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528 Ergebnisse
Die Zuwanderungspolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte ist eine Politik des gebremsten Erfolges. Immer weniger Migranten stehen dem Arbeitsmarkt aktiv zur Verfügung. Falsche Arbeitsmarktanreize spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Eine kritische Bilanz von Erfolgen und Misserfolgen der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern ist notwendig, um Kurskorrekturen vornehmen zu können. Praktisches Handeln erfordert Kenntnisse über Wirkungsbedingungen politischer Maßnahmen. Diese Kenntnisse vermittelt das vorliegende Buch in Form eines Vergleichs der ökonomischen Integration von Migranten in Dänemark und Deutschland. Auf Basis eigener Datenerhebungen werden das Bildungs- und Ausbildungsverhalten, wichtige Beschäftigungstrends und die Selbständigkeit von Zuwanderern sowie die Auswirkungen der sozialen Sicherungssysteme auf die Arbeitsmarktpartizipation untersucht. Darüber hinaus unterzieht der Band das neue deutsche Zuwanderungsgesetz einer kritischen Würdigung. Geschrieben für: Praktiker in Berufen um den Arbeitsmarkt, Wissenschaftler, Politik und -beratung Schlagworte: Arbeitsmarkt Integration Migration Zuwanderungspolitik
In: Financial Times Deutschland
In: Population economics
During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a home-managing woman living together for their whole life times, and having one or more children, which primarily were raised by the wife. Today differing living models are much more common than before. House husbands, late motherhood, and a delayed work entry of the children are some of the related phenomena, which at the same time are reasons for and consequences of the changed view on the favorite family. Not surprisingly, this change has provoked much scientific interest. In this book we present a collection of recent economic research work on the resources management and development of families and households respectively. Assorting three general topics, we focus on the time allocation within the household, the family structure and development, and the transition to work of young adults.
In: Discussion paper series 50
Among all European countries, Germany absorbs by far the largest number of immigrants. But to date, the German government has yet to adopt a system that will effectively control the influx of foreigners. The immigration of Ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe, which is due to historical events and therefore constitutionally guaranteed, is a special case. It is marked by selection criteria (language tests), de facto quotas, and mobility restrictions. Although the immigration of foreigners and Ethnic Germans produces overall positive effects, the recent trend has been more problematic, especially as the economic situation in Germany deteriorated. Ethnic Germans are basically facing the same difficulties with social and economic integration as foreigners. A majority of young Ethnic Germans have no cultural or language ties to Germany. Insufficient language skills and the lack of adequate education and training often limit their labor market prospects to simple tasks and physical labor. Over the last few years, unemployment among Ethnic Germans in the workforce has increased. This study concludes that Germany needs a welldirected immigration policy in order to make the immigration process transparent and predictable. This would also lead to a better acceptance of foreigners and Ethnic Germans in society. A German immigration law could be based on the existing structures that apply to the influx of Ethnic Germans.
In: Studies in Empirical Economics
This book consists of four parts: I. Labour demand and supply, II. Productivity slowdown and innovative activity, III. Disequilibrium and business cycle analysis, and IV. Time series analysis of output and employment. It presents a fine selection of articles in the growing field ofthe empirical analysis of output and employment fluctuations with applications in a micro-econometric or a time-series framework. The time-series literature recently has emphasized the careful testing for stationarity and nonlinearity in the data, and the importance of cointegration theory. An essential part of the papers make use of parametric and non-parametric methods developed in this literature and mostly connect their results to the hysteresis discussion about the existence of fragile equilibria. A second set of macro approaches use the disequilibrium framework that has found so much interest in Europe in recent years. The other papers use newly developed methods for microdata,especially qualitative data or limited dependent variables to study microeconomic models of behaviour that explain labour market and output decisions
In: Population Economics Ser.
In: Microeconomic Studies
The notion of optimum population has attracted the attention of economists ever since economics was made a science. Roots can be traced back to ancient Greece. The topic has recently found rising interest among population economists and demographers. The economic concept of optimum population seeks to define the population size, which maximizes a welfare criterion of the society. The purpose of this book is to outline this concept from a micro and macro perspective and to link it with issues of technical progress, social security, limited resources and migration. It treats fertility endogenously and studies its welfare and policy implications. The emphasis is on a rigorous theoretical treatment of the subject using the modern growth and welfare theory as well as the new classical micro model of the family
In: Discussion papers
In: Discussion papers / Forschungsschwerpunkt Strukturpolitik, IIMV, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung
World Affairs Online
In: Discussion papers
In: Strukturpolitik
World Affairs Online