Urban Metabolism: Theory, Methods and Applications
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I Theoretical Framework -- 1 Connotations of Urban Metabolism -- 1.1 The Concept of an Urban Organism and Ecosystem -- 1.2 Multi-level Similarity of Urban Systems to Organisms -- 1.2.1 Similarity of the Structural Hierarchy -- 1.2.2 Similarity of the Functional Mechanisms -- 1.3 Evolution of the Concept of an Urban Metabolism -- 1.4 Urban Metabolic Processes -- 1.4.1 Metabolic Phases -- 1.4.2 External and Internal Flows -- 1.4.3 Anabolism, Catabolism, and Regulatory Metabolism -- 1.4.4 Metabolic Linkages -- 1.4.5 Metabolic Chains -- 1.4.6 Classification of the Metabolic Actors -- 1.4.7 Characteristics of the Metabolic Actors -- 1.5 Urban Metabolic Characteristics -- 1.5.1 Growth and Development -- 1.5.2 Openness and Dependency -- 1.5.3 Stability and Robustness -- References -- 2 Progress in Urban Metabolism Research -- 2.1 The Significance of Urban Metabolism Research -- 2.1.1 Feasibility -- 2.1.2 Necessity -- 2.1.3 Urgency -- 2.2 CiteSpace Knowledge Mapping Analysis -- 2.2.1 The Number of Publications -- 2.2.2 Collaborative Network Analysis -- 2.2.3 Discipline Co-occurrence Analysis -- 2.3 Research Frontier Analysis -- 2.3.1 Timeline Analysis -- 2.3.2 Cluster Analysis -- 2.3.3 Burst Analysis -- 2.3.4 Cluster Analysis for Co-cited References -- 2.3.5 Analysis of High-Frequency Co-cited Literature -- 2.4 Development Stage of Urban Metabolism Research -- 2.4.1 Early Period (1965-1980) -- 2.4.2 Slow Growth Period (1981-2000) -- 2.4.3 Rising Period (2001-Present) -- 2.5 Historical Evolution of Urban Metabolism Research -- 2.5.1 Accounting Evaluation Methods -- 2.5.2 Model Simulation -- 2.5.3 Application Research -- 2.5.4 Scales and Boundaries -- References -- 3 Theory, Paradigms, and Technical Methods for Urban Metabolism -- 3.1 Composite Ecosystem Theory -- 3.1.1 Natural Subsystem -- 3.1.2 Socioeconomic Subsystem.