Schaal besturen door schoolbesturen: Schaalgrootte in het onderwijs als strategische managementopgave
In: Bestuurskunde, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 82-91
5 Ergebnisse
In: Bestuurskunde, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 82-91
In: Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, Band 28, Heft 3
ISSN: 2468-9424
In: Public administration: an international journal, Band 90, Heft 4, S. 957-973
ISSN: 1467-9299
Management pressures in fields like education force managers to control professionals. This generates friction. Professionals will not easily comply with control objectives; they feel responsible for clients and quality. Researchers have studied how professionals are affected and how they resist managerial interference. How managers themselves are affected by managerialism, whether they adopt control logics and are 'driven away' from work floors, is hardly studied. This paper studies how school managers relate to managerialism and whether they are primarily loyal to managerial agendas, or to professional workers and clients. On the basis of a qualitative study, we conclude that school managers are importantmediators of managerialism. They feel loyal to performance pressures, but also to teachers and pupils. How they act in specific situations depends on how they deal with this frictionwithinmanagerial work.
In: Public administration: an international quarterly, Band 90, Heft 4, S. 957-973
ISSN: 0033-3298
In: Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, Band 24, Heft 3
ISSN: 2468-9424