
5 Ergebnisse


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Buch(gedruckt)#220092 Versionen verfügbar

Wege zur Technikfaszination: Sozialisationsverläufe und Interventionszeitpunkte

In: acatech diskutiert

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Open Access



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Buch(gedruckt)#420232 Versionen verfügbar

Information and communication technologies for ageing well and e-Health: 7th International Conference, ICT4AWE 2021, Virtual Event, April 24-26, 2021, and 8th International Conference, ICT4AWE 2022, Virtual Event, April 23-25, 2022, revised selected papers

In: Communications in computer and information science 1856

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Information and communication technologies for ageing well and e-health: 9th international conference, ICT4AWE 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 22-24, 2023 : revised selected papers

In: Communications in computer and information science 2087

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