Tax Clienteles and Optimal Capital Structure Under Uncertainty
In: The journal of business, Band 63, Heft 4, S. 465
ISSN: 1537-5374
39 Ergebnisse
In: The journal of business, Band 63, Heft 4, S. 465
ISSN: 1537-5374
In: Forthcoming, The Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Working paper
This paper uses recent legislation in Austria to establish a link between sovereign reputation and yield spreads. In 2009, Hypo Alpe Adria International, a bank previously co-owned by the regional government of Carinthia, had been nationalized by Austria's central government in order to avoid a default triggering multi-billion Euro local government guarantees. In 2015, special legislation retroactively introduced collective action clauses allowing a haircut on both the bonds and the guarantees while avoiding formal default. We document that legislative and administrative action designed to partly abrogate the guarantees resulted in a loss of reputation, leading to higher yield spreads for sovereign debt. Our analysis of covered bonds uncovers an increase in yield spreads on the secondary market and a deterioration of primary market conditions.
In: CFS Working Paper, No. 545
Working paper
This paper uses recent legislation in Austria to establish a link between sovereign reputation and yield spreads. In 2009, Hypo Alpe Adria International, a bank previously co-owned by the regional government of Carinthia, had been nationalized by Austria's central government in order to avoid a default triggering multi-billion Euro local government guarantees. In 2015, special legislation retroactively introduced collective action clauses allowing a haircut on both the bonds and the guarantees while avoiding formal default. We document that legislative and administrative action designed to partly abrogate the guarantees resulted in a loss of reputation, leading to higher yield spreads for sovereign debt. Our analysis of covered bonds uncovers an increase in yield spreads on the secondary market and a deterioration of primary market conditions.
In: Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), Forthcoming
Working paper
In: Swedish House of Finance Research Paper No. 20-3
Working paper
In: Swedish House of Finance Research Paper No. 20-13
Working paper
In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Band 56 (7), S. 2389-2410
Working paper
In: Center for Financial Studies Working Paper No. 673, 2021