54 Ergebnisse
Achievements of the European Union countries in seeking a sustainable electricity sector
The electricity production sector has a significant share of final energy consumption and has a huge potential to use more renewable energy sources. Over the last two decades, the European Union (EU) reform of electricity markets has had positive results, and market liberalization acts as a stimulus for energy efficiency, lower prices, and technological progress. Today's EU policy for the development of electricity and the entire energy sector seeks to provide system modernization, stability, reinforcement of the single market, and implementation of climate change policy with an emphasis on the decarbonization of energy sources and the increase of energy efficiency. After all of the EU efforts to form an electricity sector in member states, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the policy implemented and to identify the results achieved in shaping a sustainable electricity sector. The purpose of this article is to carry out a sustainability assessment of the electricity sector in the EU countries. A set of eight indicators designed to assess the sustainability of the electricity sector of different EU countries in 2017 has been drawn up. The assessment is made using the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) Technique for Order Preference (TOPSIS). The assessment shows that the electricity market of Slovenia is the most sustainable, with Luxembourg in the second position in the EU.
Achievements of the European Union countries in seeking a sustainable electricity sector
The electricity production sector has a significant share of final energy consumption and has a huge potential to use more renewable energy sources. Over the last two decades, the European Union (EU) reform of electricity markets has had positive results, and market liberalization acts as a stimulus for energy efficiency, lower prices, and technological progress. Today's EU policy for the development of electricity and the entire energy sector seeks to provide system modernization, stability, reinforcement of the single market, and implementation of climate change policy with an emphasis on the decarbonization of energy sources and the increase of energy efficiency. After all of the EU efforts to form an electricity sector in member states, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the policy implemented and to identify the results achieved in shaping a sustainable electricity sector. The purpose of this article is to carry out a sustainability assessment of the electricity sector in the EU countries. A set of eight indicators designed to assess the sustainability of the electricity sector of different EU countries in 2017 has been drawn up. The assessment is made using the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) Technique for Order Preference (TOPSIS). The assessment shows that the electricity market of Slovenia is the most sustainable, with Luxembourg in the second position in the EU.
Achievements of the European Union countries in seeking a sustainable electricity sector
The electricity production sector has a significant share of final energy consumption and has a huge potential to use more renewable energy sources. Over the last two decades, the European Union (EU) reform of electricity markets has had positive results, and market liberalization acts as a stimulus for energy efficiency, lower prices, and technological progress. Today's EU policy for the development of electricity and the entire energy sector seeks to provide system modernization, stability, reinforcement of the single market, and implementation of climate change policy with an emphasis on the decarbonization of energy sources and the increase of energy efficiency. After all of the EU efforts to form an electricity sector in member states, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the policy implemented and to identify the results achieved in shaping a sustainable electricity sector. The purpose of this article is to carry out a sustainability assessment of the electricity sector in the EU countries. A set of eight indicators designed to assess the sustainability of the electricity sector of different EU countries in 2017 has been drawn up. The assessment is made using the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) Technique for Order Preference (TOPSIS). The assessment shows that the electricity market of Slovenia is the most sustainable, with Luxembourg in the second position in the EU.
Achievements of the European Union countries in seeking a sustainable electricity sector
The electricity production sector has a significant share of final energy consumption and has a huge potential to use more renewable energy sources. Over the last two decades, the European Union (EU) reform of electricity markets has had positive results, and market liberalization acts as a stimulus for energy efficiency, lower prices, and technological progress. Today's EU policy for the development of electricity and the entire energy sector seeks to provide system modernization, stability, reinforcement of the single market, and implementation of climate change policy with an emphasis on the decarbonization of energy sources and the increase of energy efficiency. After all of the EU efforts to form an electricity sector in member states, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the policy implemented and to identify the results achieved in shaping a sustainable electricity sector. The purpose of this article is to carry out a sustainability assessment of the electricity sector in the EU countries. A set of eight indicators designed to assess the sustainability of the electricity sector of different EU countries in 2017 has been drawn up. The assessment is made using the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) Technique for Order Preference (TOPSIS). The assessment shows that the electricity market of Slovenia is the most sustainable, with Luxembourg in the second position in the EU.
