social networks open up new ground for the Smart Tourism Destination, so that the tourists can be connected to the cloud, to the Internet of Things and to what has become the Internet Service System for Tourists (ISST). This allows tourists to create and sharing their own experiences. Users have an active role; they are now co-creators, co-communicators and recommendators of tourist experiences. Smart Tourism Destinations (STD) makes all processes symmetric and represents the end of unidirectionality. Communication with tourists through the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes total, fast, horizontal and real-time. Tourists can create their own experiences and this requires total digital support from the destination. These experiences are shared instantly with friends and relatives who are not there by social networks. This sharing experience gives the destination a notoriety that was inconceivable until now. Social media, specifically, emerged as the primary mechanism used by travellers when sharing their experiences. Previous researches show that destinations which present a positive and solid image to the potential tourist and, particularly, to their stakeholders, have greater chances of being chosen. This is because tourists choose their destination based on its reputation, rather than on real or objective information about it. It can be concluded that the image and brand place, which is part of reputation, is an extremely valuable concept when trying to understand the election process of a tourism destination. Smart tourism destinations favour tourist interaction and integration with the environment, thus providing a quality experience. The specific objectives of our study will be: a) to determine stakeholders and assess public relations actions through them to enhance the experiences and feelings of tourists as communicative elements and drivers of tourist destinations; b) to develop a sustainable model of intelligent tourist destinations interpreting the aspects of a quadruple innovation helix framework. As an innovative element, this research proposes that reputation become a key tool for the generation of value in the management of the competitiveness of an intelligent tourist destination. The research revealed the three elements of reputation: emotional attraction to services, emotional attraction to the tourism destination and sense of belonging based on corporate culture. Thus, the findings of this study identify specific reputation factors that can be used in Smart Tourism Destinations (STD): Business Image Management (BIM), Quality of Service (QoS), Internet Service System for Tourists (ISST) based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Quality of Experience (QoE). The results are useful for Destination Management Organizations (DMO) in charge of formulating public policies, local tourism-related businesses, travel intermediaries and the host community. Likewise, it is a tool for diagnosing the success of public relations programs. Keywords: Public Relation, Reputation, Smart Tourism Destinations, Comunicación, Tourism
Public relations strategies based on dramatization are key tools to achieving success in electoral campaigns. Press offices play a fundamental role as theatre directors, turning their leaders into great actors. What at first glance would look like a theatrical performance is, more than ever, what happened in the US presidential elections. Newspapers are intensifying the use of visual elements to reinforce the news. This research paper analyses 2,463 articles from eight digital newspapers in four countries to learn about the impact of visuals and dramatization on the European press. It seems paradoxical that the progressive newspapers devoted more articles to Trump than the conservative newspapers. A lack of time on the part of the journalists? What is certain is that the visuals prepared by Trump's press office and his perfectly designed public appearances, were reproduced by the media. The study shows that the progressive newspapers analysed have contributed to giving Trump greater visibility in Europe.
Public relations strategies based on dramatization are key tools to achieving success in electoral campaigns. Press offices play a fundamental role as theatre directors, turning their leaders into great actors. What at first glance would look like a theatrical performance is, more than ever, what happened in the US presidential elections. Newspapers are intensifying the use of visual elements to reinforce the news. This research paper analyses 2,463 articles from eight digital newspapers in four countries to learn about the impact of visuals and dramatization on the European press. It seems paradoxical that the progressive newspapers devoted more articles to Trump than the conservative newspapers. A lack of time on the part of the journalists? What is certain is that the visuals prepared by Trump's press office and his perfectly designed public appearances, were reproduced by the media. The study shows that the progressive newspapers analysed have contributed to giving Trump greater visibility in Europe.