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In: Xiandai Faxue/Modern Law Science, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 146-153
17 Ergebnisse
In: Xiandai Faxue/Modern Law Science, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 146-153
Bed bugs were common pests worldwide before World War II. They were almost completely eradicated in many countries by good hygienic conditions and application of insecticides. These pests are currently reemerging in many developed countries. We conducted a literature review and an internet search using the key word, bed bugs, to evaluate the status of bed bug resurgence in China. The results showed that the occurrence of bed bugs dramatically increased from 4 reports in 2007 to 67 in 2012. Bed bug infestations were reported from 23 provinces of China, with the most severe infestations occurring in Guangdong Province. Bed bugs were reported to commonly invade dormitories, private homes, rented houses, and public transportation facilities. Based on internet reports, about half of the people bitten by bed bugs claimed to have developed clinical reactions, and approximately 5% required medical treatment. This study demonstrates that China also has undergone a bed bug resurgence, which should be addressed by the multidisciplinary actions involving both governments and the public.Los chinches de cama eran una plaga común por todo el mundo antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras ésta, la plaga fue prácticamente erradicada en muchos países debido a unas condiciones higiénicas adecuadas y a la aplicación de insecticidas. En la actualidad, estos insectos están resurgiendo en muchos países desarrollados. Para conocer la situación en China de esta plaga se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica y una búsqueda en Internet utilizando como palabra clave, "bed bugs". Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la presencia de chinches ha aumentado drásticamente, de 4 informes encontrados en el año 2007 a 67 en el 2012. Estas infestaciones de chinches de cama se registraron en 23 provincias de China, dándose la infestación más grave en la provincia de Guangdong. Los chinches de cama fueron mayoritariamente encontrados en dormitorios, casas particulares, casas de alquiler y en servicios de transporte público. Según los informes encontrados en Internet, alrededor de la mitad de las personas picadas por estos insectos afirmaron haber desarrollado reacciones clínicas y aproximadamente el 5% requirió de tratamiento médico. Este estudio demuestra que China también ha experimentado un resurgimiento de chinches de cama, que debería ser abordado mediante acciones multidisciplinares que involucren tanto a los gobiernos como al público.View this article in BioOne
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 27, Heft 32, S. 40749-40756
ISSN: 1614-7499
Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was first found in Taiwan province of China in 2003. To prevent transboundary expansion, the Chinese government has formulated various control strategies in the last 15 years to slow down the spread of S. invicta. Despite all efforts, S. invicta invasion has reached more than 390 counties of 13 provinces and two special administrative regions in China; at present, S. invicta remains at the stage of rapid expansion. The transnational entry of S. invicta is linked to imported logs and wastepaper coming mostly from the United States. In domestic settings, long-distance expansion of S. invicta relied on potted plant and turf transportation. Both monogyne and polygyne social forms of S. invicta were present in China with polygyne colonies as the dominant one. Data on population and breeding dynamics of S. invicta reveal the presence of two peaks annually with nuptial flights occurring throughout the year. Arthropods, plant seeds, and honeydew are important food sources of S. invicta, thereby causing negative impacts on the abundance, diversity, and richness of native arthropod communities. Fire ants are threats not only to agriculture and power facilities, but also to human health, with more than 30% of people having suffered from the sting and 10% having experienced an allergic reaction. To address the expansion of S. invicta, the National Fire Ant Detection and Management Union was established and the formulation and implementation of management policies were drawn. Plant quarantine becomes an essential step in fire ant management, whereas the two-step method of combing toxic baits and contact dust emerges as the forefront method crucial in managing S. invicta. The experience and lessons learned from fire ant management in China could benefit other countries when facing similar challenges.
In: Sociobiology: an international journal on social insects, Band 63, Heft 3, S. 889
As a severe invasive pest, red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) had important effects on ecosystem of its infected areas. Here, we surveyed impact of S. invicta on populations of two banana insect pests, banana skipper (Erion tatorus Evans) and banana stephanitis (Stephanitis typical Distant). The results showed that influences of S. invicta on population of E. tatorus and S. typical depend on weed coverage degree of banana plantations. Comparing to the areas without S. invicta, banana skipper population was reduced by 39.2%, 41.4% and 23.4% respectively, in high, moderate and low weed coverage of banana plantations with S. invicta invasion. Banana stephanitis population was reduced by 17.8%, 43.0% and 39.2% respectively, in high, moderate and low weed coverage of banana plantations with S. invicta invasion.