Creative ecology in academic environment
In: Filosofija, sociologija, Band 26, Heft 3
The paper deals with the issue of creative ecology in academic environment. The theses have been developed as follows. 1. Certain environmental disorder is a way towards better order, the agents of which are the individuals. 2. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Seneca have influenced certain academic environment developed for ages. 3. We can speak about the niches of academic ecology since science should be developed in respect of life to be created and vice versa an important factor of life is scientific truth to be reached even if it is a utopian one. 4. Human fears and aspirations could be treated as the engines of science that is oriented beyond them. 5. The creative niches change the cultural environment that is as much sustainable as changeable. 6. Creativity in education means rich enough environment for mutual communication between the students and the teachers who learn from each other. 7. The result of scientific specialization is not only the loss of the united academic body at a university but also the stratification of academic society in general. 8. The creative activity is possible not thanks to the specialization of the sciences but despite it. 9. We can speak neither about academic ecology nor about academic virtues without having any continuum of the academic relief.
Politics 3: The Fight of University under Conditions of Democracy ; Politika 3: Universiteto kova demokratijos sąlygomis
The article deals with pluralistic society whose analysis is based on the case of the university as a democratic institute. The authors substantiate three theses. The major one states that the biggest advantage of democracy (freedom of thought) leads to the fight and involves its biggest disadvantage – violence. According to the minor (second) thesis, university as part of democratic society embraces not only the freedom of thought, but also fight. The third thesis says that democracy is constituted "from below". This insight is used as a point of departure to substantiate the first two theses. ; Remiantis universiteto kaip demokratinio instituto pavyzdžiu, nagrinėjama pliuralistinė visuomenė. Autoriai teigia, kad universitetas – minties kovos židinys, kuriame formuojasi ne tik akademinė bendrija, bet ir visuomenė apskritai. Universiteto ir visuomenės kaip dalies ir visumos dialektinėje sąveikoje ugdomos demokratinės vertybės ir siekiai. Demokratinė visuomenė, pasak autorių, turi vis atsinaujinti, o tai įmanoma minties kovos aplinkoje, kurioje nuolat falsifikuojama valdžia. Autoriai iškelia tris tezes. Didžioji tezė: demokratijos didžiausias pranašumas – minties laisvė – veda į kovą ir suponuoja didžiausią jos trūkumą – prievartą. Mažoji tezė: universitetas kaip demokratinės visuomenės dalis suponuoja ne tik minties laisvę, bet ir kovą. Autorių kelias – "iš apačios", t. y. pirmiausia siekiama pagrįsti mažąją tezę, vėliau ja remiantis – didžiąją. Trečioji tezė: demokratija kuriama kovos būdu "iš apačios". Trečioji tezė traktuojama tiek kaip mažoji (universitete vyksta minties kova, kuri lemiama kuriant demokratiją), tiek kaip didžioji (demokratinė visuomenė plėtojasi vykstant kovai jos institutuose).
Politika 3: Universiteto kova demokratijos sąlygomis
In: Problemos: filosofijos leidinys, S. 83-91
ISSN: 2424-6158
Remiantis universiteto kaip demokratinio instituto pavyzdžiu, nagrinėjama pliuralistinė visuomenė. Autoriai teigia, kad universitetas – minties kovos židinys, kuriame formuojasi ne tik akademinė bendrija, bet ir visuomenė apskritai. Universiteto ir visuomenės kaip dalies ir visumos dialektinėje sąveikoje ugdomos demokratinės vertybės ir siekiai. Demokratinė visuomenė, pasak autorių, turi vis atsinaujinti, o tai įmanoma minties kovos aplinkoje, kurioje nuolat falsifikuojama valdžia. Autoriai iškelia tris tezes. Didžioji tezė: demokratijos didžiausias pranašumas – minties laisvė – veda į kovą ir suponuoja didžiausią jos trūkumą – prievartą. Mažoji tezė: universitetas kaip demokratinės visuomenės dalis suponuoja ne tik minties laisvę, bet ir kovą. Autorių kelias – "iš apačios", t. y. pirmiausia siekiama pagrįsti mažąją tezę, vėliau ja remiantis – didžiąją. Trečioji tezė: demokratija kuriama kovos būdu "iš apačios". Trečioji tezė traktuojama tiek kaip mažoji (universitete vyksta minties kova, kuri lemiama kuriant demokratiją), tiek kaip didžioji (demokratinė visuomenė plėtojasi vykstant kovai jos institutuose).
