The unjust distribution of urban green infrastructure is just the tip of the iceberg: A systematic review of place-based studies
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 126, S. 234-245
ISSN: 1462-9011
7 Ergebnisse
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 126, S. 234-245
ISSN: 1462-9011
Neighborhood design affects lifestyle physical activity, and ultimately human wellbeing. There are, however, a limited number of studies that examine neighborhood design types. In this research, we examine four types of neighborhood designs: traditional development, suburban development, enclosed community, and cluster housing development, and assess their level of walkability and their effects on physical activity and wellbeing. We examine significant associations through a questionnaire (n = 486) distributed in Tucson, Arizona using the Walkability Model. Among the tested neighborhood design types, traditional development showed significant associations and the highest value for walkability, as well as for each of the two types of walking (recreation and transportation) representing physical activity. Suburban development showed significant associations and the highest mean values for mental health and wellbeing. Cluster housing showed significant associations and the highest mean value for social interactions with neighbors and for perceived safety from crime. Enclosed community did not obtain the highest means for any wellbeing benefit. The Walkability Model proved useful in identifying the walkability categories associated with physical activity and perceived crime. For example, the experience category was strongly and inversely associated with perceived crime. This study provides empirical evidence of the importance of including vegetation, particularly trees, throughout neighborhoods in order to increase physical activity and wellbeing. Likewise, the results suggest that regular maintenance is an important strategy to improve mental health and overall wellbeing in cities. ; Mexican government (CONACYT); Wilderness Society; University of Arizona ; Open access journal. ; This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
Green infrastructure (GI) has been identified as a promising approach to help cities adapt to climate change through the provision of multiple ecosystem services. However, GI contributions to urban resilience will not be realized until it is more fully mainstreamed in the built environment and design professions. Here, we interrogate five key challenges for the effective implementation of GI: (1) design standards; (2) regulatory pathways; (3) socio-economic considerations; (4) financeability; and (5) innovation. Methods include a literature review, case studies, and interviews with resilience managers. We propose a people-centred and context-dependent approach to advance effective implementation of GI in urban planning. We highlight two underlying currents that run across all of the challenges – (1) the role of political will as a pre-condition for tackling all challenges holistically; and (2) the role of stakeholder engagement in achieving public support, harnessing funding, and maintaining and monitoring GI in the long term
Groundwater is increasingly important for meeting water demand across the United States (U.S.). Forward thinking governance and effective management are necessary for its sustainable use. In the U.S., state governments are primarily responsible for groundwater governance (i.e., making laws, policies, and regulations) and management (i.e., implementation of laws, policies, and regulations). This decentralized system results in diverse strategies and practices. We surveyed a water quality professional from each state to better understand commonalities and differences across states. These professionals identify a wide assortment of groundwater issues and concerns, including quality and quantity impairment, staffing and budget issues, private well vulnerability, and overdraft. Respondents indicate contamination problems from natural and anthropogenic sources. Most respondents report that their states have significantly changed groundwater quality policy during the past 30 years. While most states have multiple funding sources for water quality programs, program budgets have decreased in the last decade, thereby hindering effective implementation of new policies. Over half of respondents indicate that water-quality/water-level monitoring and increased groundwater pumping will require more attention over the next decade. Several respondents anticipate groundwater regulation changes in the next five years. We discuss how our findings align with current groundwater uses in the U.S.
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 112, S. 189-202
ISSN: 1462-9011
In: Estudios fronterizos, Band 24
ISSN: 2395-9134
Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar a la población de Ambos Nogales en función de sus opiniones sobre los impactos generados por el proyecto de ampliación y evaluación de proyectos de modernización del sistema de saneamiento transfronterizo durante el periodo 2000-2018, para identificar criterios de evaluación ex post que fortalezcan estrategias de gobernanza de políticas públicas en materia de agua y saneamiento. Se aplicó una encuesta aleatoria representativa a nivel ciudad. El análisis de información se realizó mediante el método de conglomerados jerárquicos y el método de análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Los resultados evidencian la conformación de grupos o segmentos de población con alta homogeneidad interna y alta heterogeneidad intergrupal en ambas ciudades, evidencia empírica permite construir una tipología de grupos de población. Como conclusión, se propone una serie de acciones con el objetivo de impulsar una gobernanza transfronteriza y sostenible tendiente a mejorar la opinión pública sobre dicha obra.
In: Journal of borderlands studies, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 323-334
ISSN: 2159-1229