11 Ergebnisse
Diplomatie, Diskretion und Information: eine Studie zur Konzeption der Informationspolitik des Eidgenössischen Departements für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
In: Beiträge zur Kommunikations- und Medienpolitik Bd. 4
Die Hörfunkberichterstattung aus Bonn: ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis zwischen Medien und Politik
In: Tuduv-Studien
In: Reihe Kommunikationswissenschaften 4
The Status of Normalized Drafting: The Need for Theory Building and Empirical Verification
"Normalized legal drafting" has been defined as "a mode of expressing ideas in statutes, regulations, contracts, and other legal documents in such a way that the syntax that relates the constituent propositions is simplified and standardized." Although many legal academics over a number of years have asserted that there are many benefits to be obtained through use of the principles of normalized drafting in the enactment of legislation, surprisingly only one formal empirical study has been reported that indicates that the theory of normalized drafting may provide for the effective enactment of legislative policy. This paper examines the subject of normalized drafting from an empirical perspective and investigates the ability of current research to contribute to scientific understanding of legislative drafting. A framework to enable future research to achieve this goal is presented.
Single and Dual Axis Tracking as a Function of Systems Dynamics
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 273-275
ISSN: 1547-8181
Single axis manual tracking was compared to dual axis tracking for zero, first, second and third order dynamics. Tracking error on the original axis was significantly degraded for first, second and third order dynamics with no difference occurring for zero order. The results seem to indicate that the operator's information handling capacity becomes overloaded as the system order increases resulting in a decrement of performance.
What's in Your Water? Development and Evaluation of the Virginia Household Water Quality Program and Virginia Master Well Owner Network
In: Journal of human sciences and extension
ISSN: 2325-5226
Approximately one-fifth of Virginians (about 1.7 million people) rely on private water supplies (e.g., wells, springs, cisterns) for their household water. Unlike public water systems, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not regulate private systems. As a result, private water system owners are solely responsible for system maintenance and water quality but are often unaware of common issues and lack access to objective information. We report on the development and evaluation of the Virginia Household Water Quality Program (VAHWQP), an ongoing Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) program that provides affordable water testing and education about private water supply system maintenance and groundwater protection. A companion capacity-building program, the Virginia Master Well Owner Network (VAMWON), provides training to volunteers, agency collaborators, and VCE agents who support the goals and objectives of the VAHWQP by conducting VAHWQP drinking water clinics and other outreach efforts. Program assessment findings indicate that VAHWQP drinking water clinic participants regard this programming favorably and are taking recommended actions. We discuss the program assessment framework and continued efforts to improve these programs to achieve long-term behavioral changes regarding water testing and system maintenance, which will yield safer private water supplies and improved environmental stewardship.
Der Einfluss der Ökonomisierung auf die Soziale Arbeit: wie Soziale Arbeit Neoliberalismus aufnimmt
Soziale Arbeit erlebt aktuell eine Auferlegung neoliberaler Ideen, welche nicht von den Sozialarbeitern*innen ausgeht, eher im Gegenteil versucht wird von diesen nach Möglichkeiten abzuwenden, jedoch durch die strukturellen Umgestaltungen schwer vermeidbar ist. Eine radikale Sparphilosophie und starke Orientierung an Fallzahlen, Abschlussquoten und anderen Statistiken, schaffen eine starre Struktur in denen die Menschen, mit denen sich Soziale Arbeit befasst, sowie die Sozialarbeiter*innen immer mehr aus der Betrachtung verschwinden.