Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Predict the Academic Interests and Goals of Chinese Middle Vocational-Technical School Students
In: Public personnel management, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 59-68
ISSN: 1945-7421
Students' academic self-efficacy, interests, goals, and perceptions of social supports and barriers critically influence their career development and career management. In this study, we used the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) to predict the academic interests and goals of Chinese Middle Vocational-Technical School Students. Five hundred and Seventy-eight (578) Chinese middle vocational-technical school students majoring in electric power engineering were investigated. Participants performed measures of self-efficacy, outcome expectation, academic interests, academic goals, and social supports and barriers relative to the achievement of their majors. The data offered adequate fit to the basic SSCT model across gender and homeplace. However, self-efficacy and outcome expectation did not directly predict academic goals. The implication of findings was discussed.