To evaluate the damage and epidemiologic features of immediate allergic reactions to Solenopsis invicta stings in mainland China, a literature survey, and an internet search were done to obtain data; which were statistically analyzed. This pest became established in mainland China in 2004. We found that the most important reason for the high frequency of stings of people by the red imported fire ant is the pest's wide and rapidly expanding distribution in 4 provinces of southern mainland China. More than 1/3 of people in ant-infested areas have suffered stings, and people of both sex and of all age groups are highly likely to be stung. All people who have been stung experience itchiness, and almost all experience flare and wheal, while nearly 10% experience fever, some experience dizziness, generalized urticaria or other systemic reactions including anaphylactic shock, which can cause death. Scratching of the itchy areas predisposes the sufferers to secondary infections. The data demonstrate that the allergic reactions to red imported fire ant stings are a serious public health problem, which should be addressed by government and the public. Resumen: Se realizó una encuesta de la literatura y una búsqueda en el Internet para obtener los datos para evaluar el daño y las características epidemiológicas de las reacciones alérgicas inmediatas a las picaduras de la hormiga, Solenopsis invicta, en el sur de China continental; estos datos se analizaron estadísticamente. Esta plaga se estableció en en el sur de China continental en el 2004. Se encontró que la razón más importante para la alta frecuencia de personas con picaduras de la hormiga roja de fuego importada es la amplia y rápida expansión de la distribución de esta plaga en 4 provincias del sur de China continental. Más de un tercio de todas las personas en áreas infestadas de hormigas han sufrido picaduras, y personas de ambos sexos y de todos los grupos de edad son muy propensos a ser picadas. Todas las personas que han sido picadas experimentaron una picazón, y casi todas presentaron una roncha, mientras que casi un 10% presentó fiebre, algunos pacientes pueden experimentar mareos, una urticaria u otras reacciones sistémicas, incluyendo el shock anafiláctico, que puede causar la muerte. El rascado de las áreas afectadas, predispone a los pacientes a infecciones secundarias. Los datos demuestran que las reacciones alérgicas a las picaduras de la importada hormiga roja de fuego es un problema serio a la salud pública, que debe ser atendido por los gobiernos y el público.View this article in BioOne
Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was first found in Taiwan province of China in 2003. To prevent transboundary expansion, the Chinese government has formulated various control strategies in the last 15 years to slow down the spread of S. invicta. Despite all efforts, S. invicta invasion has reached more than 390 counties of 13 provinces and two special administrative regions in China; at present, S. invicta remains at the stage of rapid expansion. The transnational entry of S. invicta is linked to imported logs and wastepaper coming mostly from the United States. In domestic settings, long-distance expansion of S. invicta relied on potted plant and turf transportation. Both monogyne and polygyne social forms of S. invicta were present in China with polygyne colonies as the dominant one. Data on population and breeding dynamics of S. invicta reveal the presence of two peaks annually with nuptial flights occurring throughout the year. Arthropods, plant seeds, and honeydew are important food sources of S. invicta, thereby causing negative impacts on the abundance, diversity, and richness of native arthropod communities. Fire ants are threats not only to agriculture and power facilities, but also to human health, with more than 30% of people having suffered from the sting and 10% having experienced an allergic reaction. To address the expansion of S. invicta, the National Fire Ant Detection and Management Union was established and the formulation and implementation of management policies were drawn. Plant quarantine becomes an essential step in fire ant management, whereas the two-step method of combing toxic baits and contact dust emerges as the forefront method crucial in managing S. invicta. The experience and lessons learned from fire ant management in China could benefit other countries when facing similar challenges.
In: Sociobiology: an international journal on social insects, Band 61, Heft 3
In: Sociobiology: an international journal on social insects, Band 59, Heft 4, S. 1197-1204
The relationship between Solenopsis invicta nest density and the number of fire ant workers in bait traps and percentages of traps capturing ants were investigated in the waste land of Wuchuan, Guangdong, South China. The results showed that fire ant nest density is positively correlated with the number of workers captured in traps, and could be described by N=60.53LnD +348.0D+421.1. The workers exceeded 200 and 300 in bait traps while the density of fire ant nests was over 0.023 and 0.084 ind./m2, respectively. The percentages of traps capturing ants were also positively correlated with fire ant nest density and fit by Pe=1/(1+e0.9694-309.85D). When the nest density was over 0.018 ind./m2, over 99% of traps captured fire ant workers. N=8.8796e0.0346Pe was the fitting line for worker amount and trap percentage. The workers per trap were about 50, 100, and 200 when the trap percentages were 50%, 70% and 90%, respectively.
In: Sociobiology: an international journal on social insects, Band 59, Heft 1, S. 275
We evaluated the effects of invasive red imported fire ants (RIFAs), Solenopsis invicta Buren, on native ant communities at three habitats in South China. By using paired control and treatment plots, the change in diversity and community structure of native ants due to the invasion of red imported fire ants could be observed. Ant species richness was reduced by 46 and 33% at RIFA-infested lawn and pasture habitats, respectively; however, the ant species richness in the lichee orchard was not affected by red imported fire ants. Our results indicated that red imported fire ants became one of several dominant species or the only dominant species in all three habitats in South China.
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 270, S. 115930
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 272, S. 115997
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 263, S. 115280
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 247, S. 114201
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 242, S. 113947
ISSN: 1090-2414