Research on the Current Situation of Art and Creativity Protection
In: Cultural and religious studies, Band 11, Heft 12
ISSN: 2328-2177
120 Ergebnisse
In: Cultural and religious studies, Band 11, Heft 12
ISSN: 2328-2177
In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2023, Heft 5-2, S. 222-231
This article uses a cross-cultural research method to analyze the visual effects of his works from the perspective of Oriental aesthetics. Examining Matisse's flattened and decorative art from the perspective of oriental aesthetics is helpful to understand the public cultural value in his works from a cross-cultural perspective.
Mental health problems are a leading cause of disability in both developed and developing countries, and the consequences of mental health disorders for individuals, families, and society as a whole could be severe and costly. To supplement relevant research and provide insightful policy suggestions to families, government and societies, this study investigates the nexus between natural disasters and mental health for middle-aged and older adults in rural China. Based on data of 8721 observations from the 2014 China Family Panel Studies, we estimate the effects of natural disasters on mental health using ordinary least squares and propensity score matching. Our findings suggest that natural disasters have a significant negative effect on middle-aged and older adults' mental health in the case of rural China. This effect is heterogeneous depending on individuals' education level and their agricultural production status. Finally, individuals' happiness and life satisfaction are shown to be the potential mechanism through which the effect of natural disasters on mental health operates.
In: Kul'tura Ukraïny: zbirnyk naukovych prac', Heft 78, S. 119-125
ISSN: 2522-1140
The relevance of the article. The formation of genre and the principles of genre classification in the art of East Asian countries is one of the least researched problems in the theory and history of art. It is generally accepted that still life appeared in the art of China as a result of the influence of the Euro-pean artistic system. Meanwhile, motifs related to the depiction of elements of the subject environment can be traced in other genres of Chinese painting. In modern artistic practice, still life is considered mainly as an element of academic education, but its creative potential remains little realized. Therefore, the relevance of the research is determined by the needs of both theory and artistic practice.
The purpose of the article is to determine the main approaches to the depiction of things, their typological complexes, their role and significance in Chinese classical art.
The methodology. In the research we used general scientific and special research methods. In particular, methods of systematization, content analysis and typology were applied; methods of formal, stylistic, semantic, comparative analysis.
The results. The article outlines the main approaches to studying the origins of still life as a genre in the Chinese artistic tradition. As a result of the analysis of samples of easel and decorative painting, the main models of the representation of things were revealed, their typology, role and means of representation in the visual and content structure of the works were determined. The semantic aspects of pictorial motifs and their connections with the development of handicrafts, Confucian education, tastes and values of the privileged top of society and the development of collecting, are highlighted.
The scientific novelty. For the first time, in the work we touched upon the issue of the formation of still life as a genre and its origins in Chinese painting, highlighted the previous artistic experience of depicting objects of the material environment, defined the main thematic complexes, established their role and significance in classical works.
The practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the development of educational courses in the history of art and provide the necessary material both for creative experiments and for the development of various projects in the field of visual arts.
Conclusions. The results of the analysis of various materials of fine art allow us to claim that in Chinese classical art, other, different from European, options for the representation of the world of things were formed. Typologically, they are represented by three models: a "portrait" of a thing (a close-up of one object with a careful depicting of form and decoration), a thing as a component of a portrait, a catalogue of things (a decorative composition on the theme "4 treasures of a scientist", "4 noble arts", "100 antiquities"). In all models, the depicted objects act as personifications of material and spiritual values of society, a sign of Confucian virtues, and as benevolent symbols. The "100 antiquities" complex, which was formed by XVIII century, combined previous lists of valuable things and became a reflection of craft achievements, educational tradition and awareness of its value, and the development of collecting.
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 58, Heft 12, S. 2468-2484
ISSN: 1360-0591
Amidst a decline in exclusionary school discipline, the current study asks how a more holistic set of school discipline practices are associated with emerging adult well-being. We use original survey data from over 700 college-educated emerging adults to show that this sample can be categorized into three groups with unique school disciplinary histories—those who received minimal discipline, those who received primarily school-managed discipline, and those who received intensive discipline. These groups were distinguishable not just on the severity or exclusionary nature of discipline but also the involvement of parents, police, or support staff (e.g., counselors). After accounting for selection into these groups, we find that emerging adults with histories of both school-managed and intensive discipline reported lower well-being than their minimally-disciplined counterparts. Such findings demonstrate the reach of school discipline even to this relatively privileged sample and the need to think about discipline and its potential consequences more expansively.
