Gestufte, evidenzbasierte, integrierte Versorgung
In: Monitor Versorgungsforschung: Fachzeitschrift zu Realität, Qualität und Innovation der Gesundheitsversorgung, Volume 2023, Issue 4, p. 38-38
ISSN: 2509-8381
Germany, like many other countries, is affected by the high and steadily increasing health and economic burden of mental illness. In 2015, the reference year of the RECOVER study, mental illnesses in Germany caused annual societal costs of 146 billion euros, 4.8% of the gross domestic product, and the trend is rising. (1) Of these, 44.4 billion euros were direct health costs, including 24.9 billion euros in hospital costs. (2) According tothe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the insufficient establishment of evidence-based care models in Germany plays a role here, especially for people with severe mental illnesses. (3).