Civil Engineering Decision Support Systems in Lithuania
Civil engineering decision support systems (construction, building life cycle, refurbishment, total quality management, innovation, etc.) created in Lithuania are described in this paper. The above decision support systems comprise of the following constituent parts: data (database and its management system), models (model base and its management system) and a user interface. Presentation of information in databases may be in conceptual (digital, textual, graphical, photographic, video) and quantitative forms. Quantitative information presented involves criteria systems and subsystems, units of measurement, values and initial weight fully defining the variants provided. The databases were developed providing a multiple criteria analysis of alternatives from economical, infrastructure, technical, technological, qualitative, legislative, social and other perspectives. This information is provided in a user-oriented way. Since the analysis of alternatives is usually performed by taking into account economical, infrastructure, technical, technological, qualitative and other factors, a model-base include models which enable a decision maker to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the variants available and make a proper choice. These systems, related questions and practical case study were analysed the paper.
Civil Engineering Decision Support Systems in Lithuania
Civil engineering decision support systems (construction, building life cycle, refurbishment, total quality management, innovation, etc.) created in Lithuania are described in this paper. The above decision support systems comprise of the following constituent parts: data (database and its management system), models (model base and its management system) and a user interface. Presentation of information in databases may be in conceptual (digital, textual, graphical, photographic, video) and quantitative forms. Quantitative information presented involves criteria systems and subsystems, units of measurement, values and initial weight fully defining the variants provided. The databases were developed providing a multiple criteria analysis of alternatives from economical, infrastructure, technical, technological, qualitative, legislative, social and other perspectives. This information is provided in a user-oriented way. Since the analysis of alternatives is usually performed by taking into account economical, infrastructure, technical, technological, qualitative and other factors, a model-base include models which enable a decision maker to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the variants available and make a proper choice. These systems, related questions and practical case study were analysed the paper.
State of art surveys of overviews on MCDM/MADM methods
Decision-making is primarily a process that involves different actors: people, groups of people, institutions and the state. As a discipline, multi-criteria decision-making has a relatively short history. Since 1950s and 1960s, when foundations of modern multi-criteria decision-making methods have been laid, many researches devoted their time to development of new multi-criteria decision-making models and techniques. In the past decades, researches and development in the field have accelerated and seem to continue growing exponentially. Despite the intensive development worldwide, few attempts have been made to systematically present the theoretical bases and developments of multi-criteria decision-making methods. However, the methodological choices and framework for assessment of decisions are still under discussion. The article describes the situation with reviews of MCDM/MADM methods. Furthermore, there is a need for research to study the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making methods.
State of art surveys of overviews on MCDM/MADM methods
Decision-making is primarily a process that involves different actors: people, groups of people, institutions and the state. As a discipline, multi-criteria decision-making has a relatively short history. Since 1950s and 1960s, when foundations of modern multi-criteria decision-making methods have been laid, many researches devoted their time to development of new multi-criteria decision-making models and techniques. In the past decades, researches and development in the field have accelerated and seem to continue growing exponentially. Despite the intensive development worldwide, few attempts have been made to systematically present the theoretical bases and developments of multi-criteria decision-making methods. However, the methodological choices and framework for assessment of decisions are still under discussion. The article describes the situation with reviews of MCDM/MADM methods. Furthermore, there is a need for research to study the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making methods.
COPRAS based comparative analysis of the european country management capabilities within the construction sector in the time of crisis / Europos valstybių gebėjimo valdyti statybos sektorių krizės laikotarpiu palyginamoji analizė taikant COPRAS metodą
