Project Failure: The Way Forward and Panacea for Development
In: International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 9, No. 11; 2014 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119
12 Ergebnisse
In: International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 9, No. 11; 2014 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Vignettes -- About the Book Editors -- Preface -- Abbreviations -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1. Learning Outcomes of This Chapter -- 1.2. Primary Aims and Objectives of the Book -- 1.3. The Structure of the Book -- 1.4. Definition and Scope of Strategic Infrastructure Systems -- 1.5. Global Infrastructure Outlook -- 1.6. Trends in Global Infrastructure Spending -- 1.7. Covid-19: the Impact on Construction and Infrastructure -- 1.8. The Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on Infrastructure Spending -- 1.9. Need for Sustainable Infrastructure -- 1.10. Chapter Summary -- Part I: Value-Based Approach to Infrastructure Systems Appraisal -- 2. Significance: The Need for Better Benefits Realisation in Megaprojects -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.1.1. Chapter Aim and Objectives -- 2.1.2. Learning Outcomes -- 2.2. Overview of Public Infrastructure Projects -- 2.3. Qui Bono? Defining the Nature of Project Value -- 2.4. Value as Satisfaction Versus Consumption -- 2.5. Elements of Project Value Management -- 2.6. Propositional Elements in Understanding Project Value Management -- 2.7. Benefits Realisation: Resources, Competences, and Capabilities -- 2.8. Management of Stakeholders Vs. Management for Stakeholders -- 2.9. Benefits Realisation and Stakeholder Perceptions -- 2.10. Chapter Summary -- 2.10.1. Chapter Discussion Questions -- 2.11. Case Study: High Speed 2 (United Kingdom) -- 2.11.1. Actual and Forecasted Costs -- 2.11.2. Reasons for Timescale and Cost Overruns -- 2.11.3. Delivery of Expected Benefits -- 2.11.4. Key Stakeholders -- 2.11.5. Case Study Discussion Questions -- 3. Master Planning for Resilient Major Infrastructure Projects -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.1.1. Chapter Aims and Objectives -- 3.1.2. Learning Outcomes.
In: Technology in society: an international journal, Band 79, S. 102710
ISSN: 1879-3274
In: Public works management & policy: a journal for the American Public Works Association, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 152-183
ISSN: 1552-7549
As significant increases in the financing of infrastructure and other resources will still be required to bridge the current infrastructure gap experienced globally, alternatives to the standard PPP infrastructure project delivery models are constantly appraised in several nations. This research examined the viability of reframing Public Private Partnership (PPP) frameworks as hybrid PPP alliances (HPPPA), which would enhance current PPP practices and enable practitioners in South Africa to deliver PPP infrastructure projects more efficiently. The research adopted a two-pronged qualitative data collection approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews as well as case studies to obtain empirical evidence that was compared to secondary data on how PPP practices in South Africa can be enhanced. The research established that while the South African PPP legislations was adjudged as being suitable, the delivery framework was found to be highly costly and comprised of long approval processes.
Purpose In recent times, electricity as one of the most important energy sources has witnessed considerable decreases in consumption figures. These cutbacks have been mainly due to the growing increasing living standards, minimal governance and political fracture. Thus, this paper aims to appraise the supply of electricity side in an attempt to propose a sustainable electricity framework. Design/methodology/approach The reviewed literature identified a gap within the previous literature which had not previously been investigated; however, to carry out the investigation, a research strategy had to be formulated. Twenty semi-structured interviews were carried out with managers, engineers and electrical professionals. Prior to the commencement of the main study, a preliminary pilot study was carried out among ten senior practitioners in the General Electric Company of Libya. The purpose of the pilot study was to assess clarity of questions, timing and suitability of the respondents for the study, and to establish its reliability and validity. Findings From the aspect of the demand, the study found that there was a diverse set of factors that affect electricity demand in Libya. These included the average real price of electricity, the real value of the imported electrical appliances, gross domestic product, population, the temperature difference and the lagged electricity demand. Secondly, from the aspect of electricity supply, the study found that there was a diverse set of factors that affect electricity projects in Libya or even the development of existing projects. These factors included electricity demand, political effects, recession, oil prices and improved development of other infrastructure. Research limitations/implications Due to limitations in time and cost, political instability in the country and the lack of security, the entire analysis was only of the demand for electricity in Libya based on data collected from secondary sources and primary data resources. The ordinary least squares method of regression used for the purpose of quantitative analysis only included the factors related to the demand for electricity in Libya. It is worth noting that the research work did not include any quantitative analysis that comprised factors related to the supply of electricity in the country. Such an analysis could have technically carved the ways to augment the supply of electricity. Therefore, the context of the research work is one-sided that focuses primarily on the demand. Practical implications The problem confronting development of electricity projects in Libya has three components: The first is the national significance of the projects as a physical resource. The second is the conflict arising politically from within. The third is the lack of consideration given to the specific resource management issues associated with the projects within the government plans and policy statements. In addition, participants further claimed that there were three more independent factors that could affect the level of electricity demand in Libya. These were urbanisation, industrialisation and literacy rates. Social implications The participants also believed that as the rate of socio-economic development increases, the demand for electricity is expected to rise. Urbanisation, industrialisation and literacy rates are some of the developments which will exert more demand pressure on the electricity supply. The participants claimed that the government should take into account the urbanisation rates in Libya in the energy policy formulation. Electricity companies can also take a cue from the urbanisation trends and other socio-economic developments to plan the delivery of electricity according to the rising demand. Originality/value This study appraised the supply of electricity side in Libya and proposed a sustainable framework that could be used by policymakers to address energy demand issues in Libya.
