Chinese EFL Students' Awareness of English Epicene Pronouns: Towards a More Gender-Inclusive Language
In: Sage open, Band 14, Heft 4
ISSN: 2158-2440
This paper explores the understanding and application of epicene pronouns in English among Chinese EFL learners. Thirty-three Chinese college students took part in a questionnaire to gauge their perceptions and usage of English epicene pronouns. A content analysis of 10 English grammar textbooks was also undertaken to discover current vernacular norms and their implications for gender-inclusivity. The findings reveal that he or she is the most commonly used epicene pronoun but that there has been an increase in the use of the singular they and a decrease in the use of he as epicene pronouns. Content analysis of books showed that guidelines for epicene pronouns were often provided. These pronouns are predominantly used with indefinite pronouns. Informal writing frequently employed the singular they, while formal writing leaned towards he or she. He was used as an unmarked epicene pronoun, but its usage style varied. These findings hold significant implications for EFL language teaching and learning.