[Title: The 21st Century Skills Integration on Character Education]. Various cases carried out by teenagers require serious handling with a variety of strategies, including through character education. Character education does not mean reducing or replacing "traditional" educational goals such as the accumulation of knowledge and the development of intellectual and practical abilities. Character education is carried out integrated into every subject and requires the support of all parties: parents, teachers, schools, education staff, the daily community of students and of course the government. The development of character can be understood in a model, including the Neo-Aristotelian Model. Good character education will not only affect well being and good character, but also good academic ability. Character education is not something new, and it is not separated from the 21st-century skill-building needed today.
This study discusses environmental monitoring which is an activity carried out directly or indirectly by the regional environmental supervisory apparatus to determine compliance with business and / or activity compliance with regulations in controlling environmental pollution. This research method uses qualitative research using the theory proposed by T. Hani Handoko (1995: 23) "Basic Oversight", namely: 1. Preliminary Supervision; 2. Supervision of Implementation; 3. Feedback Monitoring (After Implementation). Key informants were: Head of the Banyuasin District Environmental Agency, Head of Environmental Compliance and Capacity Building, Head of the Environmental Monitoring Section, Head of the Environmental Pollution Control Section, the Head of the Environmental Damage Control Section and the Company Management. The results of the research show that compliance with business and / or activities responsible for the regulation in controlling environmental pollution has problems, namely: the available budget is still limited for supervisory operational needs, the implementation of supervision in Banyuasin District seems slow and has not been implemented well apart from the lack of company compliance in reporting liquid waste management in Banyuasin Regency for that important role with stakeholders, namely the government, the community, and companies that produce waste is needed. Conducted joint supervision will have a very effective impact in overseeing industrial waste that will result in environmental pollution, while the company itself should periodically and continuously check the industrial waste produced
This study aims to determine how the implementation of E-TLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement) by using CCVT in the settlement of traffic crime cases. To see the inhibiting factors and the application of the E-TLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement) system in Makassar City. This research was conducted at the Polrestabes Makassar with the help of data from the South Sulawesi Police and Makassar Police Sub-Directorate for Gakkum. By using field research methods and literature. The results showed that the existence of the E-TLE program in Makassar City provided learning to the community to be more obedient to traffic rules, especially in the presence of very large facts in creating security, order, smooth traffic that can change the road marking community. The implementation of the electronic system has been well implemented by all institutions involved in the E-TLE program of the police, especially traffic, the Makassar city government, the Makassar District Attorney, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and PT. Indonesian post.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the form of GLS implementation in SMPN 3 Malang, supporting factors, obstacles, and solutions. The study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection uses interviews, observation, and documentary study techniques. Data analysis with data reduction, data display, and verification. Test the validity of the data by triangulation. The results showed that based on Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015, SMPN 3 Malang made a derivative policy on GLS. Form of GLS implementation in the form of habituation, development, and learning. Literacy is 45 minutes every day as an extracurricular and 30 minutes according to the curricular schedule. The implementation of the three stages of GLS was 84.33% and 92.40% showed the literate school ecosystem. Successful implementation is influenced by clear and consistent communication factors, sufficient resources, disposition with receptive responses, and complete bureaucratic structure with clear SOPs. Internal supporting factors are the active role of school principals and staff, libraries, intakes, and the amount of literacy time. The external factor is the role of the guardians of students in infrastructure. Internal inhibiting factors are the lack of school funds and journal check personnel as well as book rotation, the absence of follow-up literacy activities at home, and internal factors of students (gadget influence). The external inhibiting factor is the absence of the government's role in the budget, training, assistance, monitoring, and evaluation. The solution is to increase cooperation with parents and a new policy as an improvement.Keywords: Policy Implementation, Education, GLSAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk implementasi GLS di SMPN 3 Malang, faktor pendukung, penghambat, dan solusinya. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumenter. Analisis data dengan data reduction, data dislpay, dan verification. Uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan Permendikbud No. 23 Tahun 2015, SMPN 3 Malang membuat kebijakan derivat tentang GLS. Bentuk implementasi GLS berupa pembiasaan, pengembangan, dan pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan literasi adalah 45 menit setiap hari sebagai intrakurikuler dan 30 menit sesuai jadwal kokurikuler. Keterlaksanaan tiga tahap GLS sebesar 84,33 % dan 92,40 % menunjukkan sebagai ekosistem sekolah literat. Keberhasilan implementasi dipengaruhi oleh faktor komunikasi yang jelas dan konsisten, sumber daya yang cukup, disposisi dengan respon menerima, dan struktur birokrasi yang utuh dengan SOP yang jelas. Faktor internal pendukungnya adalah peran aktif kepala sekolah dan staff, perpustakaan, intake, dan banyaknya waktu literasi. Faktor eksternalnya adalah peran wali murid dalam sarana prasarana. Faktor internal penghambatnya adalah minimnya dana sekolah dan tenaga pengecekan jurnal serta perotasian buku, belum adanya tindak lanjut kegiatan literasi di rumah, dan faktor internal peserta didik (pengaruh gadget). Faktor eksternal penghambatnya adalah tidak adanya peran pemerintah terkait anggaran, pelatihan, pendampingan, monitoring, dan evaluasi. Solusinya adalah meningkatkan kerjasama dengan orang tua serta adanya kebijakan baru sebagai penyempurnaan. Kata kunci: Implementasi Kebijakan, Pendidikan, GLS
Financial statements are a means used by companies to communicate their activities and performance to stakeholders. Such is the case with UMKM Brosem. Financial reports are also prepared as a form of accountability of fund managers to "stakeholders. Among other groups of SMEs who are members of the UMKM Brosem and the government in the aspect of taxation. This community service activity is expected to provide benefits and provide outputs that can be sustained for the management of Brosem, especially in the aspects of preparing financial statements. So that managers can compile financial reports according to standards, tax calculations in accordance with tax provisions, as well as the determination of the cost of production that is accurate as a basis for determining the selling price. If the financial statements can be prepared properly, it is expected to be able to realize transparent and accountable governance. Based on observations and interviews agreed with the service program partners focused on solving problems related to the preparation of financial statements. Therefore it is necessary to assist in the preparation of financial reports in accordance with EMKM financial reporting standards. KEYWORDS: Brosem Semeru; SAK EMKM; UMKM.
