20 Ergebnisse
Working paper
An Introduction to Plum Blossom Boxing: History, Culture and Practice ; Introducción al boxeo de la flor del ciruelo: historia, cultura y práctica ; Introdução ao boxe flor de ameixa: história, cultura e prática
Meihuaquan ("Plum Blossom Fist [Boxing]") has traditionally been practiced as vernacular (folk) art practiced among the Han ethnic group residing in the Shandong, Henan and Hebei Provinces of China. Historical documentation dates Plum Blossom Boxing to the seventeenth century. The classic Chinese novel, Shuihu Zhuan (Marsh Chronicles) recounts the martial exploits of Shandong's twelfth century outlaw heroes who may have been Mei Boxers, also. Thus, for perhaps a millennium, the region has been noted for vernacular martial arts and social banditry. The region's rampant lawlessness promoted highly-developed martial prowess among both lawbreakers and those who were required to protect themselves against the brigands. Cultural, economic, and environmental factors in the region gave rise to heterodox political and religious beliefs that frequently served as a catalyst for martial sects, most notably the "Boxers" who at the turn of the twentieth century, came into conflict with the imperial government. These factors laid the groundwork for the "character traits" of the art while Taoism, the Five Elements theory, and a concept of predictable change shaped Plum Boxing's strategic and mechanical principles. In the past decade, there have been efforts to globalize this vernacular martial art. Rather than driving Plum Boxing to extinction it is likely that the folk and the "larger than local" will co-exist. ; El meihuaquan ("Puño [Boxeo] de la Flor del Ciruelo") se ha practicado tradicionalmente como arte vernáculo (folclórico) en el grupo étnico de los Han de las provincias chinas de Shandong, Henan y Hebei. Los registros históricos datan al boxeo de la flor del ciruelo del s. XVII. La novela clásica china Shuihu Zhuan (Las crónicas del pantano) relata las proezas marciales de los héroes proscritos de Shandong durante el siglo XII, quienes también podían haber sido boxeadores mei. Así, durante posiblemente un milenio, la región ha sido célebre por sus artes marciales vernáculas y el bandolerismo social. La rampante anarquía de la región promovió habilidades marciales altamente desarrolladas tanto entre los criminales como entre aquellos que necesitaban defenderse frente a los bandidos. Los factores culturales, económicos y ambientales de la región dieron lugar a creencias políticas y religiosas heterodoxas que sirvieron frecuentemente como catalizadoras de sectas marciales, muy destacadamente los "Bóxers", que en el cambio al s. XX entraron en conflicto con el gobierno imperial. Estos factores sentaron las bases de los "rasgos de carácter" del arte, mientras que el taoísmo, la teoría de los cinco elementos y un concepto del cambio predecible conformaron los principios estratégicos y mecánicos del boxeo de la flor del ciruelo. Durante la última década se han realizado esfuerzos para globalizar este arte marcial vernáculo. Es probable que esta circunstancia, en vez de conducir al boxeo de la flor del ciruelo a la extinción, consiga que lo tradicional y lo "más amplio que lo local" lleguen a coexistir. ; O meihuaquan ("Punho [Boxe] da Flor de Ameixa") praticou-se tradicionalmente como arte vernácula (folclórica) no grupo étnico dos Han, das províncias chinesas de Shandong, Henan e Hebei. Os registos históricos datam o boxe flor de ameixa do século XVII. A crónica clássica chinesa Shuihu Zhuan (As Crónicas do Pântano) relata as proezas marciais dos heróis proscritos de Shandong durante o século XII, que também podiam ter sido "boxeurs" mei. Assim, durante possivelmente um milénio, a região foi célebre pelas suas artes marciais vernáculas e de banditismo social. A aparente anarquia da região promoveu habilidades marciais altamente desenvolvidas, tanto entre os criminosos como entre aqueles que necessitavam de se defender frente aos bandidos. Os factores culturais, económicos e ambientais da região deram lugar a crenças políticas e religiosas heterodoxas que serviram frequentemente como catalisadoras de seitas marciais, muito destacadamente os "boxeurs", que na transição do século XX entraram em conflito com o governo Imperial. Estes factores assentaram as bases nos "atributos de carácter" da arte, tal como o taoísmo e a teoria dos cinco elementos, confirmando os princípios estratégicos e mecânicos do boxe flor de ameixa. Durante a última década realizaram-se esforços para globalizar esta arte marcial vernácula. Mais do que conduzir o boxe flor de ameixa à extinção, é provável que o tradicional e o "mais amplo que o local" cheguem a coexistir.
Seismic Behavior of Prefabricated Shear Wall with Joint Grouting Defects
In: HELIYON-D-22-17451
The safeguarding of Chinese traditional martial arts in the past three decades (1990-2020): a perspective of intangible cultural heritage ; La protección de las artes marciales tradicionales chinas en las últimas tres décadas: una perspectiva sobre un patrimonio cultural inmaterial ; A salvaguarda d...