Construction industry and its impact on the national economy in different countries had been investigated. In general, it can be noted that development trends of the construction industry is almost the same as the development trends of the whole country economy itself. Efficiency level of the construction and real estate industries depends on the specific quantities of the variables within micro, meso and macro context. Although factors of the macro level influence the efficiency level of the whole economy this investigation analyses its influence on the efficiency of the construction industry. Efficiency of the construction industry operation depends on the complex impact of the macro level variable factors such as economic, political and cultural level of development, construction industry are effected by the regulating documents, market, taxation system, drawing possibilities and conditions, inflation, local resources etc. (Kaklauskaset al.2011). Construction industry development possibilities vary according to the effect of macro level factors. Crisis, spin up in 2008–2009, had differently affected the construction industry markets of the European Union countries. The general part of countries had faced the decrease of outputs, real estate transactions, and predictable reduction in employment of population and quantity of construction companies. Adverse conditions and huge deviations that had arisen due to the crisis encourage analysing the situation of the construction sector not only in the particular country but in other ones, it happens because of possibility to analyse the international experience and get the broader view of the construction sector issues and solve them correctly. Procedure, presented in the issue, provide the possibility to detect the one of 23 European countries which possesses the most effective construction sector market development according to the criteria set. Countries undergo the multi-criteria evaluation applying COPRAS methods (Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996), evaluation criteria relevance is determined via entropy method. The first time using the entropy concept (Shannon and Weaver 1947; Shannon 1948) for maximizing the quantity of information contained in the dataset. The entropy is described as the casual value of the uncertainty which makes it more valuable in comparison with other factors. Thus, the main goal of the work is to group investigated European countries applying the COPRAS method and evaluating six criteria, describing the construction sector. In order to implement this goal, economy of the European Union countries, construction sectors, statistical economic data, valuables set according to the entropy method and priority of the European country construction sectors set by COPRAS method will be evaluated. Santrauka Ivairiose šalyse buvo atlikti statybos šakos ir jos vaidmens nacionalineje ekonomikoje tyrimai. Pažymetina, kad dažniausiai konkrečios šalies statybos šaka vystosi pagal panašias tendencijas, kaip ir visa šalies ekonomika. Statybos ir nekilnojamojo turto šakos efektyvumo lygis priklauso nuo tam tikro skaičiaus kintamujų mikro-, mezo- ir makro- lygmenimis. Nors makrolygmens veiksniai veikia visos šalies pramonės efektyvumo lygį, šiame tyrime analizuojamas tik poveikis statybos šakos efektyvumui. Statybos šakos veiklos efektyvumas priklauso nuo ją kompleksiškai veikiančių makrolygmens kintamujų veiksnių, tokių kaip šalies ekonominis, politinis ir kultūrinis išsivystymo lygis, statybos šakos veiklą reglamentuojantys dokumentai, rinka, mokesčių sistema, kreditų gavimo galimybes ir sąlygos, infliacija, vietiniai ištekliai ir t. t. (Kaklauskaset al.2011). Priklausomai nuo šių makrolygmens veiksnių poveikio visumos kinta statybos šakos plėtros galimybės. Įsisiūbavusi ekonomine krizė 2008–2009 m. skirtingai palietė Europos Sajungos šalių statybos sektorių rinkas. Daugelyje valstybiu sumažėjo gamybos apimtys, nekilnojamojo turto sandorių skaičius, pastebimai sumažejo gyventoju užimtumas bei statybos imoniu skaičius. Nepalankios sąlygos krizes metu bei didelės permainos skatina analizuoti situaciją statybos sektoriuje ne tik savo šalyje, bet ir kitose, nes tarptautinio patyrimo analizė suteikia galimybę plačiau pažvelgti į statybos sektoriaus problemas bei rasti jų sprendimo būdus. Straipsnyje pateikta metodika leidžia nustatyti efektyviausiai statybos sektoriaus rinką pagal parinktus kriterijus, vystančią šalį tarp 23 Europos valstybių. šalys vertinamos daugiakriteriniu COPRAS metodu (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 1996), o vertinimo kriterijų reikšmingumai nustatomi entropijos metodu. Entropijos sąvoka apibrežiama kaip atsitiktinio dydžio neapibrežtumo matas, suteikiantis jam svorio palyginti prieš kitus rodiklius. Taigi pagrindinis darbo tikslas – COPRAS metodu sugrupuoti tiriamas Europos valstybes pagal prioritetiškumą, ivertinus šešis statybos sektorių apibūdinančius kriterijus. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti analizuojama šalių ekonomika ir statybos sektoriai, renkami Europos Sąjungos šalių statistiniai ekonominiai duomenys, nustatomi jų reikšmingumai, pritaikius entropijos metodą, bei Europos šaliu statybos sektoriu prioritetiškumas taikant COPRAS metodą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ekonomika,statybos sektorius,kriterijai,entropijos metodas,COPRAS metodas,Europa
COPRAS based comparative analysis of the European country management capabilities within the construction sector in the time of crisis
