114 Ergebnisse
Symbolic castration and symbolic parricide: is the Oedipus complex under Chinese culture resolved?
In: Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in China, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 216-234
ISSN: 2632-0142
The review of relevant psychoanalytic literature has clarified that the Oedipus complex is considered to be resolved through symbolic castration and symbolic parricide. The author then reviewed the Chinese research papers, and proposed the hypothesis that the Oedipus complex is not absolutely resolved under Chinese culture at the level of symbolism.
Air pollution and post-COVID-19 work resumption: evidence from China
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 29, Heft 12, S. 17103-17116
ISSN: 1614-7499
Productivity, Price Volatility, and Dynamic Choices in French Agriculture ; Productivité de l'Agriculture Française et Volatilité des Prix
The EU has adopted many reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the past decades. Price support has decreased, and decoupled payments have been introduced. As a result, European agricultural prices have become more volatile, in line with world prices. This dissertation measures the evolution of the productivity of French agriculture in a dynamic stochastic farm decision model in the new economic context with increased price volatility. On this basis, it studies the dynamic link between price risk, farmer decisions, and productivity in the structural estimation framework. The literature review in Chapter 2 describes productivity as a residual and emphasizes the measurement issues from the unobserved capital data series and the endogeneity problem in primal estimation. Chapter 3 compares the numerical methods to solve and estimate nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) or DSGE-like models, in which capital and productivity are latent state variables. Chapter 4 estimates productivity in a dynamic stochastic decision model based on the generalized maximum entropy (GME) approach. We show that the productivity growth in French agriculture has slowed down and become much more volatile following the increase in price volatility. Overall, price risk has an impact on productivity in the way that when exposed to high risks, farmers change their production, consumption, investment and financial borrowing decisions, which in turn affects the realized productivity negatively. Chapter 5 simulates the market impacts of the CAP instruments in a dynamic GTAP-AGR CGE model with risks. We show that risk and risk attitude matter when assessing the impacts of the CAP reforms. ; À la suite des réformes successives de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC), les soutiens publics européens par des prix nominaux constants ont diminué au profit de soutiens directs aux revenus agricoles. Cela a exposé les agriculteurs français à une grande volatilité des prix, reconnectés avec les prix mondiaux. Cette thèse mesure ...
Productivity, Price Volatility, and Dynamic Choices in French Agriculture ; Productivité de l'agriculture française et volatilité des prix
The EU has adopted many reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the past decades. Price support has decreased, and decoupled payments have been introduced. As a result, European agricultural prices have become more volatile, in line with world prices.This dissertation measures the evolution of the productivity of French agriculture in a dynamic stochastic farm decision model in the new economic context with increased price volatility. On this basis, it studies the dynamic link between price risk, farmer decisions, and productivity in the structural estimation framework. The literature review in Chapter 2 describes productivity as a residual and emphasizes the measurement issues from the unobserved capital data series and the endogeneity problem in primal estimation.Chapter 3 compares the numerical methods to solve and estimate nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) or DSGE-like models, in which capital and productivity are latent state variables. Chapter 4 estimates productivity in a dynamic stochastic decision model based on the generalized maximum entropy (GME) approach. We show that the productivity growth in French agriculture has slowed down and become more volatile following the rise in price volatility. Overall, price risk has an impact on productivity in the way that when exposed to high risks, farmers change their production, consumption, investment and financial borrowing decisions, which in turn affects the realized productivity negatively. Chapter 5 simulates the market impacts of the CAP instruments in a dynamic GTAP-AGR CGE mode ; À la suite des réformes successives de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC), les soutiens publics par des prix ont diminué au profit de soutiens directs aux revenus agricoles. Cela a exposé les agriculteurs français à une grande volatilité des prix, reconnectés avec les prix mondiaux.Cette thèse mesure l'évolution de la productivité de l'agriculture française dans un modèle dynamique stochastique en intégrant la récente augmentation de la ...
Privatization with 'Vested Interests' in China
In: Socio-economic review, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 767-791
ISSN: 1475-147X
AbstractVested interests have been blamed for resisting the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. Yet, various interest groups have heterogeneous interests in privatization. Using both firm- and provincial-level data, we find that SOE managers and local bureaucrats—two key players of privatization—have contingent, rather than vested, interests in privatization, depending partly on their political connections with the central government. On the one hand, political connections motivate SOE managers to privatize more state ownership while retaining managerial control. On the other hand, central connections discourage provincial leaders from using privatization to boost their economic performance. These results shed light on the conditions under which China implements its economic reforms. With the increasing embeddedness and declining autonomy for policymakers, the once well-performing developmental state models now face serious challenges as politically powerful interest groups can manipulate economic reforms for their own purposes rather than for structural transformation.
Institutions, labor mobility, and foreign direct investment in China and India
In: Studies in comparative international development: SCID, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 147-168
ISSN: 1936-6167
World Affairs Online
Institutions, Labor Mobility, and Foreign Direct Investment in China and India
In: Studies in comparative international development: SCID, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 147-168
ISSN: 1936-6167
Building from below: subsidiary management moderation of employment practices in MNCs in China
In: International journal of human resource management, Band 27, Heft 19, S. 2275-2303
ISSN: 1466-4399
China's State-owned Enterprise Mixed Ownership Reform
In: East Asian Policy, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 39-50
ISSN: 2251-3175
The new state-owned enterprise (SOE) mixed ownership reform have some distinct features that were not addressed in previous reforms. While some central SOEs and local governments have unveiled their own plans to diversify ownership structure, the success of the reform hinges on how the government resolves two credibility problems: one is to restore credibility to the reform commitment and the other is to convince private investors that their interests will be sufficiently protected.
Governance and foreign investment in China, India, and Taiwan: credibility, flexibility, and international business
In: Michigan studies in international political economy
The impact of common agricultural policy (CAP) reform on farmers' decisions
In: The impact of common agricultural policy (CAP) reform on farmers' decisions, Université de Rennes 1(2014)
EU has decided a Common Agriculture Policy(CAP) reform in 2003 on decoupling farm subsidies, the 2014-2020 reform follows the spirit of the 2003 reform. In order to investigate the impact of CAP reforms on farmers' production, consumption and investment decisions, first, I summarize different farm models on farmers' choice behaviors in previous literature. Second, I develop my dynamic stochastic farm model with investment. I use second order perturbation method, Bayesian estimation and the Monte Carlo method in solving and estimating my model. With an application with French data, I am expecting a change in farms' risk aversion level before and after the CAP reform.
Credibility and flexibility: political institutions, governance, and foreign direct investment
In: International interactions: empirical and theoretical research in international relations, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 293-319
ISSN: 0305-0629
World Affairs Online
Credibility and Flexibility: Political Institutions, Governance, and Foreign Direct Investment
In: International interactions: empirical and theoretical research in international relations, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 293-319
ISSN: 1547-7444
Government and Policy-Making Reform in China: The Implications of Governing Capacity. Bill K. P. Chou
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 64, S. 256-258
ISSN: 1835-8535