Traditional martial art is a pivotal part of Chinese folk culture. However, due to the impact of modern culture, the inheritance of various martial arts is threatened. Therefore, many efforts have been made by the Chinese government to protect this unique culture in the late 20th century. To provide practical indications for the safeguard of intangible cultural heritage, we conducted a literature review for the Chinese strategies concerning the safeguard of traditional martial arts (TMA) in the past 30 years, also tried to identify the advantages and shortcomings of current safeguard of TMA. Existing evidence indicates that the legislative safeguarding of Chinese TMA has gradually evolved into a system for preservation. Modern devices are important to maintain the current form of the intangible cultural heritage. Inviting inheritors of the TMA to teach relevant skills and knowledge in university campuses may play an important role in the dynamic safeguard of inheritance. On the other hand, shortcomings are also noticed. For instance, younger generations are not fully aware of the importance of TMA, thus specific education is needed. The means of transmission of TMA is still insufficient in the current information era. ; El arte marcial tradicional es parte fundamental de la cultura popular china. Sin embargo, debido al impacto de la cultura moderna, la transmisión de varias artes marciales se ha visto amenazada. Así, desde finales del siglo XX el gobierno chino ha realizado importantes esfuerzos para proteger la cultura única de las artes marciales. Con el objeto de facilitar indicaciones prácticas para la protección del patrimonio cultural inmaterial, llevamos a cabo una revisión de literatura sobre las estrategias chinas relativas a la protección de las artes marciales tradicionales (AMT) en los últimos 30 años, y también tratamos de identificar las ventajas y carencias que tiene actualmente dicha protección. La evidencia existente indica que la protección legislativa de las AMT chinas se ha convertido gradualmente en un sistema de preservación. Los dispositivos modernos son importantes para mantener la forma actual de este patrimonio cultural inmaterial. Invitar a los herederos de las AMT a enseñar habilidades y conocimientos relevantes en los campus universitarios puede desempeñar un papel importante en la salvaguardia dinámica de esta herencia. Por otro lado, también hay carencias. Por ejemplo, las generaciones más jóvenes no son plenamente conscientes de la importancia de las AMT, por lo que sería necesaria una educación específica al respecto. Los medios de transmisión de las AMT son aún insuficientes en la actual era de la información. ; A arte marcial tradicional é uma prática essencial da cultura popular chinesa. No entanto, devido ao impacto da cultura moderna, a herança de várias artes marciais está ameaçada. Portanto, muitos esforços foram feitos pelo governo chinês para proteger essa cultura única no final do século XX. Para fornecer indicações práticas para a salvaguarda do património cultural imaterial, realizamos uma revisão da literatura sobre as estratégias chinesas relativas à salvaguarda das artes marciais tradicionais (AMT) nos últimos 30 anos, também procuramos identificar as vantagens e deficiências da atual salvaguarda das AMT. A evidência indica que a salvaguarda legislativa das AMT chinesas evoluiu gradualmente para um sistema de preservação. Dispositivos modernos são importantes para manter a forma atual do património cultural imaterial. Convidar os herdeiros das AMT para ensinar habilidades e conhecimentos relevantes nos campos universitários pode desempenhar um papel importante na salvaguarda dinâmica desta herança. Por outro lado, também são notadas deficiências. Por exemplo, as gerações mais jovens não estão totalmente cientes da importância das AMT, portanto, é necessária uma educação específica. Os meios de transmissão do AMT ainda são insuficientes na era da informação atual.
Experimental to study the effect of multiple weld-repairs on microstructure, hardness and residual stress for a stainless steel clad plate
In: Materials & Design, Band 51, S. 1052-1059
Enhancement of mechanical properties and failure mechanism of electron beam welded 300M ultrahigh strength steel joints
In: Materials & Design, Band 45, S. 56-66
Quenching microstructure and properties of 300M ultra-high strength steel electron beam welded joints
In: Materials & Design, Band 40, S. 386-391
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of wire-feed electron beam additive manufactured Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr alloy with different subtransus heat treatments
In: Materials and design, Band 195, S. 109063
ISSN: 1873-4197
A method for using unmanned aerial vehicles for emergency investigation of single geo-hazards and sample applications of this method
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 17, Heft 11, S. 1961-1979
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become widely used in emergency investigations of major natural hazards over large areas; however, UAVs are less commonly employed to investigate single geo-hazards. Based on a number of successful investigations in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China, a complete UAV-based method for performing emergency investigations of single geo-hazards is described. First, a customized UAV system that consists of a multi-rotor UAV subsystem, an aerial photography subsystem, a ground control subsystem and a ground surveillance subsystem is described in detail. The implementation process, which includes four steps, i.e., indoor preparation, site investigation, on-site fast processing and application, and indoor comprehensive processing and application, is then elaborated, and two investigation schemes, automatic and manual, that are used in the site investigation step are put forward. Moreover, some key techniques and methods – e.g., the layout and measurement of ground control points (GCPs), route planning, flight control and image collection, and the Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry processing – are explained. Finally, three applications are given. Experience has shown that using UAVs for emergency investigation of single geo-hazards greatly reduces the time, intensity and risks associated with on-site work and provides valuable, high-accuracy, high-resolution information that supports emergency responses.
Occurrence of antibiotics in the Xiaoqing River basin and antibiotic source contribution-a case study of Jinan city, China
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 20, S. 25241-25254
ISSN: 1614-7499
Creep damage and crack initiation in P92–BNi2 brazed joint
In: Materials & Design, Band 72, S. 63-71
Photocatalytic degradation of fluoranthene in soil suspension by TiO2/α-FeOOH with enhanced charge transfer capacity
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 31, Heft 13, S. 20621-20636
ISSN: 1614-7499
A Methodology to Determine the Target Reliability of Natural Gas Pipeline System Based on Unit Acceptable Risk Criteria
In: JPSE-D-23-00019
Efficiency and mechanism on photocatalytic degradation of fluoranthene in soil by Z-scheme g-C3N4/α-Fe2O3 photocatalyst under simulated sunlight
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 30, Heft 27, S. 70260-70276
ISSN: 1614-7499
Occurrence and ecological risk of pharmaceutical and personal care products in surface water of the Dongting Lake, China-during rainstorm period
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 26, Heft 28, S. 28796-28807
ISSN: 1614-7499