In: Production Planning & Control, November 2015
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal International Journal of Energy Sector Management and the definitive published version is available at ; © 2015, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose – The purpose of this paper was to examine UK shale gas viability. The recent commitment to shale gas exploration in the UK through fracking has given rise to well-publicised economic benefits and environmental concerns. There is potential for shale gas exploration in different parts of the UK over the next couple of decades. As argued in this study, if it does, it would transform the energy market and provide long-term energy security at affordable cost. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews with senior practitioners and local communities were recorded, transcribed and entered into qualitative research software Nvivo. Validity and reliability were achieved by first assessing the plausibility in terms of already existing knowledge on some of the economic and environmental issues raised by participants. Findings – Findings from this study suggest that environmental, health and safety risks can be managed effectively provided operational best practices are implemented and monitored by the Health and Safety Executive; Department of Energy, Climate Change; and the Mineral Planning Authorities. Participants further suggested that the integration of shale gas technology will protect consumers against rising energy prices and ensure that government does not get exposed to long-term geopolitical risks. Practical implications – The present study corroborates the position that environmental, health and safety risks can be managed effectively provided operational best practices are implemented and monitored by the Health and Safety Executive; Department of Energy, Climate Change; and the Mineral Planning Authorities. Social implications – The present study confirms that the government is committed to ensuring that the nation maximises the opportunity that cost-effective shale gas technology presents, not just investment, cheap energy bills and jobs but providing an energy mix that will underpin the UK long-term economic prosperity. Originality/value – The present study corroborates the position that environmental, health and safety risks can be managed effectively provided operational best practices are implemented and monitored by the Health and Safety Executive; Department of Energy, Climate Change; and the Mineral Planning Authorities. As shown in this study, the UK has a very strong regulatory regime compared to USA; therefore, environmental, health and safety risks will be very well managed and unlikely to escalate into the crisis being envisioned.
Construction clients and governments recognise the significant impact the design, construction and occupation of buildings have on the environment and society. The construction industry and governments have a central role in driving the sustainable development agenda. Good sustainable design can deliver buildings with low running costs-an attribute that is highly attractive to both the society and businesses. The aim of this paper was therefore to examine the integration of sustainability principles into construction projects. The review provided key evidence of the link between sustainability and better project performance, through the integration of sustainability principles. In addition, it proposed a sustainable framework for better construction project, based on the philosophies of sustainable construction
In: Information, technology & people, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 527-556
ISSN: 1758-5813
The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficacy of knowledge management (KM) based systems and best practices that could be used to address operational issues in the oil and gas sector.
Given little was known empirically about the strategies and practices which contribute to improved performance, innovation and continuous improvement in the oil and gas sector qualitative method was used. Semi-structured interviews were used to derive senior managers' constructs of project delivery efficiency and KM based systems. The interviews were analysed through the use of a qualitative analysis software package NUDIST NVivoTM. Participants were selected using purposive sampling. Validity and reliability were achieved by first assessing the plausibility in terms of already existing knowledge on some of the operational issues raised by participants.
These were synthesised into a framework capturing seven well-defined stages. All these steps emerged as being related; they are comprised of independent variables. These steps were found to comprise of knowledge management technology approaches, knowledge management people approaches, KM strategies and value enhancing practices.
Research limitations/implications
Although the findings are pertinent to oil and gas organisations, it will be important to conduct follow-up research validating the potential for using the results of this study to establish frameworks for knowledge and information management in different organisations and contexts. This will provide not only data about the validity of the framework in generic terms but will also generate additional data on the application of KM strategy.
Practical implications
As shown in this study, successful KM based systems requires the aligning of business strategy, technology for KM, project management operations with an enterprise knowledge-sharing culture. Such sharing requires managing the behaviour of project personnel such that knowledge transfer becomes part of the organisation's norm.
Social implications
The implementation of KM based systems requires deliberate planning and action to create the conditions for success and put in place the strategy, leadership, goals, process, skills, systems, issue resolution, and structure to direct and exploit the dynamic nature of project work. The strategies proposed in this research cannot be expected to resolve all KM issues in the oil and gas sector. However, their use defines an approach that is superior to the traditional approaches typically adopted and consequently merits far wider application.
The proposed framework presents a better way of optimising the performance of project-based operations thus enabling oil and gas organisations to reform their poor performance on projects and empower them to better manage emerging cultural challenges in their future projects. Reflecting on their experiences, the participants confirmed that the proposed KM framework and its seven well-defined stages were central to the effectiveness of KM in oil and gas operations. Although the scope of this research was restricted to projects in Nigeria and the UK, the geographical focus of this research does not invalidate these results with respect to other countries. The fact is that the oil and gas sector globally shares some common fundamental characteristics.
The majority of our energy demand is satisfied by the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas. This has resulted in our fossil fuel resources being vastly reduced and has increased the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere which is causing global warming. The 2020 European Union (EU) targets have been set out to promote the use of renewable technologies and reduce the electricity demand. From the reviewed literature, it was acknowledged that most of these renewable forms of energy sources were initially capital intensive to construct but once constructed they had low operating costs, paying themselves of over their lifecycle. In this study, primary research was undertaken by means of a case study and structured interviews. The case study formed a background to the UKs current and planned offshore wind installations. The results of the interviews were analysed using the NVIVO qualitative software analysis package. This identified themes within the data which allowed them to be analysed and evaluated. The primary data results concluded that the EU targets were challenging but achievable and that the UK government was very supportive in pushing for these targets.