Construction industry and its impact on the national economy in different countries had been investigated. In general, it can be noted that development trends of the construction industry is almost the same as the development trends of the whole country economy itself.Efficiency level of the construction and real estate industries depends on the specific quantities of the variables within micro, meso and macro context. Although factors of the macro level influence the efficiency level of the whole economy this investigation analyses its influence on the efficiency of the construction industry. Efficiency of the construction industry operation depends on the complex impact of the macro level variable factors such as economic, political and cultural level of development, construction industry are effected by the regulating documents, market, taxation system, drawing possibilities and conditions, inflation, local resources etc. (Kaklauskaset al. 2011). Construction industry development possibilities vary according to the effect of macro level factors.Crisis, spin up in 2008–2009, had differently affected the construction industry markets of the European Union countries. The general part of countries had faced the decrease of outputs, real estate transactions, and predictable reduction in employment of population and quantity of construction companies. Adverse conditions and huge deviations that had arisen due to the crisis encourage analysing the situation of the construction sector not only in the particular country but in other ones, it happens because of possibility to analyse the international experience and get the broader view of the construction sector issues and solve them correctly.Procedure, presented in the issue, provide the possibility to detect the one of 23 European countries which possesses the most effective construction sector market development according to the criteria set. Countries undergo the multi-criteria evaluation applying COPRAS methods (Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996), evaluation criteria relevance is determined via entropy method. The first time using the entropy concept (Shannon and Weaver 1947; Shannon 1948) for maximizing the quantity of information contained in the dataset. The entropy is described as the casual value of the uncertainty which makes it more valuable in comparison with other factors.Thus, the main goal of the work is to group investigated European countries applying the COPRAS method and evaluating six criteria, describing the construction sector.In order to implement this goal, economy of the European Union countries, construction sectors, statistical economic data, valuables set according to the entropy method and priority of the European country construction sectors set by COPRAS method will be evaluated. Article in English. Europos valstybių gebėjimo valdyti statybos sektorių krizės laikotarpiu palyginamoji analizė taikant COPRAS metodą Santrauka.Ivairiose šalyse buvo atlikti statybos šakos ir jos vaidmens nacionalineje ekonomikoje tyrimai. Pažymetina, kad dažniausiai konkrečios šalies statybos šaka vystosi pagal panašias tendencijas, kaip ir visa šalies ekonomika.Statybos ir nekilnojamojo turto šakos efektyvumo lygis priklauso nuo tam tikro skaičiaus kintamujų mikro-, mezo- ir makro- lygmenimis. Nors makrolygmens veiksniai veikia visos šalies pramonės efektyvumo lygį, šiame tyrime analizuojamas tik poveikis statybos šakos efektyvumui. Statybos šakos veiklos efektyvumas priklauso nuo ją kompleksiškai veikiančių makrolygmens kintamujų veiksnių, tokių kaip šalies ekonominis, politinis ir kultūrinis išsivystymo lygis, statybos šakos veiklą reglamentuojantys dokumentai, rinka, mokesčių sistema, kreditų gavimo galimybes ir sąlygos, infliacija, vietiniai ištekliai ir t. t. (Kaklauskaset al. 2011). Priklausomai nuo šių makrolygmens veiksnių poveikio visumos kinta statybos šakos plėtros galimybės.Įsisiūbavusi ekonomine krizė 2008–2009 m. skirtingai palietė Europos Sajungos šalių statybos sektorių rinkas. Daugelyje valstybiu sumažėjo gamybos apimtys, nekilnojamojo turto sandorių skaičius, pastebimai sumažejo gyventoju užimtumas bei statybos imoniu skaičius. Nepalankios sąlygos krizes metu bei didelės permainos skatina analizuoti situaciją statybos sektoriuje ne tik savo šalyje, bet ir kitose, nes tarptautinio patyrimo analizė suteikia galimybę plačiau pažvelgti į statybos sektoriaus problemas bei rasti jų sprendimo būdus.Straipsnyje pateikta metodika leidžia nustatyti efektyviausiai statybos sektoriaus rinką pagal parinktus kriterijus, vystančią šalį tarp 23 Europos valstybių. šalys vertinamos daugiakriteriniu COPRAS metodu (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 1996), o vertinimo kriterijų reikšmingumai nustatomi entropijos metodu. Entropijos sąvoka apibrežiama kaip atsitiktinio dydžio neapibrežtumo matas, suteikiantis jam svorio palyginti prieš kitus rodiklius.Taigi pagrindinis darbo tikslas – COPRAS metodu sugrupuoti tiriamas Europos valstybes pagal prioritetiškumą, ivertinus šešis statybos sektorių apibūdinančius kriterijus.Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti analizuojama šalių ekonomika ir statybos sektoriai, renkami Europos Sąjungos šalių statistiniai ekonominiai duomenys, nustatomi jų reikšmingumai, pritaikius entropijos metodą, bei Europos šaliu statybos sektoriu prioritetiškumas taikant COPRAS metodą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ekonomika,statybos sektorius,kriterijai,entropijos metodas,COPRAS metodas,Europa.
Robustness in Economic Development Studies: The Case of Tanzania
In: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; New State of MCDM in the 21st Century, S. 199-213