AbstractThis study investigates the influence of (1) viewing situations (solo- vs. group-viewing) and (2) interpersonal communication in a group-viewing situation on television entertainment. In a field study combining a survey and video observation, (1) entertainment of participants watching television alone or in a group, and (2) entertainment between different groups was compared. To assess interpersonal communication while watching television, group verbal and nonverbal communication behavior was recorded. Results suggest that the presence of others did not influence viewers' core enjoyment. Further, while the amount of nonverbal communication behavior did not affect viewers' core enjoyment, particular topics of conversation influenced specific enjoyment qualities, with conversations indicating involvement in the television show intensifying viewers' empathy, and conversations indicating emotional experiences while watching television decreasing viewers' suspense. Results are discussed regarding nonverbal and verbal mechanisms that underlie entertainment in different social conditions.
Bevorzugen Menschen Informationen, die der eigenen Einstellung entsprechen und vermeiden Informationen, die ihr widersprechen? Welche individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen hat die selektive Zuwendung zu bestätigenden Informationen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich die Forschung zu Konsistenztheorien und Selective Exposure. Der Band gibt einen Überblick über deren zentrale theoretische Grundlagen, erläutert gängige Untersuchungsdesigns und häufig verwendete Methoden und arbeitet den empirischen Forschungsstand von der frühen sozialpsychologischen Forschung bis zur aktuellen Debatte um die Entstehung von Echokammern und Filterblasen in Social Media auf. Abschließend werden alternative Erklärungsansätze für die systematische Bevorzugung von Informationen vorgestellt. Der Band eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Lehrende und Studierende der Kommunikationswissenschaft sowie als Einstiegslektüre für Kommunikationspraktiker und andere Interessierte.
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Social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat offer adolescents many opportunities to control how other users see and perceive them. By observing their peers' self-presentations and receiving feedback on their own self-presentations from them, adolescents learn what is typical (descriptive norms) and appropriate (injunctive norms) on different social media platforms. Based on computer-assisted face-to-face surveys with German Instagram and/or Snapchat users aged between 14 and 16 years ( N = 1,002), we examined the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on adolescents' self-presentation practices on social media. Drawing on the theory of normative social behavior and the affordances approach, we also considered the norm-moderating factors of outcome expectations, group identity, platform differences, and perceived content persistence. We provide evidence that both descriptive and injunctive peer norms influence adolescents' staged self-presentations, authentic self-presentations, and presentations of everyday life, although none of the moderating factors reached practical significance.
This article examines the relative importance of personal, descriptive, and injunctive norms for adolescents' self-presentation on Instagram and analyzes the role of proximal and distal reference groups in norm negotiation. Based on 27 semi-structured interviews with German Instagram users between 14 and 19 years old, we identified four types of adolescents' self-presentation that differ in terms of norms and referent others: authentic, self-confident, self-staged, and audience-oriented self-presentation. In addition, our study demonstrates that adolescents engage in reflective norm breaches when coping with conflicting self-presentation norms. These results highlight the crucial role of both adolescents themselves and their proximal and distal reference groups for norm negotiation.
This thematic issue discusses risks, opportunities, and challenges of digital child- and adulthood based on different theoretical and methodological perspectives. It focuses on three topics: First, the challenges children and adolescents face in developing skills for dealing with promotional content are highlighted. Second, several contributions discuss the actions of parents and instructors and their function as role models for children and adolescents. They outline the tension between the consequences of intensive media use by children and adolescents and a responsible approach to digital media as often demanded by parents and teachers. Finally, the last contribution gives an insight into how the political socialization of adolescents can manifest itself in the digital space. The multi-methodological, multi-perspective, and multi-theoretical contributions of this thematic issue illustrate the intergenerational relevance of digital child- and adulthood.
AbstractA large proportion of television consumption takes place in groups, usually in households shared by partners or families. However, theories of media use tend to neglect this: Although they explain how individual orders of preference come about, they hardly address the fact that different orders of preference within a small group may conflict with one another. We propose using game theory to illustrate how to find a solution when conflicts in orders of preference arise. Game theory is suited to explaining decisions in social conflict situations in which those involved have an influence over one another. We use different (fictional) examples to demonstrate the potential of game theory here and provide a theoretical framework for future empirical studies.
Digital child and youth research is often conducted in schools involving minors. Corresponding research designs raise two related sets of problems: Ethical issues with regard to working with vulnerable groups like children and adolescents and access to these groups. The latter pertains to the concept of gatekeeping which is an ethical issue in and of itself if certain groups or areas of research are systematically excluded from empirical research and, consequently, from the resulting benefits. Thus, our study examines how perceived ethical challenges influence gatekeepers' decisions to grant or deny access to investigate a potentially problematic topic: pupils' group communication. We addressed this research question empirically via semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight educational gatekeepers in Germany inquiring their attitudes on research in schools in general and on the specific topic of pupils' group communication via instant messaging as an exemplar of digital child and youth research. Approaching the question from two perspectives (procedural ethics and ethics in practice), we identified hierarchical power structures within multiple levels of gatekeeping and revealed rationales to deny access based on ethical considerations with regard to the given scenario of pupils' group communication.