In: Chinese political science review, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 245-273
ISSN: 2365-4252
With the increasingly serious employment situation in China, the government and schools encourage college students to start businesses to alleviate employment pressure. College student's successful entrepreneurship depends on national preferential policies, social support, and, most importantly, their healthy and solid psychological quality and entrepreneurial psychological quality. The purpose is to understand the entrepreneurial psychology of college students and study the entrepreneurial psychological effect. Firstly, the four aspects of entrepreneurial psychology are summarized, including entrepreneurial awareness, entrepreneurial volition, entrepreneurial ability, and entrepreneurial personality. Secondly, the research status of college students' entrepreneurial psychology is reviewed, and the existing problems are pointed out. Thirdly, the combined model of wavelet transform and Neural Network (NN) is proposed, and the feasibility of the proposed model is evaluated through the analysis of college students' entrepreneurial psychology. The wavelet NN is used in experimental design to predict college students' entrepreneurial psychology, and the predicted results are compared with the actual value. From the perspective of the prediction results of entrepreneurial psychology, the combination of wavelet algorithm and neural network is more accurate for entrepreneurial psychology prediction and evaluation results of law students. Overall, the difference between the predicted value and the actual value is within 0.3 points, which is relatively stable. According to the analysis of single-factor results, the scores of students of different majors in the four dimensions of entrepreneurial psychology are all higher than 3.5, but there is no significant difference among the four dimensions (P > 0.05), indicating that the major has no significant impact on entrepreneurial psychology; law students with different educational backgrounds have significant differences in entrepreneurial psychology (P < 0.05), among ...
The national central city is not a single existence, and it must be based on the national-level urban agglomeration. At the same time, it must have superior geographical advantages and rich natural resources as the basis for development. Urban agglomeration promotes national central cities; on the contrary, national central cities can also drive the common development of urban agglomerations. During the National People's Congress and National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference this year, Jinan Municipal Government proposed to create a national central city in the Yellow River Basin as the development goal. In this article, the measures taken by Jinan Municipal Government to create the national central city of the Yellow River Basin are put forward, and the impact of the surrounding urban agglomeration on the development of Jinan is pointed out. Meanwhile, the opportunities and challenges that Jinan will bring to the surrounding urban agglomeration by establishing the national central city are elaborated.
In: Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, Band 32, Heft 5, S. 1004-1022
ISSN: 1758-4248
For classification problems of customer relationship management (CRM), the purpose of this paper is to propose a method with interpretability of the classification results that combines multiple decision trees based on a genetic algorithm.
In the proposed method, multiple decision trees are combined in parallel. Subsequently, a genetic algorithm is used to optimize the weight matrix in the combination algorithm.
The method is applied to customer credit rating assessment and customer response behavior pattern recognition. The results demonstrate that compared to a single decision tree, the proposed combination method improves the predictive accuracy and optimizes the classification rules, while maintaining interpretability of the classification results.
The findings of this study contribute to research methodologies in CRM. It specifically focuses on a new method with interpretability by combining multiple decision trees based on genetic algorithms for customer classification.
In: Zhang, Zhe and Vanessa M. Patrick (2018), "Call me Rollie! The Role of Brand Nicknames in shaping Consumer-Brand Relationships," Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 3(2), 147-162.
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 66, Heft 7, S. 993-1020
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
This article attempts to determine whether stretch goals disrupt organizations and, if so, how organizations minimize those disruptions. We consider how two different kinds of justice climates − interpersonal and informational − interact to influence employees' unethical behavior and relationship conflicts in the face of stretch goals. The results from 117 departments (including a total of 351 employees and 117 managers) in six Chinese banks support our hypotheses that stretch goals foster unethical behavior and intensify relationship conflict among employees. Furthermore, we find that informational-justice climates greatly reduce the disruptive effect of stretch goals on unethical behavior, and we find that interpersonal-justice climates greatly reduce the disruptive effect of stretch goals on relationship conflict. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
In: Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, Band 20, Heft 5, S. 257-274
ISSN: 1535-3966
ABSTRACTThis study seeks to understand the underlying relationship between managerial ownership and corporate social performance in privately owned Chinese firms. Agency theory predicts that corporate expenditure on social practices is merely a managerial expropriation in an ordinary business setting. However, the business context of natural disasters in China has been characterized by stakeholder pressure on corporate responsibility. We propose that in our context of study, corporate social performance constitutes an investment and managers who own significant parts of the company are more likely to promote corporate philanthropic actions. Using a hand‐collected database that includes firm‐level data on corporate contributions after the Sichuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008, we find that higher managerial ownership is associated with a significantly higher probability of donation and charity. Furthermore, we find that corporate board size and political ties with the government moderate this relationship. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.