Study of Microhardness and Plasticity Parameter of Lead in External Magnetic Fields with Induction up to 0.5 T
In: Izvestiya of Altai State University, Heft 4(132), S. 52-58
ISSN: 1561-9451
Microhardness tests of samples of technically pure lead are carried out without and with exposure to external magnetic fields with inductions of 0.3 T, 0.4 T, and 0.5 T. The dependences of the C2-grade lead surface microhardnesses on the exposure times in a magnetic field are obtained, thus reflecting the influence of the magnetic field on the plastic characteristics of lead. The exposure time at which the maximum effect on microhardness occurs is revealed. Additional microhardness tests are carried out for cases with magnetic fields with inductions of up to 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 T and exposure times of 0.25, 0.5, and 1 hour. Following the obtained microhardness data, the plasticity parameters of lead samples in their initial state and after exposure are calculated. The dependences of the plasticity parameters on the exposure times are shown. The behavior of the plasticity parameter of lead samples during their exposure to external magnetic field with induction up to 0.5 T is revealed. The percent changes in the values of microhardness depending on the magnetic field induction are shown.