This study discusses the implementation of Mobile Recording E-Identity Card Service Activities in Tanjung Lago District, One of which supports the implementation of the E-Identity Card is a printing press. The regions do not yet have permission to choose their own E-Identity Card because the current authority is still at the Center. On the basis of the above problems, a special government apparatus in Tanjung Lago Subdistrict, Banyuasin District, did a recording of the E-Identity Card to help and facilitate the community in the process. This study uses a qualitative method with observation techniques and direct interviews with informants. The conclusion of this study is that there are still people who do not have an E-Identity Card because the people in Tanjung Lago District are happy to record e-ID Card and related printing machines that are still at the center and there are still responses to the government that are less friendly from the government apparatus in Tanjung District, For this reason, infrastructure facilities to support the e-ID card recording process in Tanjung Lago Subdistrict are provided by the central government.
Education is still not answer the expectations of the people, they always questioned the relevance of education by a variety of community needs in the dynamics of economic, social, political, legal and cultural. A new paradigm of education changes to quality (quality oriented) is one of the strategies to achieve educational excellence in meeting the demands and needs of the community. Therefore necessary institutional strengthening capacity (Capacity Building) of the Madrasah. Community empowerment-based creative economy programme through the madrasah were necessary. One of the selected empowerment utilizing waste products worth selling. On the other side of the creative economy approach is thew into madrasah quality improvement effort in answering the needs of the community in the era of economic globalization. This research aims to improve the quality of economic empowerment through creative schools that work together with the community. The subject of this research is MTs. N. 5 Kulon Progo, located in the village and brought in, (environmental mountain tourism Suroloyo), Ma'arif myocardial infarction and Pagerharjo village (pagerharjo village Government Center neighborhood is located), myocardial infarction and Ngargosari Ma'arif, community mothers dukuh Ngargosari Ngaliyan, Dukuh Trayu Community Ngargosari. The research method used was applying a Research and Development (RD), with regard to data collection Techniques: observation, indept interview. The strategy of training/mentoring in applying the model of "service learning", with the approach of andragogy. The data analysis used models, Miles and Huberman and Spradley. The results of this study indicate that the training provided to communities and schools to cultivate waste into creative stuff that has value has managed to provide the skills knowledge and abilities are new to them. The subject is able to make a variety of creative stuff from the trash so that gave rise to the idea for the creation of the trash bank as the flagship program in the schools to have better quality.
The aimed of this study was to evaluate the context, input, process, product of Healthy School program in Public School Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga (SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga). This study was evaluative research using CIPP model. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Some of the steps being taken in the analysis of the data included: data collection, data reduction, data display and verification. Validation of data using triangulation techniques and resources. The results showed: (1) from the aspects of Context, the Healthy School program was the policy of the central government to improve the quality of education through the improvement of students health, in addition to the schools' needs, especially the students in Public School Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga were still low level of health, (2) from the aspect of Input, design program proved to be able to answer the need for the program to address the low level of students health, and supported by human resources, facilities and infrastructure, adequate cost, 3) from the aspect of Process, Healthy School Program has been run in accordance with program planned but on its implementation there were obstacles where schools have limited funds and inadequate infrastructure, and (4) from the aspect of Product, all targets to be achieved in program planned has been reached so that impacted the improvement of the quality of education in Public School Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga and therefore eligible to continue in the next period with several aspects improvements.
Mangrove management is completely crucial for environmental sustainability. This study aimed (1) to examine the green and fair strategy in developing mangrove ecotourism in Bedul, Banyuwangi Regency, and (2) to examine the economic, social, and cultural improvement of the local community around the mangrove ecotourism area. The research method was qualitative descriptive using Internal Factor Analysis System (IFAS) and External Factor Analysis System (EFAS) matrix analysis from the SWOT approach. Data included primary and secondary data collected in 2020. Primary data were collected through observations and in-depth interviews with key informants and stakeholders around the study site. Secondary data came from literature reviews, documentation of the government institutions, and the local community. Based on IFAS and EFAS analysis, Bedul Mangrove Ecotourism belonged to Quadrant II with a diversification strategy. The diversification strategy in Quadrant II is located between concentric and conglomerate diversification that signifies a strong organization with strong threats. The analysis showed the need to diversify strategies or make modifications by integrating indicators for sustainable tourism in the mangrove ecotourism area of Bedul, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. According to the identification results of tourism sustainability goals in accordance with the SDGs 2030 agenda, Mangrove Bedul Ecotourism requires the addition or modification of green and fair policies to address the limited aspect of economic development and the lack of guarantees for community welfare and stakeholders.